Mario vs Sonic

Who does Sup Forums like more?


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Sonic is cooler
>Sega does what nintendon't

you should have made a 2d games poll and a 3d games pool

There are like 3 whole different Sonics out there, and 2 of them are jackasses, so who can like that cunt?

good idea


Neither. They were both always generic trash with no real story.

>spin spin jump spin spin kill eggman win
>jump jump jump fall onto mushroom kill bowser win

But if it really came down to it, i suppose Sonic would be my pic due to it's superior graphics and gameplay.

Mario games are better in any dimension though.

>Neither. They were both always generic trash with no real story.
never use lain again with such bad taste

Sonic is a thinking-man game

Story is important in all video games. I play games for a story, not to mash buttons.

Go read a book, you retard.

I want a story i can both participate in and enjoy. Books can not provide this, but i do enjoy reading.

you could have just said immediately that you're a fag.

>better than Sonic in any way

Nigga he doesn't have a fucking personality at all, at least Sonic has one, he acts like a 15 year old, but he has one.

Go play any of the Mario RPGs then. Or Sunshine. Or Galaxy 1.

>Story is important in all video games
Gameplay>Music>Graphics/Artstyle>>>>>>>>>>Story. this 100% correct

>mute people don't have personalities
You're a brain dead retard, aren't you?

>can't participate in a book

you clearly a tweenager in terms of mental competence if you think you don't interact with a text, but luckily for you there are choose your own adventure books built for people just like you!

But seriously, user, I thinknstory is important in a game as well. But if you are saying that it comes anywhere near as important as game mechanics, you are clearly a pleb.

>Better Character
Tie. Both are pretty dull characters, but with that said, early Sonic designs and promotional artwork is pleasing to me, blue skies and all, and I have some nostalgic ties to the Super Mario Bros. show, so it evens out.

Sonic. No contest. Though Mario has some memorable tunes, Sega steamrolls the bwa bwa bwa bah bwa bwa competition.

Overall, I've had more fun with Sonic over the years.

Mario. NeoSega and Sonic team have really shit the bead here, totally misunderstanding the initial appeal of their franchise and how best to update it, though there are decent titles here and there. It's just that with Mario you tend to get a good title, even when uninspired.

I don't really like Mario RPG. I've never tried Sunshine or Galaxy so i can't comment. I'll pick up a Wii for $40 and try them out.

I disagree.

Nice insults my dude :^)
In my opinion it's the most critical thing for me. That's just me though, and it is subjective.

>404 nothing of value was found

Thanks for warning me of your post.


Sonic is more than ok with this.
Hell, he probably set it up.

Amy is like 14 officially right? Judging from his stache, stature and most notably his voice, I'd say Mario is in his early to mid 30's.

Mario is officially portrayed as in his mid-20s according to Shiggy, and it's not like he's ever aged outside of Baby Mario games.

Sonic is for edgelords, Mario for nintendrones..... so Sup Forums likes Mario more

Does anyone know if the Rio 2016 Arcade Game is worth trying out? Might go to a Round 1 that has one.

Sonic in all categories. I like mario and all but sonic is way better.

But Sup Forums is full of edgelords. Why do you think they always choose the evil path more?

Do kids these days still argue on youtube over who is better?

Ah those were the days.

You underestimate the darkness inside our hearts.

i was more of a sonic fag growing up but i cant believe the strawpoll is so close for the games category. the mario games have been consistently fantastic while sonic had lots of shit ones.

>the mario games have been consistently fantastic
>while sonic had lots of shit ones.

>Sonic winning literally all the polls

sonic autism is still THIS alive? You guys are fucking pathetic

lurk more you fucking retard

>butthurt niontendrones
SEGA does what nintendon't

The only true bad sonic game is 06.

it's objective fact that mario has been handled better than sonic in almost every category. Sonic is a fucking disgrace, and the only reason he's still even relevant among hardcore gamers is sonic mania, as if that removes the mountain of shit he's produced for a decade

When even 3D World is better than Generations, it's time to give up.

None of Sonic games are bad.

both are pretty lame

calm down sperg I know that.
This doesn't change that Sonic has more character, better music and better 2D games.
And those are the polls where sonic is winning. In general games and 3D mario has the lead, especially in 3D

>the mario games have been consistently fantastic

every single game in the main series bar sunshine maybe? even some of the paper marios were great.

>while sonic had lots of shit ones.

06, unleashed, colors?

>06, unleashed, colors?
Yep, Arin cocksucker confirmed.

Well sanic wins all in my book but 3d games.

Try harder
the werehog bits but that's it

>the werehog bits but that's it
Which take up 80%.

Just because Colors was a breathe of fresh air for Sonicfags that air was a fart for normal people. Being better than shit doesn't mean it was good.

>I play games for a story, not to mash buttons.

He cant be stopped

The only reason why normal people didn't like colors because 06 and shadow the edgehog the game put a bad taste in their, also you need to get your taste in check, the sonicfags liked it and non-sonicfags liked it.

fucking this. The obnoxious as fuck 2D gimmick sections were 90% of the game and it's mediocre as fuck.

I can't believe people hail it as some cycle breaker just because it isn't complete garbage. It quickly becomes a waste of time like mediocre kirby games

>and non-sonicfags liked it.
Most people I've talked to say it was ok at best bland at worst. The game is just barely bargain because it's not good enough to recommend but not bad enough to laugh like Sonic 06 or Unleashed was. So in that way it's the worst Sonic game of all if it can't entertainment anybody but Sonicfags.


>Most people I've talked to say it was ok at best bland at worst
I don't know what you are talking about? but people was praising colors and it was a commercial success.

>it was a commercial success.
All Sonic games are but I don't see how that's a indicator of quality.

All go to Mario: Motherfucker is unstoppable.

Full power Super Sonic with all the Chaos Emeralds vs QPU aligned Mario after 12 hours of building speed (A presses allowed)

Who wins?

>tfw just finished Super Mario Galaxy 2

Fuck that was fun.

Mario, because he can hop dimensions.