Parrying/Perfect Block is literally factually objectively best combat mechanic in video games

Parrying/Perfect Block is literally factually objectively best combat mechanic in video games.
What games let me use it to its fullest?

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Genji's combat is literally just based around how good you are at parrying, but I played the game 10 years ago so I don't know how bad it is. Try it.

too fucking bad it couldn't save the literal ass that was Castlevania lords of shadow.

Devil May Cry 3

Yeah, no, it was a great game. I don't care about what buttmad igafags think.
The sequel on the other hand turned out to be half shit.

Does it let you to counterattack though? In the videos I've seen it only blocks damage and fills the style meter.

Nah nigga I liked Castlevania 1-4 the best. Most 3.
LoS was just fucking god of war and we have had far too much GoW before hand for me to like this piece of shit and bastardization of the story that was castlevania. The best part of the game was the piano part playing some old Castlevania music.

No, but with each successful block you fill your block meter or something, then you can empty it at once to do some extreme damage.

Ys Oath in Felghana, VII, and Memories of Celceta have great perfect guards

Bayonetta, that 2d game by Treasure where you're an alien bird.