10/10 games only allowed in this thread.
10/10 games only allowed in this thread
Not even memeing
Agree 100% desu
Dragon's Dogma is my pick.
Yes it has flaws, but if the definition of a 10/10 is flawless, then no game would qualify.
TF2 is one of the best multiplayer shooters ever. If not THE best multiplayer shooter.
>Something for everyone
>Fuckloads of varied, diverse content
>Highly moddable
>High skill ceiling
>Great base artstyle (thank you nohats mod)
Yo DMC3 Im real happy for ya and imma let ya finish
I went back and replayed Sands recently and it sadly isn't as great as I remember.
The combat is super simple and it kind of drags a lot, running on walls is still fun but it wasn't as great as I remember.
Gameplay-wise it was one of the most innovative games of its time. I loved it. Finished it at least 7 times.
It's a shame they raped it with the Sands remake and then quietly killed off the series.
>poorly balanced
>bad map design
3/5 is the best i can do
This ain't even bait no more is it?
I love Dragon's Dogma, but it's got too many glaring flaws for it to feel fair to call it a 10/10.
I don't think any game is a 10/10, but Nocturne comes pretty close for me.
how do I beat the dragon, my team and I only minimally reduce his health with each attack
single player yes
Not him but yeah it was, not is. No reason to include it in the list. Also I have to agree on the combat, it's a mindless clickfest that sometimes lasts too fucking long. Other than that, I dont remember anything bad about the game. Had a blast with it most of the time (non combat sections)
No, nigger.
If you're talking about Grigori, you should be fine so long as you have decent gear and you aim for the heart.It's typically a long enough fight so don't worry about if you're not doing much damage.
oh ok
that's not the japanese version