Now that it's over, can we agree it was fucking horrible?
Now that it's over, can we agree it was fucking horrible?
Too many old crapy games, they need more first person horror
>There are three Silent hills
>Normal town, fogtown and chaintown
>They are alternate dimensions, the otherworld, existing at the same time
I thought it was ok
wouldn't mind a full Carrier LP, that game was goofy
You're alright. Also Downpour is the worst western SH by far.
How is Downpour worse than Homecoming?
Terrible enemy and environment design, inferior soundtrack and somehow even worse gameplay.
It was meh. I wish they did that thing where they chose their favorite or the viewer's favorite and continued it on to a full LP
It was fine.
But Pat sucks at video games and he's really irritating when he's playing something action oriented, "Die bitch, die die motherfucker yeah yeah bitch".
I enjoyed the intro plague had made, other than that it was pretty lackluster
Anatomy playthrough > Everything else. Agreed?
They're starting Silent Hill 3 today.
Shitstorm has been pretty terrible for a while now.
They have a couple decent videos each year but overall they've generally been pretty awful.
Year 1 and 3 had probably the highest number of decent videos overall.
Which one was that?
The Caligari one was the best. Though I doubt neither they or their main audience have ever heard of it.
The last one with random nasal voiced bitch was the worst, way to fucking long for an intro
I liked Into the Woods.
I hope the full game isn't a stupid bait-and-switch thing like The Park
Plague's intro was the one with father woolie and ghost liam as the older brother
>Matt's awful blocked nose voice acting
>Matt starts mimicking a repetitive sound from the game and he keeps doing it for too long
They get more annoying in every single video.
They had like 5 videos where the audio was fucked, they expect people to tolerate that bullshit?
It more or less has become a staple for their channel. Not a good one, but it is one
I cant wait for 15 hours of "cult sucks lmao" and penis jokes
Wasn't it SH3?
Stop discussing your shitty letsplayers.
I was surprised when I saw Pat playing Outbreak, I was immediately annoyed seeing him fucking shit up. The worst part was when got cornered by a single zombie and he fucking panicked and mashed both start which bring up the inventory screen which doesn't stop gameplay and the fucking select button which actually pauses the game. I also remember on a few occasions, Pat and Mat would mention Outbreak outta the blue and say something negative about, so seeing them doing Outbreak was weird. Pat is a bitch for picking easy, I think he's becoming a casual.
I feel like it's mostly the format that is bad.
It takes them 10-20 minutes to get into the game, understand and fix the controls, remember to put subtitles on, and by the time they solve the first 'puzzle' or whatever it is they manage to get stuck on the episode is already over.
Having longer pisodes, or splitting a game up in two episodes might help with this imo.
It was awesome.
The youtuber logic applies here which is "if I think the game sucks it's acceptable that I suck at the game as well"
Or you know, editing
Oney plays spoiled me super hard
From what I learned here, is that they would rather play shitty horror walking sims than actual horror games. That RE was super bad, so is the SH4. I wouldn't even trust them with Fatal Frame 1-2 or Siren 1-2, they would make it look like dogshit. Also their youtube are extremely cancerous
>15 hours
More like 25. Remember, they're stupid AND Canadian.
Woah, let's not get crazy here
First intro was by far the best while the fucking last one was atrocious
These are our TGWTG threads now. It's just bitching, not eceleb worship.
I did like that the first one was quick to the point, but hearing father woolie speak about the sins of premarital sex is golden
First intro=plauge intro>>>>>>>the rest of them for this years shitstorm
Never liked that guys art.
Blame the fan base for that one, they let them decide between a new game every day or fewer games but longer play times
Yep if they played for 2 hours then cut it down to 20 minutes they could have some solid shit for the more story driven games that take longer to get going. The indie walking sim shit i would be fine if they were kept a 15 minute videos.
I honestly thought the third shitstorm was the best of both worlds, and also prolongs the inevitability of them running out of fucking games to play.
