Anyone's steam account been hacked if so how did you get it back?

anyone's steam account been hacked if so how did you get it back?

Do you have access to an industrial grade magnet? This is necessary.



what a loser
hope russian 12yo boys will sell it well

>oh look they promise me free steam games
>they just need my login info
>they say i should deactivate steam guard
>good thing i never had it
>wtf cant log into account
>le epic maymay haxx0rs!

You can't get what-ever-people-call-hacking-these-days if you're not a retard oder underage.

i put on my fingerless gloves and engaged in a light speed hacker battle, which ended when i hacked their ceiling fan to fall on their head

but it's not called hacking user it's called social engineering

Happened to me this year, not sure how they got my account information.
I contacted steam support and they gave me back my account.

I always have a dos window open to counter hack as fast as possible.

christ is every one autistic on Sup Forums

hacked as in some one taking over the account

fucking hell

>not using 2step verification
100% your fault

i just make a gui interface in visual basic to take it back and steal their money

did you have to send them your info

my psn account got hacked they asked for a photo ID

umh.., steam support?

So do you have the magnet or what

this op wtf are you retarded?

Care to explain how it got hacked or how you have come to discover you got hacked? What were your activities before the supposed hack? Details are crucial here, I don't know why so many people asking for help are always assuming it'll be a few clicks away with zero info to work with.

>on Sup Forums
>board of the autistic
>home of the rage
This is a board about serious shitposting

Go back to

Yes, had to go through steam customer support and it's probably the worst you'll ever experience.

Took almost two weeks, thought I wasn't getting it back.

I don't get my stuff hacked because I'm not a subhuman that swims in seedy shit.

>being "hacked"

Top fucking kek.

next time don't give random strangers your account info lmao