Esports/Vidya Bars

What does Sup Forums think of vidya-themed bars? Are they bringing back LANs? Are they nice focal points for the community? Or are they a massive waste of time and money?

There is one supposed to open up in my city at some point. Kinda hype for it

are these in major cities only?
if so why not just play at home with a six pack?
if not who will be around to show up?

I dunno seems like a lotta hassle to put on pants when I'm doing something that rarely involves the necessity for pants

They are a cesspool of autism and aspbergers. It's always a collection of cosplay-mongoloids, attentionwhores, beta nu-males and people who have barely any social skills. Plus many smell like shit.

Most of the time it ends up being people sitting awkwardly and watching e-sports. If a girl shows up it devolves into every thirsty nerd desperatly fighting for her attention.

Wanna have a LAN? Make sure to know who you invite. One wrong person and everything goes to shit.

Is that a Jojo pose in the back there?

Is he referencing JJBA?

How the fuck would he know

Nice idea, but its just a bar for normies to pretend to be into gaming.

I used to hang out in a netcafe, that was kind of a mix of the two without the loud implication of
>come get drunk with your normie friends here! get these game references? lolol so funny

Barcades are begining to surge in popularity in the US, but most of them are filled with college-aged hipsters and poorly maintained machines.

"Esports" bars are pure cringe

Seems like a neat idea, no idea why you guys are sperging out about it.

My only concern would be the hygiene considering all the NEETs and neckbeards that would attend

neither of those two go to bars, even if they have a "gaming" theme

Clutch Gaming Arena here in Denver is how it should be done. Good machines, quiet because they don't sell alcohol, etc.

>they don't sell alcohol

Then its not a bar.

They consider themselves a "gaming arena and energy bar".

>They are a cesspool of autism and aspbergers. It's always a collection of cosplay-mongoloids, attentionwhores, beta nu-males and people who have barely any social skills. Plus many smell like shit.
so it's like being on Sup Forums then

Just had a gaming bar open up in my city. Modern consoles, a ton of emulators, a PC with some Steam shit, and a VR room. It's pretty cool but it seems so risky. Some days they have like zero business and they paid for all the consoles and televisions with credit cards

>energy bar

>they paid for all the consoles and televisions with credit cards
jesus fucking christ, even if they had customers that tells me they're woefully unprepared for running a business

Thats cool and all, and honestly I'd like to see a place like that, but I never will because without selling alcohol, a place like that has 0% chance at keeping themselves up in my country.

Case in point

2 gaming bars have opened up and closed while I have been in the city I live in, and this is a student city with 2 popular universities.

Gaming, socializing and boozing do not mix.
If they do it is with your real friends and randoms online,

They have a bar but instead of alcohol they sell like 60 different energy drinks.

They are extremely successful, opening another two locations soon. They also host pro tournaments and sponsor a couple of teams. Cloud 9, MSI, etc. boot camp there all of the time.

To add to this, it works with a "pay for time" system. $15 gets you a PC from open to close, login with your steam account or use the one they provide that has a bunch of FotM games. Rigs are customs and pretty powerful.

Bumpan for interest since there are none in my country

15$ seems awfully cheap for the whole opening hours

Thats cool, but entirely location dependant.

13 if you pay $5 for the yearly membership thing. 11am-2am.

I don't see how considering Denver isn't really a hub of esports or industry activity.

It must be hard for you murricans to think of things outside your country.

Oh, you're talking about a third world shithole. It's hard to open any kind of business in Pakistan, I imagine. But for the rest of the world, these are pretty common things.

as hard as it must be for the rest of the world to stop thinking about America, right user?

>3rd world shithole instantly

Call me when you have free healthcare.

Call me when you have basic human rights and relevancy to the rest of the world.

Well we had the first for about 900 more years than you, nigger, and your relevancy comes down to being the fattest kid in school.

Its funny how flippant the stupid are, have fun.

There's this Moba-themed one right here.
You can play any assfaggots you want while you go wait for your meal
They also have this smoothie thing, think I'll have to try it sometime

This is coming from a dipshit who thinks it's hard to open an internet café anywhere but a third world shithole.

Yeah we're so irrelevant that every country in the world is talking about OUR election and some are even trying to influence OUR election.

>normies out the ass
>loud-mouth autists
>overbearing owners

I didn't call you irrelevant though.
Everyone had to take care not to offend the fattest kid in school because he is fat and can push his weight around - doesn't mean he is not the stupidest, smelliest and most shiteating retarded fuck around though.
Enjoy progressivism and a corporate government.