>it's a Matt talks about what comic he scraped from the bottom of the shit barrel this week while saying that it's really good podcast
Why isn't Matt a brony yet, he's the exact type.
>making Sup Forums threads about dead channels
I haven't watched a single LP of theirs since Bloodborne
They always play on easy so they get as much gameplay in as possible.
No reason to seek challenge for that 1 hour you'll test the game then never play it again
Burn it all down
Because he's a sub-species of furry that is obsessed with raccoons and pandas
They have no soul now.
to be fair, they moan about the shittier games they have to play. i'm not surprised they cut them short when they seem to be such a chore to play through.
Silent Hill 4: The Room is one of the most underrated games of all time.
Underrated. As. Fuck.
Can't believe I posted in a YouTube fag thread.
Thought this was a SH thread.
You can all fuck off and die. Watching YouTube "personalities" is fucking retarded. You should all feel ashamed.
Anatomy was cool but the rest were pretty bad. Even SH4 and Outbreak were eh.
Make it like Shitstorm 3 next time where one really cool interesting game gets more than a one-off (maybe 3-5 episodes instead of 7) and if people complain again....fuck'em.
I don't fucking get his whole baby thing. Is it a joke? it is not an intentional choice? is it the tip of his fetish iceberg? is that why he forced the big breast meme about himself, because he wants to be nursed?
Oh wait not just Anatomy...that Viking horror game Through The Woods was pretty cool.
Everybody's just bitching about them. You're right about SH4 though, insanely underrated. The only problem is repeating levels.
You are a huge faggot my man. Kill yourself.
The kid killed himself because of neglect. The entire game is the mother's journey to accept it and move on.
Homecoming is garbage but the monsters look good.
I actually enjoyed this shitstorm more than I have enjoyed it since that week of Call of Cthulhu.
This time they had wider range of games to play and actually some good games like Alan Wake and Sweet home. Then there was also shit games to laugh at and some cute little indie horrors to mess with.
I really dont mind Pat sucking at controls anymore, I accepted years ago that he is absolutely horrible at games and in his opinions.
Agreed but I do like the third intro just for going with a silent film theme
Why is every horror game trying to be "dude silent hill 2 lmao"?
You're talking about Cranky Construct's """""""""""""""""""animation"""""""""""""""""""""" right?
He's like a weird irrelevant guy that they just let be around them because they're being nice guys.
It was really hit or miss. Anatomy, Wick, and Dead End Road were probably my favorites
I REALLY liked the bonus videos of random shit though. Party Hard, Van Helsing, Hello Neighbor, all really great.
I figured it was another dead kid, crazy mom game. Goddammit.
>They only knew Sweet Home as the Resident Evil game and not the movie which launched Kiyoshi Kurosawa's horror career
Plebs, when will they learn?
Matt did mention the movie origins atleast. Didnt drop Kurosawa's name I think but atleast he knew about it.
Eeeeh, it was ok. Nothing really stood out to me. I'd honestly rather they double down on the cheap jumpscare indie games. The Woods one where they mocked the Swedish accents was pretty funny though.
I hope the channel picks up soon. I've followed them since 2012 and I feel the last few months have been pretty stagnant. I'm waiting for them to break the glass one one of their emergency viewer games.
that viking game was cool wouldnt mind a full lp of that
Are we talking about Shitstorms or Silent Hill? I think I agree either way.
That would require a little bit of effort. Too much of a hassle for them
It's Mothman's. Both him and Cranky are by far the worst animators the Zaibatsu ever had. Coincidentally, they both are annoying ass kissers.
That guy gives the rest of us a bad name
Pat is the Brony.
I stopped watching it a week in. Anything worthwhile?
Probably from the Wikipedia article. They only watch superhero movies and trash.
Pat is way too snobby for somebody who thinks Ghostbusters 2016 is fine.
Oh I totally agree that their tastes are shit. I do believe that Matt watches a fuckton of movie. He wants to be James Rolfe and all that.
