> civ 6 is a pc exclusive
No one cares
> Rdr is a console exclusive
Explain this
> civ 6 is a pc exclusive
No one cares
> Rdr is a console exclusive
Explain this
Because neo "master race" only cares if a game is on sale or a port
Because most people on this board are PC gamers.
PC is not in competition with consoles and you're a fool if you think it is.
Unpopular genre.
>comparing a boring spreadsheet strategy game to Rockstar they king of beautiful large full of life and detail open world games
I've always gamed on console, and can never see myself playing PC. The answer to this is because most console players give zero shits about RTS's, Turn-based strategy, top down games that look like complete shit like LoL (Mobas I think they're called), or shitty ass looking games like Warcraft or CSgo.
If games aren't graphically progressing, then console players don't give a fuck. It doesn't matter if a ps4 or xbox one can't even run some of those games, they look like shit.
>civ 6 is a pc exclusive
>No one cares
Few people care about an Excel sheet with attached graphics.
Name one pc exclusive there has been a shitstorm over.
>game people rave about endlessly (bayo, bb, rdr)
>people mad they can't play it
>game people don't really care about but play because nothing else appeals to them currently
>people don't care that they can't play it
I just #CorrectedYourRecord
Conker's bad fur day.
>If games aren't graphically progressing, then console players don't give a fuck
You are the cancer killing video games
Only 40-50 year old somethings play civ and maybe that one weird cousin you have.
And plenty of faggots will still fall for this
How about devs make something that looks good, and plays good?
I had to google civ 6. it looks like your stereotypical boring pc game
RDR is fantastic and pc losers are jealous they dont get to pretend they have consoles with this game.
pretty simple.
This. Gta 5 wasn't so bad
Kids who aren't allowed consoles wanting to play RDR on daddy's PC. There is probably 40k of them who would sign a petition too.
RDR was shit and RDR2 will be shit, even it comes to PC I won't be playing.
because the "never ever" shitposting was done by sonyponies.
PCfags don't care and sonyponies won't shitpost about themselves so there will never be that kind of shitposting about a PC exclusive
but he isnt wrong
theres a reason why devs rather pump more polygons and post process effects instead of a higher framerate
>civ 6
>generic iteration in a dlc-filled stale series
>one of the greatest games of all time, along with bloodborne
nice try though, pc c*ck
Civ revolution is on consoles faggot
because dudebros cant into strategy or history, therefore they dont care if they get civ or not
Nobody expected Civ6 to be on consoles. A lot of people (foolishly) expected RDR2 to be on PC. People get pissed off when their expectations aren't met.
because Sup Forums only likes cinematic meme games, and not games of actual skill and mechanical mastery
hense all the fucking "titanfall 2/bloodborne/uncharted is goatay" threads every fucking day
I'm not. And I have a console and I'm still not getting it. Go fuck yourself.
> RDR is shit and RDR2 will be shit.
Typical pkek salty hes stuck with soreadsheet simulators.
console folk are generally too stupid for Civ so they don't really care.
nice bait, you got me
>I had to Google Civ 6
Please tell me this is bait.
I had no idea what RDR is before the spamming except that it was some game that has a horse and is set in a desert and still don't know any more now that the spam is done.
> th-they are too s-stupid to play our spreadsheet simulator
Pkek mad hell NEVER EVER get rdr, bloodborne or ff xv
one is a game nobody by autists like.
another is a game that casuals, meaning most people like
Because Sony fanboys are the only shitposters on Sup Forums.
Because pcfags don't lord their exclusives over consolefags nearly as much as consolefags lord their exclusives over pcfags.
>Playing civilation enough to care a new one is coming out
>Shitposting about console wars on Sup Forums
Choose one and only one.
Exactly what I'm saying. I'm not trying to say that it's the right way to look at things, but that's the answer to OP's question. It's the way all my friends, and I think.
>walking down the street enjoying my day
>see a poster for rdr2
>smile to myself thinking of the fond memories playing it
>stop dead in my tracks
>the thought pops into my mind that PC gamers will never, ever be able to play it
>burst out in uncontrollable laughter, falling down on the street
Could get a 360 and rdr for like $100 today if I really wanted to play it that much
It's a walking simulator with cowboy elements.
