Harald was a christian irl

>Harald was a christian irl
>in game he talks about Valhalla

good to know they didn't bother with any basic research

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They had Harald Bluetooth going on about Loki in the last game. They know full well, they'd just rather the "epic viking xD" angle.

He's like Skyrim, normies won't care.

Germanics in general were kind of sceptical about this whole Christianity thing so missionaries had to implement it to their existing beliefs skillfully

read Dream of the Rood - Christ there is a powerful thane who mounts a cross to fight his enemies and is given a warrior's burial

>go barbarossa
>build 6 cities close to each other
>make every hansa cover all the cities
>go commie
>enjoy at least 150+ production in all cities

GG, why bother

Ah yes the fierce epic pagan warriors who totally weren't actually christian. It just happens Harald was buried in a church.

At the time a large amount of Scandinavians believed in Jesus and the Norse gods. This was very common in phoylthisic religions converting to Christianity.

what a meagre strawman

We wasn't brought up a Christian. He utilized the church and the eloquence of the monks for uniting the country.

Times had changed and he realized the future was in proper trade with the germanic kingdoms.

So as a young man, Harald might well have been all about all bout Valhalla.

He died a Christian, he wasn't born one.

just be happy they chose an actual norwegian and not Ragnar Lothbrok or some shit

egypt is ruled by a greek and arabia by a kurd in this shitty game

What's wrong with his face?

It's sort of long.

Somewhat related considering I just got out of a game but. FUCK BARBARIANS. Jesus christ they made them the most tedious shit ever in this one. Every game I have to deal with 3-4 camps in the early game, then from out of the blue 50 turns later some barbarian assholes come rolling it with AT weapons and shit when they literally don't have a civilization, its a god damn hut. Fuck you game, you don't get to just give them tech for no reason.

Also what the shit does it take to win via culture in this one? I have 4 times the tourism of the next civ, plus a billion great works and wonders. I literally don't understand.

That's what you've read on Skyrim forums?

At least they didn't fuck it up as much as they did the Swedish leader in CIV V.

>germanic people
>actually christian
Not even today, brah. Not even today.

valhalla and heaven are synonymous. all religious hogwash

Not at all. Hell Valhalla wasn't even the only afterlife norse believed in there also was Folkvangr and Hel's realm. Harald in the game doesn't think heaven and Valhalla are the same the devs are simply fucking retarded.

You're an idiot

Doesn't REALLY matter where he read it, since it's the truth.

>complaining about a character that respects their original values rather than appropriating a sandnigger desert religion

D'ohoho user.

Yes because Harald didn't fucking respect the ''original values''. No norseman did. There is a reason why almost every known leader converted and why vikings assimilated with people so easily.

To be fair. They kinda are.

Imagine you are a monk who doesn't really know the local culture and you are trying to convert these random pagans. When they ask what heaven is like, it's fairly effective to go "it's more or less Valhalla".

Not that it wasn't just a fuckup on their part mind you.

Do Firaxis just hate Scandinavia or something?

Maybe if they weren't such fags with boring history they'd get more respect.

Everyone hates Scandinavia.

Valhalla is just a place worthy men that fall in battle goes to prepare for ragnarök.

Helgafjell is the only norse afterlife I can see being somewhat synonymous with heaven.

Yeah but when you don't really know about the local culture and religion and everyone is talking about Valhalla like it's this place everyone wants to go to after they die you might confuse it with Heaven.

I know what you mean, but I don't buy it.

Heaven is thought of as a place for good people.

You could be a mean motherfucker and go to Valhalla. And in Valhalla, you wouldn't reunite with your loved ones. You'd just drink and fight all day.

t. cuck living in a shithole

Sure. But from there to saying that they're "synonymous" like That is a long stretch.

Did they patch something yet?

>calls someone a cuck


Scandinavian society was wholly christian by the 11th century, if perhaps it were 200 years previously then maybe. you're kinda right about northern Germanic conversion but again Harald is far too late for any scandianvian to be kinda pagan and kinda christian. That is not to say that the existing religious lore didn't fade, but that it shifted from religious belief into folklore where it stayed and many high end ecclesiastical officials absolutely hated it.
A reminder that Adam of Bremen and Ahmad ibn Fadlan had more than enough reason to exaggerate the paganistic ways of the scandiavians and must be read with a pinch of salt.

Good point.

And here's why.

the fighting in Valhalla was made up later on by the way but it's not like anyone knows about norse anything other than ''DUDE AXES ALCOHOLISM AND RAIDS LMAO''

They fun to play in the game? My next map im thinking of going navy heavy on an island map and was thinking of using Harald.

Don't get me wrong. I don't disagree that they are different. Just that at the time I think it's very possible that there wouldn't be a huge distinction.

Like the Romans thought Odin was Mercury for example.

Yeah, I guess I might have chosen my words poorly. I meant to say more, "at the time they could be seen as synonymous".

