>Look, I know you're all screaming at me to change to someone else
>Trust me, I'm a Hanzo main
>He's actually very good on this map for Attack
Why are hanzo players so awful?
>Look, I know you're all screaming at me to change to someone else
>Trust me, I'm a Hanzo main
>He's actually very good on this map for Attack
Why are hanzo players so awful?
Because they're retarded CoD players who think getting kills is the most important part of the game.
>Man Hanzo you suck
>but, but, but I have gold in kills.
Oh man, you have gold in kills of useless characters meanwhile I'm here wrecking their healer and causing havok behind their lines while you're tagging everything with no final blows.
Kills DO matter you dumb faggot. More kills means you were doing your job and keeping enemies away from the objective.
If I have gold kills as Hanzo, it means I'm doing my job and my team is lagging behind
>Mad because they can't get gold in kills so they have to pretend kills don't matter
Okie dokie, friends.
People still play Overwatch?
because hanzo has a high skill cap and not a lot of people who main him are even good at him. those that are good, are VERY good though.
i am good with him :^)
>they always pull the "I have 4 gold medals argument" post match
>no matter how many times people say it, they never get that those medals don't mean shot if you lose
Is this what aspergers is like?
>go torjborn on offense in comp mode
>at volskaya on ps4
>3 people instantly message me to change hero
>do the affirmative emote and stay toblerone
>we win by a landslide and I get gold elims
Because Hanzo is fun to play, and people without autism would prefer to have fun and lose over being bored and win.
it means that it was the rest of the teams fault you lost since they couldn't do better than an offensive hanzo
>Hanzo is bad even if you're good with him
>McCree is good regardless becauses meta
I understand McCree has a high damage output with consistent aim but if they're serving the same role and you're getting the same kills I don't understand why people sperg so hard over it
>it doesn't matter if you lose
You see, OW is a team game, with medals denoting how well people do with their roles. If a Hanzo on your team does end up with 4 golds somehow, it's for objective time, objective kills, total kills, and damage.
If you lost that match, you were dragging the team behind and Hanzo was doing the work of others himself. You are the reason you lost, not the Hanzo
Hanzo is GAY.
>it's a Bastion says he has gold medal in damage done to defend his shitty pick even though you saw his stove ass shooting at Reinhardt's shield 24/7 episode
You're gay for Hanzo.
Where the fuck did I say kills don't matter you dumb ass retards?
Typical fucking Hanzo players, still have 0 reading comprehension with a single fucking sentence.
>Play Reinhardt
>Soldier:76 always stays in front of my shield, dies
>Hanzo runs in front of my shield, dies
>Junkrat mine jumps into a widowmaker, dies
>DVA flanks, gets shot to shit immediately and dies
>Mercy flies back to me, can't hold off the entire enemy team, shield breaks, die and mercy follows after
>stay like this until time runs out
>get card for most damage blocked
>"You fucking suck Rein."
You want his Dragonstrike inside you, don't you.
dumb hanzoposter til i die
>complaining about Bastion doing their job
>Hanzo is my 2nd fave, behind Reinhardt
>Can't ever use him on Ranked without getting someone triggered
>Can only use him in peace in quick-play
>Quick-play is shit and it gets old fast
>moving the goalposts
Because you cant kill a genji or a tracer consistently with hanzo, unless they are absolutely shit.
Replace hanzo with junkrat on attack and that is pretty much every game i play. I am honestly supprised i have not been muted/banned with the shit i have said.
Not him but look. While hanzo is a annoying piece of shit for both team, It's really easy for him to pick kills. In attack, something like two kills is direct victory for the current engagement. If the rest of the team know how to stay alive and hold it until it's time, hanzo can be a really good asset.
Same could be say of Widow, but widow requires a skilled player, not hanzo.
I don't think you know what that means.
Nowhere did I imply kills don't matter, I simply stated it's clearly not the most important part of the game.
Maybe read a book once in a while instead of ruining games with your selfish retarded ass picks, niggaa
You want him to cum all over your chest, look you dead in the eye and whisper Marked... By the dragon
Yes. If you didnt get all of your gaming propaganda from Sup Forums you would know.
Except it's literally not, he's still saying the same thing, you just cant read.
i'm not even that user but are you upset? perplexed? bamboozled? disgruntled?
