I have a driving test tomorrow, what are some good car games?

I have a driving test tomorrow, what are some good car games?

please remember to use your turn signal when doing a 3 point turn. I don't know why, but EVERYONE seems to forget to do this when on the spot.

Practice with an actual car you dumb nigger. And stay under or on the speed limit. My friend got points off for going 2 or 3 above the limit. (The examiner had his boss in the car evaluating him so he failed)

GTA, but drive normally and pretend you're not a living incarnation of an action movie.

(but seriously practice in a real car or gtfo, games won't help you irl drive.)

Look both ways when you're the first in line at a light that just turned green. I got failed on that.

Also be cool. Don't look like you're BEING SUPER CAUTIOUS ABOUT EVERYTHING AND DRIVING SUPER SLOW AND CAREFULLY. That makes you appear scared and not ready for a license.

This is fucking disgusting
Literally ape magnet

I didn't use a turn signal but I'm in Florida and nobody can drive right anyways

I don't know how strict your country is about driving tests but best advice I can give you is to go super fucking slow cause my instructor always gave me shit about driving fast even when I was trying to go snail speed. Make sure you don't fuck up the parking or reading the signs either.
t. user who passed on the 3rd try

Okay, to be clear. It's a hazard and perception test. It's not hard at all, but it doesn't hurt to get some advice from other drivers

You failed for being too slow, actually. Go at the speed limit instead of driving like an overly cautious grandma.

>Me go at 20km/h in 40km/h zone!
>Awww me so solly!

No, that's the computer test. The actual driving test is about making sure you know to go into the middle of an intersection and saftely go across traffic on a green light. Because a lot of people don't know how to do that.

Nah I failed due to misreading a sign the first time and hitting the sidewalk while parking the second time.
I'm not saying you should drive like a 90 year old in normal conditions, only during the driving exam.

Mine is on the 9th. How can I avoid being nervous on the spot next to some guy who is judging my every move?
I drive perfect when I'm just chilling but make really dumb mistakes when with an instructor.

Unfortunately getting drunk beforehand isn't an option.

Just be chill and do your best, user! I believe in you~!

They really do want that retest money sometimes. I made the mistake of trying to drive off without disengaging the handbrake on my second test. I just acted like it was no big deal. I didn't say, "Fucking shit I forgot the handbrake". I just quickly took it off and continued on. I ended up passing because I was so smooth about it.

During my last couple of lessons i was confident as fuck and made literally no mistkes. As soon as the guy got into the car on test day the spaghetti started pouring out. I made a couple of silly mistakes but still managed to pass first time with 4 minors. I took my time and drove slowly making sure i didn't stall

If you aren't ready, then you aren't ready and you will be nervous. I was jumpy as fuck on my first test and chill as fuck on my second test.

When I came in afterwards, I was really happy about getting it on my second go. There was this girl who was taking her test at the same time as me and I found out she failed. It was her third try, no less. She looked really nervous the whole time.

Burnout Paradise.

Heh, I just drove an automatic. They didn't even bother asking me to do a hill start.

I didn't have to do a hill start either. The only maneuver i had to do was a 3 point turn. Which i done in like 6 points because i was scared of hitting the pavement and instantly failing. The guy didn't seem to mind

That artwork made such a great poster for my room.

I wanna give that Yayoi money

>American drivers are so badly educated that they cant rent cars in my country
Your heads would explode when trying to figure out a roundabout.

>I have a driving test tomorrow
You must at least 18 years old to use this site

I fucked up at my test when I was supposed to reverse around a corner and hit the sidewalk and swore like a sailor but the guy was a bro about it and didn't even mention it at the end. But desu I don't see how small shit like that is a problem anyway, there are so much worse drivers out there on the roads it makes you wonder how they can get licenses to begin with when other people get failed for not signaling a lane change on an empty road or some shit like that.

Anyway as for vidya games I've been playing NFS Shift 2 recently and it's pretty good tbqh.

>there are no roundabouts in America at all, ever
It's like you're being retarded on purpose.

>no roundabouts
t. europoor

>when other people get failed for not signaling a lane change on an empty road or some shit like that.

That's a logical thing to be failed for. You can't always assume that you know there are no other cars on the road or about to enter the road. Blinkers help pedestrians tell what a car is about to do, as well.

How is she morbidly obese on her legs only I don't understand

On topic, Beam.ng Drive is pretty good but there's not a lot of "content".

How is that shit even possible?

I want to drift and kill myself.

How do i learn IRL taguming.

>implying he isn't just a fat manbaby who's being forced by his parents

My Summer Car.
It's realistic game not fantasy game.

Go to the walmart parking lot at night and floor it in second gear while throwing the wheel around


except we have those you idiot

Why don't Americans celebrate easter?

what the fuck
It's like she's an elin.

But we do


Same reason Australians and Euros don't celebrate Halloween.

What is thanksgiving all about? Why do you guys always eat a turkey on this day?

You should apologize to elin

thiccness was a mistake.

Because the Turkey lost to the Eagle in the great patriotic bird war, so once a year we create a ritual in which its descendents are sacrificed in a ritual that fuels our power

GTA, and go crazy. You own the roads, better make sure those pedestrians get the fuck out of your way.

Seriously though, I find that after playing a GTA game, my driving gets a bit more reckless.

The computer test is made for actual retards. If you fail that just kys.

I practiced a fuckton with my dad. I got my learners license, and drove 1 hour a week with my dad every week for 3 months if im not mistaken. Then I just took the practical test and just played it cool.
Then again this was in Florida, where even a handicapped monkey can get a license.

This happens to me after listening/while listening to eurobeat.

the tester will take you over a railroad crossing, look both ways when crossing, easy way to lose points is to not

So is there a clutch in America's driving tests?

>driving test
it's better not be an automatic transmission car