Sleep tight, pupper

Sleep tight, pupper.

That's a big 'ol pupper

what the fuck is a pupper?

a lil' doggo

what the fuck is a doggo?

>that weapon
is that the fucking armor set of the giant golems in the forest? fucking retard pleb nigger also i bet you killed sif before doing the DLC and thus getting sif to realize you're the one who saved him
>using magic
absolute disgusting just uninstall

a bigger pupper

A big pupperr

A pupper

a big ol' pupper

That's a miracle you heretic.

its the same thing nig miracles and sorcery are MAGICKA

badly memed it's meant to be a big ol' pupper
you did a good job

I bet you use hexes, faggot.

That's a meme? Fucking leddit

You're a meme

post doggos and puppers

no i dont use any magic you turbo kike greatswords only



Excuse me sir, thats clearly a woofer

2 bosses


It's literally a reddit meme that spread to tumblr, and then to here.


it's Halloween try to enjoy yourself for once instead of being a angry little nigger

I throw dungpies at him


lol look at that doggo


This earnestness is refreshing, honestly.


Don't really like dogs. Post cats.


Get the hell out of the pupper thread then, son.

>now i am become death, destroyer of worlds



And they say cats are assholes.

fucking faggot got what he deserved

>implying the dog could do any thing

why did oppenheimer have such a horrible translation

It's not like he really understood the consequences of doing that. He just wanted attention.

Is this a Jojo reference?

Just assume its a Berserk reference



Where can i see it from the second angle?

That's a dog that has life figured out.