Nightcry, Anatomy, Through the Woods
Can't wait for Pat and Woolie to LP Persona 5.
-No Akira's soundtracks. You can hear it, you can FEEL it.
-The MC's inner monologue = fucking annoying.
-Indicators, flashing items and tips everywhere! Try to play without them, and you gonna be all lost for a while at least, as the game was DESIGNED with them to be ON.
-The chase scenes were annoying. Especially the last one. And I fucking liked SM for crying out loud.
-Bad and limited enemy design.
-A handful of characters that just... are. I guess they tried to personify the Town or something, but come on.
-The environments? Boring & full of copypaste.
-The side missions? POINTLESS in the end, as you get ripped off all your gear, and they don't even effect the ending!
-BAD combat. Yeah I know, and I always ran past 90% of enemies in originals as well, but holy shit this is WORSE than in SH1-4 if you ask me.
-UT3 engine bugs and annoyances (texture & area streaming, usually lagging badly behind, the Subway doors getting locked, random bug of being unable to pick up items ...)
-QTE -like scenes.
Last the story... there technically isn't one! It's not deep or cryptic at all, it's just CONFUSING - most probably because before the very end, the game doesn't know how the story even goes, when your choices are evaluated. In this sense the game actually contradicts ITSELF earlier on, as there's no alternative cutscenes or discussion choices.
tl;dr: It's THE absolute worst home-console SH game, ever.
You imply that Liam wont push himself in there too.
The only good episodes were the first one and the Resident Evil one.
The vast majority of it was really bad and I like every shitstorm bar this one and the one where they played 4 games.
I really wish 90% of the videos weren't shitty meme "look how fucking shit this game is" games, that is the main reason this years sucked fucking ass.
You can't just fucking play bad games and expect them to make good videos because of how shit the game is. If you want to do bad games you have to find bad games that are bad in a good way. It sounds like it doesn't make sense but it does.
>Matt joins because he's DA BAWSMAN
>Makes a "Why I Like Persona/SMT" video to justify it when people complain
>Video is just a picture of Minotaur and Matt saying LOOK HOW COOL THAT SHIT IS
Last shitstorm was literally better. This shitstorm was almosy complete shit.
Obviosuly official shitstorm rankings. 1 > 2 > 4 > 5 > 3
Homecoming has way better enemy design, way better gameplay, doesn't bug out and turn into nearly unplayable kusoge half the time, way better soundtrack, better story, and has the best boss battles in the series.
People shit on it because it's too much like the movie, references Silent Hill 2 too much, and has too much action, but it's a fine game. Downpour is just outright bad.
They played several good games too though.
Yeah but those videos sucked for other reasons usually.
It was awful mate. I could not finish it because of how bad it was.
I can see why you would think that, but Matt wouldnt actually do that in this case. Persona and SMT just are too japanese and ewww creepy waifu things so that a totally mature married man cannot enjoy them.
Not for me, even good games are made to look bad when this shmucks take the control
5 was better than 4 for Anatomy alone.
the Blood video was fucking painful
why is Pat such a pc gaming casual, holy shit, he should know how to play a build game normally without needing a sourceport (even though there is a rough one called BloodCM, which actually works quite well)
Fuck Liam, he's the worst. By far.
Blood has an incredibly masochistic difficulty level, especially on the first 3 levels. Even on the lower difficulties the game is still ridiculously tough.
Blood is the worst of the big Build games, Shadow Warrior and Douk are way better, nobody wants to constantly run out of ammo in a 90's run n gun, Blood is shit
>Pat is way too snobby for somebody who thinks Ghostbusters 2016 is fine.
Ghostbuster 2016 is fucking awful. He should be snooby at anyone that enjoys that cash in trash. I shit on anyone my age that legitimately likes it.
What do you have agaynst Liam, eh?
>So I watched a movie with the missus...
>I watched Lucha Underground...
>I read a comic...
>I didn't play anything this week, guys...
>So I took the missus to...
>2 hour long boxart critique
He is a numale faggot.