Also, pretty sure you are deluding yourself if you think civilians outside your gigantic 3rd world shithole care about your election, you are just - once again, the loudest.

Now keep fuming that'll help you.

I went to one and it was super awkward and filled with hipsters. Granted all of philly is

>vidya-themed bars
and drinks???????
sign me the fuck up bro

jojofag get out

>You're the most powerful country
>But you're also a meanie stinky Doo doo head >:(

This is why you aren't democratic, these are your arguments.

The best place to be when you finally realize that girls are icky and better in 2D.

pants are gonna be the downfall of this idea, mark my words.

I'll just assume you're Canadian with "muh free healthcare" being thrown about and kindly laugh you out of the room. Your country is the only one actually creating policy based on progressivism. Enjoy your prison sentence because you didnt call the drive thru operator a xer.

I co-owned a small pc방 on jeju island in south korea. It was incredibly successful given we were one of the first, and we were officially endorsed by both nexon and pmang. We opened up in the late 90s, before the massive infrastructure rehaul, then after it happened, we were the only one still functional and compliant.

Anyway, I was offered a job in america since I studied here in the 80s, and again, long story short, I took the job. I was designated with managing and basically running the entire operation. This was in 2008, and I was supposed to open the store in arizona, because nevada was way WAY too expensive, and california is overpopulated for it.

So, I get to arizona, and we purchase a small retail space in phoenix. It's more for proof of concept for rolling out on a larger scale than an actual, proper cafe.

So, come march 2009, i'm moved in to arizona, have set everything up for launch day in april, and it comes... And goes. No fanfare, nothing. We took out ads in most of the papers across the city, and still not a single person showed up until week 2. And they stayed for an hour and a half.

Eventually, business picked up once I set up some physical sign-swingers to sit in front of the store.

After about a year, we were tens of thousands of dollars in the red, because almost no people showed up, and the few that did didn't really care about the hardware at all, We had one family who had kids with them, and they all huddled around one computer, then the kids went and started slamming on all the other keyboards and desktops and monitors and then started throwing magnets they had for some reason all around.

2010 and I moved back to korea, and i've never been happier. No one in america really cares about internet cafes because they have all the hardware at home, and even if they didn't, the infrastructure in america is raw sewage tier. brazil and india have better fucking infrastructure. Servers not even 100 miles away and I was getting 40+ ping.

I've been to barcraft events before. They were okay but didn't happen very often. Maybe an esports bar could work but I think that you would have to do alot of work to get people to show up.

Why the fuck would you open a gaming related business in Arizona? This is just bad market research. Get rekt by your own business incompetence, fucktard.

Anyway, to make that more concise, america is a shithole for pc방/internet cafes. The infrastructure doesn't permit it, even high end business contracts with internet providers offer absolutely garbage speeds, and even the few that don't (ridiculously expensive, several thousand dollars a month for a 10 connection package) are almost irrelevant because the rest of the country is still hooked up on soup cans. Google tried to fix it and they just got shit all over, no city wants to spend money rewiring and getting new infrastructure because they fail to see more than 5 weeks ahead. America is a mess for internet and as the rest of the "developing" world passes them by and gets gigabit or faster connections, they'll still be stuck with 150 ping to connect to their neighbor peer 2 peer.

>I'll just assume you're Canadian with "muh free healthcare" being thrown about and kindly laugh you out of the room.

Why Canada?
Most of the world has free healthcare you savage fuck.

Oh I get it - it must be a bordering country because you are so important.

Because Canadians are the quickest to think that it's some kind of point, you retarded fuck.

>judging the whole country because of piss poor market research
Stay in Korea, moron

Everyone in the world KNOWS it is a good point.
You are calling countries 3rd world at the drop of a hat while not having one of the most basic things governments provide.

Its funny also that I mentioned 900years + you, and yet you still thought of canada, you literally don't know your history or that of countries around you.
You don't know anything, you are just loud, stupid and extremely butthurt: American.

>piss poor market research
it was the same shit everywhere, and continues to be. america isn't a market that responds to internet cafes. Look at the 10 or so that have opened up in the last 5 years in the california area. Every single one failed. Same in new york, only instead of failing from lack of interest, they fail because the consumerbase is retarded and spills water and has no respect for the hardware.

Just like arcade manufacturers stopped bothering with america because no one teaches their kid to not throw shit and break shit, internet cafes haven't bothered either. Potential for cheap internet gaming was there, but because america's so shit and can't update their infrastructure from the 50s, you'll never have internet on par with anywhere else.