Oh look it's this reddit circlejerk thread again where everyone upvotes each other
>hanzo kills 2 enemies
>2 players also died on our team
>can't even hold the point because Hanzo is fucking useless on the objective
my buddy is a hanzo main and is grandmaster
>kills don't matter
That's funny, in 95% of the games I win we had more kills than the other team. Stop being fucking jelly just because I can kill more enemies than you.
But you probably DO suck if you aren't moving forward with your shield. Standing at the chokepoint with your shield up for 4 minutes isn't doing your job, you're meant to push and create pathways and space for your team.
>being this retarded
this topic is why the overwatch community sucks dick
glad your shitty game is dying
>play Lucio on Route 66
>hugging Reinhardt, giving him the healing beats, speed boost him so that he can move up while holding the shield
>Not a single person stays behind him
>fucking McCree tries flanking a torb and symmetra and dies somehow
>Reaper off somewhere else having adventures on his own doing jack shit
>Monkey jumping into groups of 3 people and dying immediately
>Me and Rein stay alive for the longest time, both have highest Objective Time
>I get pulled through the magic of bullshit by Roadhog
>Reinhardt charges at Roadhog, but it's too late, the deed is done
>Shed a single tear as he valiantly struggles to stay alive on the payload alone and eventually succumbs to the enemy team's teamwork
Having a main is retarded, every decent player should be able to play with at least 70% of the characters.
Mother fucker I am Warning You with that Gay Shit
Try not being a gold shitter and get to a high enough rank where people trust you due to your rank
I'm sure it's a coincidence, son. Enjoy your 1/20 K/D ratio while being "useful" with Mercy ;)
Ok, I'll stop
But he won't until the Dragon is sated.
"The Dragon hungers."
That's not how it works. You ignored what I said about the rest of them not being suicidal dumbasses.
Attackers gains a lot more from having a sniper than defensers, because attackers have the choice of when to engage. Thus, the hanzo attacker has all his time to kill, securing an easy victory for the rest of the team.
But if you're talking about defense hanzo, you're right, it's a useless piece of shit.
It means that I literally was better in every single aspect of the game than you.
Why should I bother listening to your opinion then?
You realise the pro players all main Ana, McCree and Zarya, with the rest picking off characters to fill?
Maining characters is exactly what a decent player should do.
Mei actually requires skill to play and do more for the team unlike Hanzo does.
Prove me wrong.
If your hanzo has better objective time than the rest of your team, something obviously went horribly wrong.
>Haloween event
>kid unboxes Junkenstein skin
>proceeds to go Junkrat in comp to show it to everyone
>promptly dies and fucks up his own team because he can't aim projectiles nor set up traps
>either feeds an enemy Zarya or keeps hitting Rhein's shield
>all that plus Junkrat being situational in this fucked up meta
>"but I have gold damage!"
As someone who used to main Junkrat in QP, this is extra infuriating.
I cant
I love the CoD children that creep out to argue against this. It's hilarious that some people are too fucking dense to realize objectives are important to win in an objective based game.
Hanzo is funner
Then get your ass on the point. If the whole team adopts your attitude everyone will just go for kills and no one will get on the objective.
>complain about Bastion shooting Rein's shield
>It's fucking amazing how fast it melts
They arguably main a role and can play pretty much every character on that role. Even then, they are able to play any character and just don't do it because there's someone better on their team with that character.
Maining is shit because if someone else picks your character then you are fucked, since you wont perform at the same level with the other characters.
My issue is that the Hanzo's I'm always paired with can't aim for shit or ult at all, while the enemy Hanzo's have been sniping since they learned how to sit up straight
If they're getting gold elims, then ya they shouldn't have to switch.
>maining Ana
>either the team goes ham on the enemies or completely forgets how to aim and you stay at 0 nano boost assists
Just change your voice line to "I'm giving it all I've got!" and they'll leave you alone.
dont worry the hit box on his arrows are fuck huge he is basically sniping by shooting fucking telephone pols, what im saying is its not hard to land a headshot with him
>while you're tagging everything
hanzo does a lot of damage tho
>Okay, so you got a medal for elims, so you killed more than your tanks and healers, and the one other DPS in your team, congratulations. You're literally saying "I DID MY JOB, SO I CARRIED"
>As for the damage and obj kills, same as above.
>The only thing impressive would be the objective time, if you weren't lying and Reinhardt over there piped up and told everyone he has the gold that is.
