Patch 3.45 is live.
Have you reached last PotD floor yet?
Got your new anima?
Started leveling a MNK because it will be the FOTM next expansion?
Patch 3.45 is live.
Have you reached last PotD floor yet?
Got your new anima?
Started leveling a MNK because it will be the FOTM next expansion?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm scared of what they're gonna do to SCH and WAR
Been playing MNK since I started, just before 3.1 came out. Considering I was just a sprout back then, did the release of HW see an influx of shitter DRGs? I'd like to get a feel for how bad 4.0's release is going to be.
Here is link to patchnotes
Thank you user.
Don't worry. Everyone will flock to samurai if it gets announced.
Calling it, 5.0 is gonna be the Doma/Garlean expansion and posterboy is gonna rep NIN this time.
It will round out the melee trifecta, they just needed the time to age him a bit first so he gets taken seriously as a nin, since they're the kirito strife class.
You have to think something's wrong with you when you are a DRG and the tank is doing more DPS than you.
Can you do the weekly levelling roulette quest on any job or just the one you are getting the anima for?
>mfw DF party just nearly wiped to titan hard
>three misses
That's how.
>mfw a dragoon was the only one who actually got knocked off when i was getting caught up with the end of MSQ
Been busy losing bolts to mouthbreathers.
Shitter learning level 60 DRG here.
About how much should I be parsing on a dummy if I'm i216 with an i210 weapon, if I'm not doing TOO bad?
1.5k at least I'd imagine...never played drg tho
>get Titan HM as BRD last night
>had a SCH who died three times to Titan's bombs and Weight of the Land
>I keep playing Foe's for the BLM and SMN who are actually doing work
>he starts bitching that I'm not giving him MP and I'm a shitty Bard
>tell him to try not dying like a chucklefuck if he wants to have MP
>we clear just fine while he's sitting on the ground dead
>pop a fortune pomerander
>open a chest
>kill the mimic, drops a chest
>it's another mimic
>kill it, drops yet another chest
>but maybe--
Do I file this under "bullshit" or do I just consider this a successful double mimic abortion?
Depends how good your static is. You do have a static don't you?
I do but I mean how does it compare to other hard content. EX primals? Coil? Savage Midas/Gordias?
4 man savage
>Titan HM
>Healers don't cleanse the damage down off DPS
What is this chart and how did you get it?
It's kind of weird that it does that in HM but not EX
for real?
this is gonna be fun
Do you get kicked out if anyone dies even once? Are there any checkpoints?
ACT parser.
wait final fantasy has white guys in it now?
Don't you guys ever get tired of doing the same stale content every day? every week? every month?
Shhh they'll learn. I did. Should have stayed away after 3.1 but I came back during 3.3 and left again at 3.4. never looked back. The community is awful.
We just got +100 PotD floors and a new step of the anima weapon.
Ask this on any day that isn't patch day
the answer is yes for me but there's new shit to do today
PSA : The 100th floor boss spawns a shitton of adds, but they can be instantly killed by someone with the new Pomander of Resolution. Save at least one for the boss because it really helps.
What were they thinking making it so you can do potd 100+ with the same 3 people.
Fuck off with this "static" bullshit.
Anyone have any idea what XP rewards look like for 50-100?
I know we only just got 1-50 graphed out a few weeks ago, but, general ideas?
Did they nerf the initial anima weapon process yet?
I unsubbed when I saw that pointless fucklong grind, no way was I going to put up with artificial length to the process
thanks for heads up
Maybe if you play religiously.
The most annoying part is the "no deaths 51-100" part. You have to find a static and clear everything again not failing once and only then you'll be able to get stuck with the same players on 101-200. I hope by the time 4.5 comes out they remove the restrictions and you can enter it with a matched party
I dunno what it was before but currently for the final step from awoken esoteric to anima relic, the unidentified items can be traded in for 300 poetics/lore each, 3 ARR beast tribe tokens,or 6 Vanu/Vath tribe tokens. The other parts you need which were HQ crafted items can be bought at the GC for 5000 marks each
The only thing they should have forced for 100-200 is that you're level 60 to even enter so you have all your skills.
In order of progression stages:
Crystals from Fates are common now
i210 Unidentifieds are easy to get, maybe a week of casual play
i230 Aether Oil isn't terrible but will take 5 weeks if you only get it from CT quests
Umbrite Sands is un-nerfed and still extremely cost intensive, yet the i240 is so utterly outclassed now
i260 is easy and quite fast.
What does the 260 quest require?
have you ever tried doing ex primals on duty finder
>play casters for most of my XIV playthrough
>200 later, try a Machinist
Aw yeah this is the good shit
Why should I play this instead of WoW?
>the unidentified items can be traded in for 300 poetics/lore each
wait what
The restriction is probably there to prevent people from fishing for easy sets of 10 floors on the way to 100.
Since scoring is a thing now, and potd progression is one linear process, if you waste a bunch of pomanders on an earlier floor like 87 or something, you're better off killing yourself and retrying instead of locking in that inventory going forward.
