Post games your autist ass will never stop enjoying to play
Post games your autist ass will never stop enjoying to play
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but yeah I enjoy this also
thanks for the reply but I'm seriously m8
I've played spore since 2009 and I'm not planning to quit ever. I'm just too good at the game and I'm an autismo Maximus when it comes to world building, spore's expansion is perfect for this and I just can't get enough of it
I've tried modding games too, but it's too complicated for my ADHD
I've legit got 5000h+ on this shit
Spore is pretty cool m8
I dont really like the expansion though, normal Space Phase was enough for me
plz no bully, I love bright colors and cute animals
I have synesthesia, this game tastes really good
Lmao what
M8 galactic adventures is the shit if you're an autismo world builder and are too dumb to use real game engines
The passion I put into my spore worlds man, nobody will appreciate it except the autist bronies on the sporum
I have synesthesia, I can experience certain tastes by watching some colors
I can taste some specific bright colors, the whole color spectre between red>blue and Red>yellow is delicious
I usually play some games just because how their colors taste, I also like to watch some cartoons because of that
I have more than 3000 hours played on Viva PiƱata
Oh dear
How does green taste?
So you're saying you can taste the dick before sucking it?
I tried to stop but I failed, considering suicide
That seems pretty sick dude, are there any drawbacks too it?
Are there any colors that just disgust you?
too bad you're a fucking liar. you're not getting your special snowflake points today.
I have been playing this game for 6 years.
I can't stop.
Please help me
Light green taste pretty similar to oatmeal (doesnt make any sense) but as I said, only bright colors taste good, darker greens taste bad or dont have taste at all
>are there any drawbacks too it
pic related feels a little bit weird some times but i can just look away or close my eyes when it happens, everything else is pure joy for me
just because you dont feel good putting things in your asshole doesnt mean that nobody can enjoy it
i want to know this
>love starting off in the ocean as a cell
>eating shit getting bigger seeing truly monstrous shit in the background
>get to land stage
Every time
Fuck Spore seriously. I watched Will Wrights video,
Fuck you all.
I want a realistic spore simulation where you don't change the creature but true creature changes itself due to environmental changes and mutations
The only thing the player can do is control migrations of the specie and change the climate, which in turn will evolve the specie based on randomized mutations
an indie studio is trying to make a game that fulfills the role that spore should have,
But at the current rate of development, a working alpha may be possible in a few millennia
Fuck you OP you've made me reinstall if this game sucks dick like I remember I'm gonna be livid.
it does suck dick
but if you're like me an autistic creative fucked you're going to enjoy it regardless
I just can't get enough of making buildings or aliens in this game desu
From a gameplay perspective yeah it sucks massive dick
here you go senpai
place in documents/My Spore Creations/Creatures
how about dis
The rarest Pepe