>playing anything other than Russia, Germany, or Scythia

>Scandinavian society was wholly christian by the 11th century

>Harald is far too late for any scandianvian to be kinda pagan and kinda christian.

Harald died 986, man. The "glory days" of the vikings were around 800-1000, sure, and Harald helped close that. Afterall he does cite himself as the one to "christen the danes", even if that process might have been started already.

But absolutely he'd still have been well versed in the old norse shit, and maybe still believed some of it. It's not like he DIDN'T still use strong methods of coercion on the british.

>the fighting in Valhalla was made up later on

Source please.


Even in Churches at the time they had a lot of norse myth because that's what looked cool.

Like even today a lot of people go "Jesus Christ" when they are surprised or "Go to hell" if they are angry even if they are atheists.

The source is the fact that there is no viking age source mentioning any ebin battles in Valhalla. Let me guess you also think they believed people who die from old age go to Valhalla anyway?

>live a life of glorious, brutal adventure
>return to claim the Norwegian crown
>"fuck it, time to take England at long last!"
>lands his boat in the worst place possible and gets an arrow through his everything

Hardrada's called something like "the last viking" and that really is true. It seems all vikings did manage to do pull off some cool stunts and forced everyone else to get their shit together, but whenever they tried something big outside of Scandinavia they kept crashing right before the finish line.

Harald died at the battle of Stamford bridge in 1066, an unsuccessful succession claim on Edward the Confessor's crown to which was lost to William The Bastard at the later battle of hastings.
I would say the 'glory days' were much earlier than that, considering the first, and most famous, raid on lindesfarne was in 793. That was only achievable by cutting edge technology practised in the baltics

He understood the power of religion to manipulate the people, just like any leader does.

but vikings are meme fuel user

Gayest looking leader ever

And shomehow the language sounds even gayer

That's just the thing. He doesn't even look like the leader in question.

Apparently the person who designed the ruler looked at the portrait in the background and thought it was Gustav Adolphus while in truth it's his uncle Erik XIV.

The real Gustav Adolphus looked way more dandy.

>mfw Huldra went from frightful forest rapists to beautiful rustic women who were friendly as long as you respected them
>mfw you could even make them a Real Girl* if you married them in a church, while retaining all of their Huldra powers

>Rome gets a unique district
>that replace the aqueducts everyone gets
this is like Egypt getting Tombs while everyone else uses Pyramids

The Bath comes prepackaged with an aqueduct, friend.

It is literally the aqueduct+.

>Harald died at the battle of Stamford bridge in 1066


What the fuck have you been reading, user?

Who are you thinking of?

But it should be the other way around,hell Aqueducts should be Romans only

Aqueducts have been a Civilization thing for so long removing them for a generic "waterline" improvement would cause booties to get a lil red.

Luckily, the Romans had aqueducts *and* bathes as their thing, and the fine folk at Firaxis decided to just add the bath in.

Of course there were no epic battles. The fallen warriors fought each other all day long. For fun, and to stay prepared for Ragnarok. Then they'd go bal inside Valhal and drink mead and eat pork until they passed out.

And I don't even know where you'd get off assuming I'd think people dying of old age went to Valhalla. Dying the straw death meant you'd go to Helheim and help Hel farm the grimy soggy underworld while waiting for Valhalla, which was supposed to be super fucking boring.

>useless leather on wrists

>tfw you will never be locked in the rape cave of a qt forest nymph

Why even live?

Harald Blåtand

Uniter of Denmark

Why does his head look like stretched taffy?

Question for the history experts in Sup Forums
How did people european christians from ancient times deal with the fact that their god was a guy from a continent they've never been to and knew very little about?
It seems rather strange to me that people would care about a sandnigger while their king plows them in the ass with taxes.

Aqueducts weren't even invented by the Romans.

That's what aryan master race looks like. Stretched taffy.

everyone is cartoonish,teddy being the most realistic

Fair enough user, but this guy is Hardrada

Huldra rape caves weren't pleasant, user; they'd suck you dry sure, but then it's off to mining the darker parts of the cave for the next 20 years and then she might just eat you.

What you wanted to do was meet her out in the fields and notice the tail - never mention the tail, but if you be courteous and clever and offer gifts of bread+milk she might just take a fancy to you, and when that happens you can marry her and enjoy the nymph without the threat of violent rape-murder.

They're still a handful in human form though, a folk story I remember is about an abusive husband that was working a horseshoe when his Huldra wife came in, gripped the red-hot horseshoe, and bent it with her bare hands to show off that she could kill him *any time she wants*, but doesn't because she loves him and wants the marriage to work.

Ah. Well then they fucked up.

And so did I, by assuming and not reading up.

I'm in love with Gilgamesh.

Because he only used Christianity to unite the kingdoms.

Did YOU even bother with any basic research?

>tfw no tsundere rape-fu

Kings in Denmark,Norway, and Sweden were more than happy to join the growing conglomerate of Christian Kings- primarily because it finally solidified and codified their Right to Rule through divinity instead of through force of arms. Christianity helped establish Scandinavian nations as we know them, and they adopted it fervently.

