"What's the matter? Can't stand the sight of a strong Elder Scrolls thread?"

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 insecure children who played Oblivion first on xbox start spewing shit about Morrowind and nostalgiafags

>"Halt! I sense illegal Talos worship around here. Are you the cause?"
Well, Sup Forums?

Elder scrolls was never good

Markarth and the entire Reach belong to the Nords.

Bretons need to GTFO
Imperials need to GTFO
Thalmor need to GTFO

Orcs can stay tho

>people honestly believe most mods will eventually work in SSE
Why are people in such denial over this disaster?

i hate those fags
still I don't enjoy skyrim. waiting for skywind desu

I have no idea what faction to pick. I went with that blonde dude, and he brought me to this little town where I spoke with his wife/sister (?) and she said she doesn't like the empire. Then they tell me to go to Whiterun, and it looks like that's the empire. Why send me over there to begin with? I'm wearing Stormcloak armor. No idea what's going on.

No friend, I only worship Lorkhan :^)

Is that Meisha tate? I wanna fuck Miesha tate.

Either i want to fuck her Vagina, or she can fuck my penis, with her vagina.

it's not a disaster though, it's pretty good. and there's already a lot of great mods, especially considering the game's only been out for 4 days and the mod tools were just released around midday yesterday.


stay with stormcloaks. kill any high elf that you see. thalmor are scum.

Nostalgia for Oblivion is the only reason I can think of that people enjoy that game more than Morrowind or Skyrim. People complain about the Skyrim dungeons, but Jesus Christ, has anyone here ever gone into Copypasted Ayleid Ruins #43? You know, the one with a giant empty room with 8 enemies tossed in.

All of Skyrim is de facto part of the Empire. Many of the Jarls (lords) in Skyrim are fighting to become and independent nation, though the Jarl of Whiterun is neutral.

Whiterun doesn't side with the empire or the stormcloaks.

But if you actually played the game instead of lying on Sup Forums, you'd know that

Don't listen to the Stormcucks. They're just the Thalmor's unexpected puppets. Avoid the Civil War quests if you want.

Yeah, I might do that. But like the fella in Whiterun
Okay. That makes sense.
I just killed my first dragon. My first time playing it.

ulfric is a thalmor asset

Remember to get my game™, user! You are getting my game™, right?

Modded Oblivion > Modded Skyrim > Skyrim > Oblivion
You know it to be true.

>Play as an Altmer mage
>Join the Stormcloaks


But it was the Breton who discovered the City and maintain it. Based GILF here is the reason why I like Breton.


What's your name and race Sup Forums? Stormcloaks or imperials?

Gubmont wallfire the orc, going imperial for the gibs.

>companion does kill animation
>it doesn't look that bad
>I do kill animation
>it looks godawful

>no Gra or Gro
You fucked up, N'wah.

I'd unironically a strong nord woman.

Bretons can stay but wildmen must go.

The Forsworn must be driven out of the Reach.

Skyrim is a better mod playground

Fuck you are right. I forgot orc lore.


i fucking hate how you cant do the civil war questline without being outed as the dragonborn

i just wanna roleplay as some lowly imperial soldier for my second playthrough

Whenever she said this to me, I always felt like hitting her in the back of the head, drag her to an alley and show her the pleasure of barbed khajiit dick

Friendly reminder that Online___ is the best Elder Scrolls game.

>disappointment over Oblivion was a formative experience for me, but I still played it for quite a while for some reason
>Nostalgiafags on Sup Forums keep talking about how Oblivion was underappreciated
>Eventually my nostalgia builds and I reinstall, spend a few hours going through a modding guide
>Play through the first dungeon
>It's still shit
>Don't want to uninstall because it took so long to set up, but I'm sure as fuck not going to play it
>It is just taking up space now

Thanks a lot, Sup Forums

Last save more than a year ago. Imperial named Tim, no faction, got a house just by woodcutting, didn't kill a single person, didn't take anything from dead bodies, only buys overpriced bows and arrows for hunting.

the vanilla inventory ui is absolutely fucking atrocious, its so obviously purely designed for console players

i cant play this shit until skse and sky ui get ported

>no khajiit to marry in SE either

Is there some lore reason like they are always moving about and never settle down or somethin? I just wanted someone to share my skooma and moon sugar with.

>Eslife Light-Hands
Haven't sided with anyone but going with the Empire for the money. National honor isn't important for a master thief.

>picking green niggers over bretons

At least the ruins in oblivion look cool, skyrim is just caves filled with draughr

At least, I can marry Deekaus, my future husband.


The orcs are cool in Skyrim and I like their weapons and strongohlds. And I've already refined my statement: Bretons can stay but Forsworn and Forsworn sympathizers need to GTFO.

nice vanilla screenshot m8

Lately I've been playing an unarmed Nord with a nod that adds tiers to the fists of steel perk. Suplexing an entire Thalmor base is satisfying like you wouldn't believe. I just wish there were more killshots.

