>he still hasn't switched to PC gaming
Mind exploding yourself?

>paying money to play online

PC gaming doesn't interest me

I don't play videogames

>paying money for console membership subscription fees and internet to get online features
>not paying just for the internet itself to enjoy games

A lot of games I like are exclusives, and the multiplayer games I like seems to have a real knack for being dead on arrival on PC.

>he has to pay for internet use TWICE
Consolefags sure are dumb

I hate the elitist, cancerous fanbase of PC

PC is good for single player games but bad for multiplayer games. For multiplayer games, pc players are only willingly to play lame budget games like CSGO and team fortress. Any actual game with a multiplayer dies super quickly on pc.

Not gonna lie, I prefer PC, but if someone prefers Console and doesn't mind choking an extra inch of corporate cock (we're all choking on it, mind), then they can play Console all they want, I'm not gonna slam them for it.

That said, for me, PC is better.
This is also literally wrong. Bad MP games die quickly and good ones live on for years.
Bad ones with dedicated fanbases also live forever.

>they can play Console all they want
That's wrong, and you're wrong.

>and if they don't mind choking on corporate cock (this implies buying all the consoles they want and keeping up to date) they can play Console all they want
You're wrong, friend and I'm curious why you think I'm wrong.

PC hardware development is stagnating and the full potential of current gen consoles has not been reached yet. The PS4 Pro can easily outperform the best gaming PCs in the next decade.

Playing on PC means it is your sworn duty to look down on those dirty cucks
>see image

>he still hasn't switched to the Switch

>limiting yourself to 1 platform

>Every person i find in multiplayer is going to talk about how great pc gaming is

Oh. So you're just being an elitist faglord.
I don't really care. If they want to "wallow in the mud," or whatever analogy you want to use for console gaming, let them. You can't turn the majority nor fix the gaming industry. Let it go, m8.


>paying to use your own internet


I don't play online games on consoles. Nor do I care about "free" games on Xbone/PS4.

But I did, 6 and a half years ago.

>Paying more than $500 because i want to play 1 or 2 games

>year of our Lord 666+666+666+6+6+6
>not owning a gayman PC plus a Bloodborne machine, a Miku machine and a Monster Hunter machine


>Multiplayer ever.
>Playing online with a bunch of fags like you.

>playing fps games on console
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

My PC is an eroge machine, everything else I want to play is only on consoles.

If I had the option I'd play on PC, though.

Sup Forums is r/pcmasterrace as fuck. There's really no difference between the fucks shitposting here and there.

PC gaming strikes me as a slightly more effective cousin to mobile gaming. Anything worth half a damn in the mobile market will make it onto other formats, guaranteed. PC is much the same, except in a given year there might be three-to-five interesting titles that stay exclusive. So yeah, PC is worth playing for a few things, but there's not much need to prioritize it.

>Pcucks cry harder for ps plus/gold fees were you get free games,discounts and hack/cheaters free multiplayer whe they pay monthyl fees for cuckcraft,battle.net,sprays and assfaggots cosmetics p2w
Sausaga neckbeards

I've been playing PC games since 92, never been interested in console gaming even though I did own a PS1 and PS2 and a few games for each.

Pic related.

Or you wait for them to drop in price, or buy them second hand. And in my case it wasn't just for 1-2 games. It all depends on your tastes of course, but I'm sure you know that and you're just shitposting.

I'll hijack this thread cause it's PC related.
Can you turn off autoaim, because sniper mission is fucking hell thanls to it.

>i like videogames!
>but I only play in one platform for some reason
Is this is truly the mentality of a mustard race?
How can they be so retarded?
More news at 3

Your among friends

Idorts are the worst, amiright?

Can you prove this man wrong?

You can't

Thanks to Emulators, anything playable on a phone is also on PC.
Also, not always true, like some small but good games will never leave Mobile. But more notable ones like Battle Cats and the Room have moved, one to 3DS and one to PC respectively.

Definitely need a high end gaming rig to play Undertale amirite?


You already pay your ISP

1/10 bait for getting me to reply

>he won't know how is the glorious experience of paying PsPlus™

Xenoverse 2 disagrees with ya

>Early Access
>Indie shit
>Can't even own your own games
>Have to install all sorts of shit to get games to work
>Console parity
>Cancerous fanbase
>Only good exclusives can be run on a literal toaster
>Wasting money to play the same shit games everyone else plays

>falling for spooks is acceptable now thanks to memes

PC is like the kids at school

Console is like the retarded kids at school

PC knows they aren't supposed to laugh at them but they cant help it

PC is like the kid with down syndrome laughing at the kid with autism.
They are both fucking retarded

>sour grapes

>consolefag attempts to communicate

>being consolefag

>Black kid memes
>Reddit memes
>Le pc master race

Your image seems to be corrupted. Get better internet user, I'll post what you actually meant to post.

Reminder that starting or participating in flame wars can result in a 3 day ban.
I know you are new but you should read the rules.