If you don't understand the above, I will spell it out for you.
Getting gold medals in eliminations, damage and objective kills as Hanzo is your job. The only thing it means is that you're getting more kills than the players on your team who aren't meant to be killing people. You can get golds and still be absolute shit and a waste to the team.
True, but shit sucks on console. If it was keyboard and mouse, I wouldn't give two shits.
>it's a "guy that complains about picks and will do mental gymnastics to say the one thing the character is good at is false" episode
>played Junkrat for the first point in Kings Row to help with the choke, so blind shots over the wall, and flank
>doing well with gold kills and damage
>rest of the team is constantly getting killed
>suddenly a whiny kid tells me to change to zen
>realized that one of our healers became a DPS
>tell him to change since he was a shit mccree
>whining intensifies
>one minute left
>guess no ones switching to healer so I switch to zen
>"oh NOW you switch"
>immediately switch back to Junkrat
>buckets of salty tears from this whiny kid
Solo queue in comp was a mistake
No, then it's up to your team to realize the hanzo is a shitter and play one tank/healer to offset the shitty hanzo and dps guy who's doing worse than the hanzo.
It's always hilarious to see some idiot parrot a phrase they heard on Sup Forums without understanding what it actually means
>stand on objective while killing everyone as hanzo, getting gold medals for not only kills but for objective time
what's so hard to understand, shitter? mad that you cant play a hero that takes skill?
sounds like you made a grave mistake...
>2 players also died on our team
not the hanzo's fault you died, not the hanzo's fault you suck lol
>Hold m1
>Spam walls inbetween
>Hit e when someone actually attacks you
So so hard
>Not picking to accommodate the Hanzo
>Instead crying because you can't fathom the possibility YOU changing your hero instead of the other guy
C'mon, dude
>Be Junkrat
>Yfw everything is coming up explodey
>have 60 hours on Reinhardt
>random guy picks Hanzo
>he has 20 minutes played
>nobody will switch, so forced to go DPS to cover the Hanzo
>we lose hard because 5v6 due to Hanzo being terrible.
And in this scenario, you think Hanzo shouldn't have switched, team should switch around him?
His flash bang can also stop ults and stun reins while the rein is shielding, which can easily help aid a push. Also in my experience it's much easier to kill pharras as mccree than it is hanzo
Mfw I play tons of D.va and consistently have gold obj time and kills. I usually nab the damage dealt and wound with her too. Why can't you dps shitters ever do anything right? Oh noooo gotta Insta pick tracer and hanzo.
True, but I'm not getting a gaming pc anytime soon and I'm to busy with work to really care much.
you guys ever play one hero so much that you actually decrease in skill in that hero after a while
>kills dont matter
>sniper all their support
>somehow dps shitters lose the battle
>36 hours
Wew lad
if theyre still dying than maybe you should play something useful
like a healer
dying to him is infuriating
his gameplay is fun, almost like fishing
actually viable with the projectile speed buff
Hanzo is good
Hanzo is hard
Community is pretty fucking shit
Do the math
A good Hanzo is terrifying.
>turn any corner
>instantly die
>be near any wall
>Instantly die from Skill Arrow
No. I have poured so many hours into Mercy that I have transcended to a new tier of healing.
Had a retard just recently who proclaimed he was warming up for ranked in quickplay with Hanzo. He played like shit and left silently after we lost.
Snipers are all-around pointless for this game.
Tfw that retarded hanzo player is on the enemy team for once and you win no problem.
Feels good man
>Playing Ana
>We are getting destroyed
>Gold Elims and Silver Heals (Mercy was the other healer)
>They tell me we lost because I was too focused on killing
fuck YOU. I would heal your sorry ass if you werent jumping around like a retarded flea while spamming "I need healing"
>can't heal while people are jumping around
just play lucio already
How to be Ana and be credit to team, a guide by Timmy age 9
1) Grenade your friends
2) Grenade yourself
3) Grenade fights
4) Grenade the enemy Lucio
I also play Lucio, but Ana is more fun. And the darts have a slight delay that basically means that Tracer and Genji are a pain in the dick to heal if they are moving.
Unscoped shots are projectiles
Scoped shots are hitscan
Scoping in the middle of the field leaves you open. I only scope to take potshots at the enemy as they approach the objective, or if we have a flanker getting his shit pushed in.