Anyone here play Civ like they're NTR? I setup a game with only 3 civs: myself, Gilgamesh, and Cleo. I build up my capital a little bit and then setup an auto-hotkey script to click next turn endlessly. I then leave my room and sit outside it for a few hours while the game plays. If I come back into the room and the game is still going I mumble a few apologies and excuse myself again. I've thought about knocking on the door before I enter but I don't want the noise to potentially disturb them. A few times my mom has asked why I sit outside the door of my room and I tell her each time "It's my new meta" (she has no idea what that means).

I came in here thinking th esame. So did many others. This is apparanly Hardrada of Norway, and not Bluetooth of Denmark. 80 years later, and rather more of the Christian persuasion by upbringing.

Why is his head so long? It looks like he's wearing the top half of somebody else's head as a hat!

They knew all about the holy land, if not from the preachers and friers who told you every week about it from the bible or other scripture but from the countless people who went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. If you're going by the random peasant route, some peasants never travelled further than a few villages so they don't really know what their own country looks like, let alone mind that that jesus was from so far away.
The best way to see it is from Mappa Mundi, maps of the world which placed the holy land at the very centre of the world.

Polytheistic religions always operated in a way that were conducive to Christian conversion anyway; they were typically less about the dogmatic worship of a god and more folkloric tradition and adherence to seasonal festivals associated with a deity. When Christianity came in the names changed and the buildings were different, but they still believed in the same old gods and participated in the same old festivals.

yeah nuts mate, non-christians never ever get buried in christian graveyards or married in churchs

>tfw norse warriors who aren't vikings
boring as FUCK is what Skyrim is

Because Christianity, like so many other religions was build on by the local traditions of the place it inhabited. Then as they grew and people got used to it they slowly unveiled the foreign nature of it, but by then nobody really cared because it was such a large part of their lives.

For example in Scandinavia we still call Christmas Yule/Jul because it's more or less just an extension on the traditional pagan winter feast called Yule.

>non-christians never ever get buried in christian graveyards or married in churchs

Heck, as the user above was mentioning with Huldra even the folklore was christianized; now the Huldra was a forest spirit that yearned above all else to become human, and the only way to do so was get married in a church. Now you had trolls trying to marry brave knights but get rebuffed not because they're ugly (troll wives typically weren't that monstrous) but because they were never baptized.

People never stopped believing in the old stories or the old gods, only the circumstances of them changed.

Man they absolutel-

Oh you're being ironic.


well they put fucking Gilgamesh in the game so they obviously don't give a shit about realism or accuracy

Can we also talk about how everything he's wearing is wrong?

Sorry, but no. Pagan festivals were routinely outlawed in Sweden and there were times when Church service attendance was mandated, punishable by hefty fine or land confiscation. It was not a case of 'Jesus Christ is just Thor, let's keep eating magic mushrooms and drinking cheap wine' but a full on conversion of the masses.

Please read some books on a subject before commenting about it.

You mean like Scandinavia?

He could have been a real guy, maybe.

Kinda like how Ragnar might have been a real dude, maybe.

>Please read some books on a subject before commenting about it.

You can't tell me what to do, confidently giving wrong opinions based on second-hand information I read in a thread between big-tiddy anime posts is my lifeblood here.

belief in the old gods was burned out of peoples minds, any sort of divinity was in god and god alone. Monotheism is like a virus in that it is fundamentally not cool with the existence of other gods, multiply that by the natural tendency for groups to conflict with one another and you have a religion that is absolutely intolerant of any form of separative thinking, to the point where even believing in a different form of the same religion is utter heresy. Folklore survives because it is not divine, things like monsters and festivals and whatnot don't threaten the monopoly and wholesome nature of the church, although it pisses some clergy off, it wasn't a burn-at-the-stake deal for them.

Yeah, years later when Christianity had already been well established.


Sort of an ironic statement considering the victors of that conflict were in the position they were because of a direct product of "getting peoples shit together". The Normans were descendants of Norsemen kept around to protect France because their forefathers shrecked them.

I had forgotten how fucking ugly Civ 5 looked.

At least they didn't give him a horned helmet.

It's called being incompetent.

Isn't Gilgamesh a lot like Jesus in that he probably existed, just without the magic powers?

It's a shame the VI rulers look so fucking awful, design wise I mean.

Makes you really think how things might have gone if Judaism died in the days of Babylon.

Granted, the Mystery Cults of the Late Roman Empire were already pumping out pseudo-monotheistic religions (henotheistic?) like hot cakes what with Sol Invictus and Mithras, but the only monotheistic religion that seemed to be really going strong was Zoroastrianism, the religion of big bad Persia.

Do you think we would have gotten a "reformed" Hellenic faith, or was the Roman pantheon already so malleable that Thor or Perkunas would have continued to exist as aspects of Mars?