Stormcloaks because why would I join people that wrongfully tried to execute me?

Dumb insecure Nostalgiafag

What are the must-have mods to improve any of the games?

So is there ANY reason to buy the Skyrim remaster? Im personally content playing it on the ps3. I would rather get an announcement for the next installment

>tfw no qt3.14 nazi elf waifu in tight black robes

Funny. I use so many mods with an MCM, yet I can't play unless I use SkyUI-Away because of how much I hate the SkyUI interface


I agree with you in that the dungeons of oblivion were exceedingly mundane, but I think the dlcs were too notch and I rather liked the atmosphere of cyrodiil, it was more dynamic in my opinion. Plus, that music was tighter than a nuns vagina.

It's SE. You can get an earlier version of SkyUI to work for SE.

skyui puts all my shit into one window in a very oldschool rpg type way

vanilla ui goes out of its way to make it a complete fucking chore to do something as simple as look at my items

>no marriage option for Olfina

Well, fuck you too, Bethesda.

Bethesda's already said the next TES game won't come out until 2020 at the EARLIEST. Also, PS3's version of Skyrim looks and runs abysmally.

Are people seriously playing this trash again

Okay faggots, I need your help. I'm setting up a party in Skyrim and I don't know what followers to pick. Derkeethus is gonna be my ranger bro for sure, and I'll either have Serena or Cait Ashland from /tesg/ as a mage. I still need a two handed user and maybe a healer (probably need mods for that).

it's a fun game

Since there are no watermelons in the game, my big-lipped, cornrow-having Redguard named Jamal is instead going to hoard cooked chicken.

Is Mage (Conjuration/Destruction) + Archer a bad idea?

No it fucking isn't

Not even with mods


Also Ulfric has the greatest voice acting in the history of gaming. Not to mention he murdered the high king by yelling stuff at him, how fucking cool is that.

Not going to disagree with you there but in terms of content Im fine sticking with my old copy

>Replying to such obvious bait.

im 25 hours into the SE with only 3 mods and i'm having a great time. ur just a Sup Forumstard meme who doesn't even like games anymore.

>mfw playing the Fight Against The Thalmor quest mods and crushing those knife-eared pieces of shit

>everyone must adhere to my definition of fun!

>more than one follower

can this be done in vanilla? I'd love to have a caster and ranger on my team at the same time rather than just a housecarl mule

Blini, Meh or Smetana like in every game for the last 10 years
Female Nord
>Stormcloaks or slutbois
Stormcloak of course

How's modding on the special edition ?

SKYUI yet ?

What happens if anything gets close to you.

Once you're high enough level literally anything will work (which I don't necessarily like). I would say alteration/illusion would complement archery better though. Since archery is your damage dealing area of focus, youd probably want your minor skills to be more support based.

magic is dogshit in unmodded skyrim but stealth archers are the most broken class in the game

i guess you could do something like an illusion (chamelon/invis spells) + archer and become a demi-god of skyrim

God I love female Altmer.

That haughty attitude and Aldmeri beauty.

I distract enemies with Atronachs and use Whirlwind Sprint.

Ok have fun :)

>can this be done in vanilla?
What do you think, user?

Are Dwarven ruins the best or worst areas in the game?

Is there a mod that makes magic fun, like being an actual necromancer summoning an army of skellingtons to do your bidings, or spells that are actually interesting to use instead of holding mouse buttons.

Don't forget the retarded enemy level scaling.

>Tfw no good Halloween mods
>No actual season mods
End my suffering


I honestly can't stand them. They're so visually bland it's almost headache inducing.

Fus Roh Dah, knife ears.

morrowind had a fantastic storyline, oblivion and skyrims are just complete shit by comparison

I enjoy them.

Do people underrate Skyrim's music? This is godly ambience music. I have played so many rpgs but nothing comes close to this.

The reach belongs to the forsworn, they were forced out of their home by dirty snow niggers.
Also it sucks huge dicks that you couldnt reclaim markarth for the forsworn

I always wanted to join the thalmor, why doesn't the game let me do that?

Favourite sex mods?

Sometimes there are exploits with followers. I was just checking, but wasn't expecting a yes.

i love it

it's my favorite game soundtrack, everything just works so perfectly as ambience.

Gary_s Real Mare Horse Mod

Why is it ok to worship Sithis but not Talos?

Skyrim has the best trailer ever made in the history of gaming. Literally flawless and will never be toped.
>implying this doesn't give you chills and make your dick harder than diamond

Get a kill move mod (I remember using VioLens) and set the rate to 100%. Unarmed is fucking great.

>Why would I join people that wrongfully tried to execute me?
It was one officer that decided to kill you, not the whole damn legion

It's not my fault Bethesda has been dumbing down the series because Daggerfall was too much for normies to handle.