Still kinda dumb though, they could just make 101-200 be "wipe at all and you have to start from 101" and it would accomplish pretty much the same thing.
It doesn't have to be back to back right? Who the hell wants to run that many hours of procedural dungeons if its true?
50 x 150 lore items, can get 10 from a weekly and 1 per day from ex roulette.
the 230 > 240 step takes something like 25000 lore AND you need a second item which costs poetics, or materia, or other random items which aren't necessarily quick to come by.
Nobody answered me in the last thread.
Have they discussed any PS4 Pro support yet?
>not even out the door for school and Mekkah Dee already had a spoiler video up with the floor 200 theme
god fucking damn slow down faggot
I mean I already knew it would be Nybeth but give us a day atleast before you explode into my activity feed
I've been playing both recently, but WoW struggles to hold my attention more than FFXIV does, but I'm generally burning out on MMOs as a whole.
It's not no deaths, you just can't wipe. If you seriously don't have friends to play through them without wiping, then it's honestly your problem.
mordhona the bitch on the right, i keep forgetting her name but the one who you can get ironworks from
>healers doing zero dps
Fucking god awful
I think he means you buy them for 300 poe, rather than you can give her an unidentified and get 300poe or lore from her
>already seeing people with their 260 relic
that's not floor 200
any dataminers got pics of the new anima's yet
If you had 2000 lore ready for patch day and then do the weekly (3 levelling rou is laughable) and then ex, you have made big headway into it already.
Then if you have a reliable team who can farm ARF really quickly, it's quite possible even if it's dull.
I do it all the time, because my server ain't shit.
any death counts man, including d/c's. Wipes just disband the party and autoexit the dungeon.
>if a single random fuckhead disconnects in your party after hours of grinding out these levels it's marked as a death on your save
can you take this fucking horseshit in?
this one is prettier and the classes are more fun to play
I wish the pvp scene was alive like WoW's though
I want to know what drops from silver and gold.
Tier V materia is a minimum I expect.
I fear the day SE goes nuclear on his channel. I don't want to pay out the ass for the OST.
It's not if anybody dies, I'm literally on 110 and we had 3 deaths getting to 100. The party KO count only goes up if you wipe or if someone leaves.
extra shiny magicked prism
What is with this potd static meme. You don't need a static to do it, you just need a premade group.
Since when is that a static?
>No deaths in my first run to 100
>Queue for 91 pops
>Retard MCH pulls a mob as 3 (THREE) Wraiths are all coming into the room.
>We all get slaughtered.
Thanks MCH.
What stats should I be infusing in my Sword and Shield relic?
This. If you can't get a group of competent people to run with you, then 101-200 is not meant for you. Stick to 1-100
You couldn't have done it anyways if you were doing it with a matched party, you have to do fixed to get into 101+
b-but I want matchmaking for it, i dont want to actually cooperate with other people on my server
I don't understand why they have this stupid stipulation in place anyways. There's so many ways to just randomly die.
Honestly I see no reason not to make this an option either. If people want matchmaking, why shouldn't they have it?
Doesn't stop people from making premades.
then do 1-100
It's because of the leaderboards, they don't want people to intentionally wipe to get better RNG for a set of floors.
And again, you HAVE to do it with a fixed party anyways so the odds of you wiping are severely low outside of really specific instances of bad luck.
I don't have friends who play this game and i'm on fucking mateus. I don't want to suck up to a clique of autists to acess content. It's fucking stupid.
>They didn't nerf the Umbrite step
next patch
Now what average damage should a 250 BRD do, not counting Crit?
I have to level up my Anima weapon with 240 points. What's the best material to get the sands?
Also getting really bored of farming Lores. Thank god I lvl'd up a DRK just after lvling my main to 60 for this kind of things.
But there are.
It's called fflogs.
Vilekin are the easiest and cheapest if you have spare leves, but you can only get 10-20 per 100 leves.
Gathering Blue Scripts are the most cost efficient method of getting sand.
looks like perfect husbando material
After leves. If you get lucky with them you'll have a quarter of the entire necessary supply in about half an hour.
But I don't have any gatherer job leveled.
You get 12 leves a day, with the about 10% chance of getting an amber, that's on average, 1 sand per day. You can get 4 sands in 1 hour with gathering blues.
You only have yourself to blame for that.
back off, whore.
It reminds me of Bismarck EX, in that version, getting caught in the line AOE has no knockback, but it does in HM for whatever reason
And you can do 100 in half an hour. The lore requirement is a far bigger time investment.
I just got back into the game and going to start my anima quests, I left off with finishing Zeta...
I know I have a lot to do, but I read I can turn in my Zeta for the first part to get that over with. My question is, is there a way to get my zeta again for glamour purposes? I thought there was one for relics so you can get a low level version of it from a step previous, or am I imagining this?
Leves run out. Blues don't. Lore is beside the point.
>its a three paladin one whm potd 90-100 episode
I dunno why I didn't just drop out right then and there
Friendly reminder that THESE PEOPLE are playing Cats on YOUR SERVERS.
Don't let them get away with it