Should I spend $400 on a PS4 and have the latest tech but maybe 3 games, or $80 on a PS3 with outdated tech but tons of games?
Should I spend $400 on a PS4 and have the latest tech but maybe 3 games...
>tons of games
Unless you're going to give some examples of your taste then this going to be impossible to judge anything here really.
PS4 is starting finally to enter the time when it actually seems like worth a purchase now.
Why buy a ps3 now? Could have gone back for the worthwhile games year or 2 ago easily. Might as well wait for emulation or ports now.
realy makes U think
most PS3 games have been ported to PS4 or PC
I love decade old memes!
>Latest tech
this entire post was made by a retard. literally the opposite of everything he said is actually the truth.
your tastes don't matter there are more games on ps3.
ps4 still has under 5 non weeb games worth getting.
games don't get less worthwhile the older they get and ps3 emulation is literally never ever.
3 games?
even if we count bloodborne DLC as one game, that just adds up to two
and ps3.. tons of games?
I'm not OP, but recently I've been entertaining the idea of buying a PS3 for RDR, MGS Legacy Collection and Zone of Enders HD Collection. No next-gen port of these is coming anytime soon.
Damn, sonyfriends have to wait for ports to play last gem games.
I've never owned a console
3 games? Last time I checked list it's around 1000
>PS3 with tons of games
Ill remind you that there is a whole game series/franchise in which its a running gag that the PS3 has no friends, which is their joke on PS3 has no games
Ps4 tech is extremely old, and outdated... Hell is pro tech is also.
3 games forever? or for now. Unless you plan on playing a full library of games in a week
Get both, stop being poor.
Ps4. If money is the problem you'll end up spenfing more with the ps3 because it has actual games
>latest tech
get a ps3 and mod it with custom firmware
ps3 had a lot of games despite the memes. ps4 is honestly not worth it right now. ive had mine for years and it just collects dust but I cant get rid of it because it was a gift.
I would do PS3 now, then when you work your way through it's library, the PS4 will be cheaper. You plan on playing the PS3 titles eventually either way, right?
All the best PS3 exclusives are remastered on PS4 and the 360 was better for multiplats anyway
>ps4 still has under 5 non weeb games worth getting.
Don't ever get a Sony system if you aren't a weeb.
This is as stupid as saying
>dont get an xbox unless you ONLY like space marines and tolikien ORCS
>don't get Nintendo unless you ONLY like kiddy shit
>dont get PC gaymen unless you are ONLY a fat neck beard.
Or are the above statements absolutley true as Sup Forums seems to make out?
but everything you said is pretty accurate user
Whatever, then we are all jist shitters and deserve this place and each other.
I got a PS3 a few months ago because I never had a last gen console and I've been on my uni laptop for five years.
No fucking reason to get PS4 right now, I got plenty to play for at least a year.
>PS3 with outdated tech but tons of games?
But user...
There is no games...
buy refurb, save money.
The PS4 doesn't even have 5 worthwhile weeb games though.
>PS3 and tons of games
I think you already have the answer to your question.
Graphics literally don't fucking matter enough to spend that much money for no fucking games and pay extra just to play online...
>Tons of games
>Latest tech
>Using a pokemon character found on a nintendo platform to back this point up