It's a fucking terrible point and that's why it's not even a topic anymore. Free healthcare is great, but idealistic for America. Our economic model of "corporate" capitalism, as an angsty college student might call it, doesn't support it and that's been evident with the recent attempts at reform. You're a literal armchair sociologist/economist. I'm not the first guy, I just skimmed both of your posts and wanted to call you out for being an antagonistic retard.

>You don't know about other countries!
>Let me prove that by showing my complete ignorance of the model of another country!

There are lots of successful arcades and internet café's. You just can't research a market.

>urr its not our model

Thats not an excuse, get off that fucking high horse if you have a shitty model thats ruining your country and maybe stop throwing "3rd world" around when you are literally worse.

Its always you throwing shit around to defend yourself, and now you are making excuses. Theres also no excuse thinking I was talking of Canada as the country, you are just dumb, but you are no.1 at never ever admitting it.

I didn't read your earlier posts, moron. I skimmed through and the Canada post was my first one. I saw free healthcare and assumed you were Canadian since they're the only ones still dumb enough to spout that shit. But its good to know that you live in a country with 900 years on us but has only seen .9% of the growth that we have. You're welcome for the modern & post-modern world, by the way.

And to add

>urr change the entire model of a country over night

They are places where cheap skates go to, consume absolutely nothing and drive the place to bankruptcy.

Can't backpedal on that investment OP

I'm from the balcan region (Serbia,Croatia,Albania,etc for you non europeans) and gaming internet cafes are extremly popular. They are very well made and I really really love them, the only problem is that most kids are screaming retards shouting out slurs all day but I think thats a balcan mentality thing.

I though about opening a similar thing in Germany, Frankfurt but after making the math it barely works out. The problem is that in Germany PC gaming is huge, everyone has a PC and the only people that visit cafes are some turkish niggers that play Metin2 or League of Legends.

Man the though feels amazing to me I would organize weekly tournaments across the popular gaming communities like LoL, Dota2, Smash, CoD, HS al those "e-Sports" games, would sell non greasy food and drinks, have 2 or 3 big screens just showing of some random streams, overall make it as comfy as possible.

But in reality I don't think this will work.

Gay as fuck. Wont last a year. Plus all the assburgers with their logitech mechanical keyboards CLICK CLACK CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK CLICKICK CLICKICK

Theres too much fucking noise. No one would rather do this than play at home.

Hosting tournaments seem like they would be a good thing for places like this. Not only does it draw people to your business, but it helps build the local gaming community.

Yeah I dig the idea, I'm no autistic sperg lord but I really enjoy gaming and mostly like the autistic online culture it created. I would also stream those tournaments live, even if I only had like 50 viewers.

I want to make people build teams and compete over and over at my cafe. Weekly tournaments that and a month cup. I would take pictures of the monthly winners and hang them out if they are okay with it. I would do seasonal cups like Winter Cup, special Halloween, Xmas Cups, there are so many possibilities.

E-Sports is a business section that will become more and more important, you better like it.

Its funny how you try to act reasonable in one post, and then try to insult me on something you didnt do shit about, and just now basically whined about not being able to do shit about it.

But hey, whatever fulfills your overinflated ego.
As I said, World No.1 at never admitting to anything.
And delusions probably too.

I thought about streaming too but I don't know if I would do it. It seems like it would require too much effort and too little reward. Instead I think I would look at selling merchandise and accessories (e.g. beer glasses, steins, t-shirts, etc.). You could even offer some of the merchandise as tournament prizes. Merchandise also doubles as a form of advertising.

Hosting events that support charities also seems to have a positive impact.

I'm from the US though so what works here might not be best elsewhere (like Europe).

>out of the house
>drinking alcohol
so fake nerds and attention whores, social losers all around
objectively cringe

We hold our fighting game locals in a Meltdown pub. It's okay, we get to be there for free (although the prices are awfully high, almost 2€ for a beer) and the staff is super helpful, both during regular gatherings and tournaments.

However, both here and at our previous host, the usual crowd was awful, kind-of obnoxious MOBA/CS fanatics.

I could see a bar like this working in a college town.
Just have a separate area where the game is being streamed.
Then the main bar area has your usual jukebox area so fags can listen to their new-age bullshit.

Have promotions, like betting on a person to be top player at half in CSGO for a free drink.
Discretely in the back have a bookie who takes real bets.