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It will be shit.
Have have learned nothing from the mistakes of the first game.
but the first game is great
>this will never be your daughter
But the first game is better than Thief franchise
I don't play sjw games
>still sticking with the "you're getting punished if you want to have fun" shit fromt he first game
nice b8
Fuck this, I'll just go through the original non-lethal. I didn't even beat the second DLC yet.
youre late
The game will be GOTY and Sup Forums can shut the fuck off
check out green man gaming my man, its cheap as fuck for us leafs
>calling that thing female
there isnĀ“t even a single feminine thing about her
neither her looks nor personality
not even the way she dresses
Goddamn what a shitpost
>world reacts to your actions
>this is somehow a punishment
And still no system requirements.
Shittiest port of the year in the making.
Western video game "developers" aren't even trying to make their characters and heroines slightly feminine if not at all. Why can't the Japanese take over the video game industry (see pic related), it's so bullshit that I'm forced to see such disgusting western designs.
>dweebs think their pedo fantasies are the standard of femininity
You can't make this shit up.
>No loli Emily
I legitimately don't get how people can be attracted to this
Fucking how?
If you kill people you get more people to kill on the following missions and a badass ending.
So you're saying you would rather look at THIS garbage () than my pic? Holy shit, why
Because I'm not a denegerate dweeb.
even nips wouldn't agree with you
Because some of us aren't paedophiles and have friends, user
Well yes.
For one Emily looks like a real human bean
>being so brainwashed by western SJWs that even in fake fantasy games, you have to like ugly real women with manjaws and butch hair
Shut the fuck up samefagging kid
Seriously hope your shitty """stealth""" game gets blunder of the century
they already shown that they did with the DLC
>i-it's not me who's a pedo freak!
>y-you samefag!
You seem worried
Are there still loading screens?
probably, I don't think they said anything about it being an open world game and it would just be easier that way
hopefully they get rid of loading screens for houses
aw shit I fucking hate loading screens
Nice paint edit bro
Literally anyone on Sup Forums would agree with me that the Japanese are superior in video game development and design compared to the west
Have they said anything about which powers are returning? Just killing everyone by blinking right next to them and having their bodies disappear was kinda fun
I'm on Sup Forums
I disagree with you
I don't know how 2 fotoshop
does it have DENUVO?
>still with this stupid "hurr if you kill your enemies you're just as bad as them"
That's not how life actually works you bunch of dipshits
Heard being you have more options when being a pacifist now, what are some examples?
*literally every resident peadophile
>That's not how life actually works
Why don't you go and kill a bunch of people, criminals or whatever, then come back and report.
Yeah killing a guard that hasn't harmed you in any way and is probably the only source of income in his family isn't bad
On one hand, he's innocent and his family will end up homeless
On the other hand, if I don't take him out, he might see me when he comes back from his patrol route, and I don't wanna just knock him out because moving bodies is such a hassle
Oh well, RIP him
And this is how I know it's shit and will be DOA and forgotten within a week like every other Shitnuvo game before it.
Is it even possible to have a Dishonored thread anymore. Stop eating the bait.
I'm not talking about that you fucks.
There isn't a divine power that magically alters the life of people because they did something bad. People do shit all the time and get away with it.
Corvo looks like he's getting the same powers he had in 1. Emily has brand new ones. Both can upgrade their powers in different ways, e.g. Corvo can upgrade hi blink to how Daud's works in the DLC.
Filthy poorfag, buy good games and pirate EA and Ubisoft you retard
While killing a guard that hasn't really done anything may be morally wrong, it shouldn't really affect the story too much.
I'd understand the radical changes in outcome if you had the option of killing either good or bad people, but this? No.
But that's not what you said in the original post at all. You were saying killing bad people doesn't make you 'bad'.
Not cute.
It doesn't.
When you kill a guy here and there you won't get the bad ending.
If you go on a genocidal rampage you will, with a strong in-game justification to boot.
killing people causes more corpses to be littered around the city which in turn causes plague ridden rats to fuck shit up
That's how I like my women.
Is it denuvo? I really want to play this game but not buy it
What was the last denuvo game with a pirated version?
western designs are better to cosplay as
anyone who cosplays as anime always looks weird as fuck
>Look everyone, Emily is in power!
>Wait a minute, that man killed my husband
>Mommy, why did the people that kill Daddy in charge now?
>They left corpses that let the plague fester!
It's not that much of a reach to imagine why restoring Emily to a throne atop a mound of corpses would go south fast.
No, you get the bad ending even if you only kill the evil fucktards, that doesn't make sense.
killing important figures cause public panic
I like how high chaos runs make more weepers appear even if you have the upgrade that disintegrated the bodies
Yeah that's a bit dumb.
>can't bed Lady Boyle
fucking dropped
I think most people would feel safer when they hear about corrupt officials getting murdered.
I'm 99% sure that isn't the case
>most people would feel safer if all the government figures were violently murdered and ousted as corrupt
Sure they would.
>redpilling the gril is a punishment
YOU HAVE 30 SECONDS TO RECITE THE SEVEN STRICTURES without googling OR Daud won't make an apperance at all
You're dumb.
>woman main character
>niggers everywhere, even as a sidekick
>woman leader in the city
>dude kill rich people only, because fuck capitalism lmao
Fuck off shill
>badass ending.
Except it isn't a badass ending, everything turns to shit.
>Sup Forums: the post
I pray for the day we can discuss video games on Sup Forums without being called shills.
>triggered by a game
I think there is a different website you can visit that you can consider a safe space
I pray for the day when shills start getting banned again
>woman main character
wowwie, you get to choose from either corvo or emily, whose inclusion as a playable character has actual story based reasons
>niggers everywhere
its that worlds mediterranean port city, of course there are nignogs
>woman leader
nothing unheard of
>kill rich people only
it so happens that usually people in power are rich, weird right?
Thats one of the first images you get in google when you search "Dishonored 2", it doesn't mean every OP with it are shills.
t. newfag and/or shill
Ah... I should fap to this again
this is true
nice retort, fag
I bought the first Dishonored back in 2012 and later the DLC, I also bought Deus Ex Human Revolution and Missing Link.
I will not support DENUVO faggotry out of principle.
Dishonored 2 will be dead within a week, because no worth of mouth will make it more popular like the first game. Which, if it's a good game will be a damn shame because I think Dishonored is a good and refreshing ip of recent years.
I will always buy and support good games, but I will never fucking ever support judenschweine cancer faggotry fascist anti-piracy and first and foremost ANTI-CONSUMER practices such as Denuvo, SecuRom or StarForce.
Also you can deny it all the fuck you want, Denuvo wrecks your hardware and kills performance tremendously.
I've posted 2 of those threads
Wish I'd gotten paid for it desu
>Denuvo wrecks your hardware and kills performance tremendously.
nice memes you have there
Denuvo-cracked games run better, explain this
I'll need more data then your dubious word.
Then you should be able to find it, since it's merely "baseless memes"
So you have none, as expected.
I'm not doing your work for you, faggot. If you say Denuvo doesn't tank performance, you are welcome to prove me wrong
You said it does first. Seems like you don't have a single fact to back that statement up.
Pls let this be bait ppl aren't seriously hyped right?
Go away Todd, I'm sorry Skyrim 2 didn't work out for you but people want a game that mods didn't make years ago.
I see GOTY ahead boys. They will improve a lot from the first game.