Greetings earthlings. There is no easy way to say this: I am from the Triangulum Galaxy...

Greetings earthlings. There is no easy way to say this: I am from the Triangulum Galaxy. I have traveled millions of light years ( though we measure distance by the distance between an electron and the nucleus) in search of intelligent life. Please list to me the "videoed games" most representative of your species' culture so I can return to my people and impress them with your enlightenment.

you know what's really impressive? senpai, too bad he won't be my bf

>we measure distance by the distance between an electron and the nucleus

You'll got along well with Americans and their retarded standard units.

Bring music instead, for our own sake.

Hourly reminder that if everything is metric and cut into 100s and 10s then you'll never be ergonomic because people arnt 100 units tall and 20 units wide.

Imperial makes more sense. Metric is only good for selling more product which will not be used as waste cuttings of fabric / wood etc.

Ever tried drinking a can of coke that was 100ml? But wait, oh no, that wont use exactly 10 grams of aluminum! What will we do!?

>Hourly reminder that if everything is metric and cut into 100s and 10s then you'll never be ergonomic because people arnt 100 units tall and 20 units wide.

are you fucking retarded? that's not what systems mean are you just pretending

Artificial Academy 2.

Uh, not everything needs to be base ten

American education, gentlemen.

triangulum sounds like a dump, sorry you have such a lame home space niggers

i hear mars is almost habitable, fuck off there and leave us inferior beings alone

I show them Star Control 2

>aliens go through the trouble of communicating with us
>immediately devolves into an argument over measurement systems
never change, Sup Forums

Boy i sure love having to divide miles by 5280 and yards by three and then twelve for both to get inches. instead of that bullshit metrics where I can just divide everything by multiples of 10

Fuck off space niggers we're full

no mans sky

Fuck off space niggers we're full

Kill yourself

>distance based off of a tiny scale

fucking retarded aliens

ayy lmao

fuck off posers


i only drink space beer

>I have traveled millions of light years ( though we measure distance by the distance between an electron and the nucleus) in search of intelligent life.
Unit conversion doesn't change the distance light travels in a year.

You want video games huh? Well you have come to the right place.

Okay guys, seriously though, what games out there most completely encapsulate the human condition?

It's by no means perfect, but here, try the Civilization series. It's supposed to be the story of a nation's rise through history. It's not a direct 1:1 of our actual history, but rather, tells rather well what we value and what we see as paths to victory, as well as the order in which we developed technology and ideas. It's a good starting point, if nothing else.

Greetings alien. Unfortunately there is nothing interesting from humans but the series STALKER will give you information about our great monolith

Greetings friend! I would strongly recommend you to look for X-com series.

fuck off we're full