> $100 console + game is better than $3500 photo editing machine
Console people never gave a fuck about traditional PC exclusive kind of games.
because people who play games on pc exclusively are not really insecure, while people who play games on console can't help but feel wierd and insecure by the cool and calm behavior of pc group. you hardly see threads where people screaming , dota 2 or csgo or something on console + never ever. but threads like no bloodborne on pc and nier on pc never ever threads were common to the point people got so used to them they stopped caring about them,
consoles are like younger brothers who their whole life feel inferior, i cant say they actually are inferior but thats how society works, console """"gamers"""" are just extremely insecure
Who the fuck would play civ 6 on a console? That would be horrible.
> the best pc exclusive is console emulation
Rlly makes u think
civ is an exclusive because consoles would have a shit time controlling it with their controllers
rdr is an exclusive because rockstar either is bought out by consoles or hates money (or is releasing it 1-2 years from now to milk the ever loving hell out of fans)
As a PC fag that hates exclusives, I'd love to see Civ 6 on consoles.
Because everyone has a PC but not everyone has a console.
Because no one cares about boring games like civ.
not bad you may be able to form a coherent sentence someday
Most people really don't care about Civilization games. Strategy is unpopular genre.
Rockstar games on the other hand have immediate appeal and sell shitloads.
Both good answers. Not necessarily shitstorms because of people demanding ports, but shitstorms none the less.
Lamar should have been the protag over Franklin damn it.
are people just baiting in this thread or is it just filled with kids
As a PC fag, people who only have consoles never cross my mind since I have one of each in my man cave.
What the fuck is "civ 6"? I can't be the only one who doesn't know. For reference, I mostly play cod, bf games, and FIFA.
They just have less money to dedicate to vidya, either because they don't have a lot of money in general or just don't care.
Its a spreadsheet program
>Most people really don't care about Civilization games. Strategy is unpopular genre.
>Game just came out
>only a few entries above a game out for 5 years
u mad pcfags?
This guy's 100% right, most people I know only focus on the main titles:madden, battlefield and GTA
People accept that certain genres of games are better on a PC or better on a console. Strategy games are one of those that everyone knows works better on PC
Notice how it's almost always sonyponies doing it and you'll see the reason is because they're obsessed with making a big deal out of having games that other platforms don't.
Why do you think there's always someone, any time PS4 is insulted, sitting around waiting to post a list of PS4 exclusives?
Agreed. Strategy/mobas are better on pc and big games are better on console.
>Who the fuck would even want to play civ 6 at all? That would be horrible.
edited for xa
hey man, the sales numbers don't lie.
There's a bias towards Sony users on Sup Forums because there's a bias toward Sony users IN LIFE.
Get with the times, kid.
Case in point.
Then what's the matter if you don't get a game you wouldn't even like?
Civ6 runs on a potato.
Everyone has a potato.
>console fags believe this
At least Civ DLC actually add something
Because GTAs and RDR are games aimed mainly towards kids and young adults, around 12-20 years old who find the brutal and adult nature very attractive.
Civ and other 4xs are aimed towards players with more mature tastes and patience.
Guess which is the prevalent demographic on Sup Forums now
>adults dont care about their pc game being exclusive and dont shitpost about it
>children care about their console game being exclusive and shitpost about it
>being this retarded
>tfw love the idea of strategy games
>Civ games are really cool
>but too stupid to play strategy games
loosing games is part of the process my man
>RDR for kids
Typical pcCuck. Doesn't know anything about the games he talks about
>these people actually browse Sup Forums
Because you're all fucking children and there's never a more urgent reminder of that than any thread involving consoles.
Fucking 15 year olds jerking off to muh company
most people smart enough to game on a PC are generally doing well enough in life to afford to invest in a secondary gaming machine as well, so don't be so fast to judge :)
>and big games are better on console.
I love those 30FPS/900p controller only shooters senpai
>play RDR online
>voice chat is full of children yelling at each other
rly makes u think
Because PC gamers don't give a shit
>I had to google civ 6.
Seriously, why us PC fags have to get so many shitty exclusives. I would gladly exchange entire PS4 library for entire library on PC. Seriously, we get maybe like one good game a year.
Why is it happening?
you do realize you can use a controller on PC?
>Could get a 360 and rdr for like $100 today
I got one for 70€ with Forza Horizon and RDR just last weekend. From FUCKING GAMESTOP. It was a 250 GB E model too.
This, most people want a game with some action and things to do, only a small group of autists have fun clicking a map every once in a while and letting the game play itself.
>If games aren't graphically progressing, then console players don't give a fuck
if anything, we're stagnating in grafix now
because Civ is shit and RDR is a good game.
holy shit this
This is mostly true, but as much as people hate on EA, they are doing a better job at graffix than any other studio at pushing things further. Coincidentally EA also panders to the largest audiences, so it still proves my point.