Would you like SEGA to make a comeback into the hardware market? What would you like to see?

Would you like SEGA to make a comeback into the hardware market? What would you like to see?

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I had this idea for a while now, it's a console with a weird gimmick but hear me out.

it actually has games

I think they have enough good IPs to guarantee system sellers and the handheld market is getting competition free with Nintendo going full retarded and Sony giving up. Sega is big enough and popular enough to pull it out. People would buy a new sega on nostalgy alone. Just pretend that Sonic never existed.

absolute madman

Maybe. Depends on how many 2D and Arcadey titles we get. I loved the Saturn and Dreamcast but those consoles were from a different era. Would a theoretical new Sega console offer those kind of gaming experiences again, or would it offer the same kind of bland western AAA crap found on Microsoft and Sony's shitty consoles?

it would be nice but i dont think it will happened, consoles are kind of dying out and most of the people who made sega great have left the company. such a shame to because i miss arcade syle gameplay

>make a console filled with arcade ports

also, a SHIT ton of money goes into making a console thats something people dont really realize. most consoles are sold as a loss to. SEGA making another console would be extremely risky.

>consoles are kind of dying out

Tell that to Sony or Microsoft.

What are you suggesting even? That your PC master race fantasies are reality? That mobile gaming is crushing video games? That people are stoping playing video games?

Why is Nintendo, a company that has no buisness being in the hardware market since after the GC betting its money on a new console then?

Yes, because I believe more competition, especially from video game companies, is a good thing.


Depends which Sega you mean. Sega in their prime, yes. Sega of today, no because they're complete and total retards in every imaginable capacity.

this is your daily reminder that the wrong kid died

The people who work at Sega today aren't the same people who worked at sega in the 80s and 90s.
Until Sega gets people who are at least as based, then I don't want to see them making a console.

Looks like a console, feels like a console, smells like a console m8. The gimmick doesn't really change much when you look at the big picture and look at it objectively.

It's fairly stationally with short battery life, it has a dock that is the most important part of the thing, it has a pro controller option and most of the gameplay will be in the living room on a TV considering specs and battery life.

Deny it all you want but the Switch isn't a sucessor to the GB/DS bloodline.

we will see

6th gen was fantastic, shame Sega fucked themselves so hard

See what? What's your point even? You just spewed 'le meme arrow' without providing any input.

honestly, im too sick to argue. im sorry i didnt try harder.


I'd like to see an absolute fuck ton of exclusives.

>6th gen was fantastic



Sega dreamcast 2 electric Boogaloo. Considering how retarded the mainstream audience is when it comes to graphics it would sell nice.

Also, official support for all their older systems.

Cutting edge.

Those are the ones killing them dumbo.

It's too late for SEGA to make a move in today's console market. PlayStation and Xbox knock anything that comes in their way, Nintendo could fall out at any time especially if the Switch sucks, and then there's the PC.

Very much so. I've been picking up old SMS/Gen titles for this very reason lately.

Pic related was this weeks purchase

how much they fuck your wallet in the ass for that?

$15. why?

>caring about sports """"games""""

this would be something id like out of sega if they came back into the console business.

to make a comeback for arcadey style games.

Not him but the old/retro game market seriously suffers from the 'hipster cuck retro gamer' cancer. I don't mind paying extra for rarer games but when Panzer Dragoon or original Shenmue are £100+ its bullshit.

>Not him but the old/retro game market seriously suffers from the 'hipster cuck retro gamer' cancer

Are you stuck in 2012 user? Retro bubble meme has long since passed, normies moved on to other things. Look at ebay prices and actual thriftshops, they've gone down signifigantly and theres far less scalpers and vultures because the market died.

Retro vidya fad died. now its all about VR now.

not really. i have fond memories of sega but they're a husk of what they were 20 years ago. sonic nothing but a whore to appear in mario games. sega has lost all credibility. what we need is a new company to step in and gain some ground. nintendo deserves to be bankrupt by now too.

Nah. They need to release more of their Japan-only shit to everyone else (all their arcade games, PSO2, etc) + and get better advertising people (especially for Sega of Europe) though. Also a new Megamix which covers all their inactive IPs and shit.

>Look at ebay prices

I just did. They're as high as ever. Higher, even.


What I do want to see from them is becoming the dominant PC publisher presence. All the hardware power and users they could ever want already exist on Steam or other PC gamer networks. All they have to do is dig in and go as hard as they did for the Genesis and Dreamcast. An eventual partnership with Valve could even be something of divine beauty.

>Not him but the old/retro game market seriously suffers from the 'hipster cuck retro gamer' cancer
That's only for nintendo though.
>Retro bubble meme has long since passed
not at all unfortunately.

But the Xbox was, in spirit, a Dreamcast 2. It was a glorious system and had many great Sega titles on it.

>"I am an ignorant butthurt PCuck unable to see the big picture"

The Post.

Pro tip:one of the reasons Sega went to shit is because they went multiplat instead of pumping money into their console

wrong order bro

You can play PSO2 normally if you aren't chinese scum. And from what I heard, their arcade games (Border Break, MaiMai) aren't particularly great.

The system Border Break uses also doesn't seem to enjoy any popularity outside of Japan, as I thought we all have learned after F-Zero AX.

They recently opened a Steam marketplace with just over 400 titles published in 3 short years and have voiced their intentions on making a move to PC, probably for the same reasons that were mentioned.

Stay buttmad, eternal console loser.

That's one of the more abstract ones.

their rhythm games are actually really fucking popular in Japan, long lines and everything.
