"New Vegas writing is superior," They said


Oh it is, by a huge fucking margin, but I think most everyone can agree that they dropped the ball when it came to Ceaser's Legion as a whole.

I don't understand what problem you have for this statement, they ask you to blow shit up, and blowing shit up causes the ground to shake, that's why they thought you blew shit up

Fancy a little roll, user?

le cuck meem

are you even aware how much unique spoken dialogue is in this game?

it is, its just that other games made now are that bad at writing

This is not a writing issue, more like a dumb plothole.

ayyy roll me up

It is.
Are you argueing that or what? Maybe bring actual arguments next time.

rollin mofo

Prep the bull you cuck

NV is full of so many logical fallacies everything collapses on itself halfway through the game.

Consider that it's possible to be walking into this camp as someone who has done absolutely nothing but antagonize the Legion at every turn and kill dozens of their men. The fact that he would just take it as read that you did what he told you is insane.

>Why does the courier care about politics?
Why does a salesman? Why does a cook? Why does a gunsmith? Uh I dunno, maybe because your profession doesn't fucking define you as a person?

What a stupid image.

It is. Find a SINGLE quote from Fallout 3 that's wittier than pic related. No, scratch that. Find it from Fallout 3, Skyrim or Fallout 4. You can't.

ceasar legion broke my entire immersion
you expect me to believe that some people would suddenly decide we wuz romans and plunder shit with machetes against people with guns and explosives?

Legion uses both guns and explosives, though.

The Courier is literally inside of his fort full of his loyal soldiers, it's pretty reasonable to assume that he would obey Caesar's orders, sure The Courier can easily murder everyone in the fort, but Caesar doesn't know that


but you as the player decide what your character cares about, you can kill benny and then ignore the fucking quest

jesus people

>implying you wouldn't

If you were out on a simple job and found out you were holding a piece of something that could change the entire world, who wouldn't capitalize on it?

That's why you're given the choice of just giving the chip to House if you don't care, or using it to reshape New Vegas if you want.

There's not a plothole there.

I can't. Bless you Fantastic

kek, the one for FO3 was at least three times the length.

It absolutely works and is perfectly logical, especially since all of em are captured and slaved tribals, minus the leader.

A post war democratic nation, spread too thin, who can't even kill some lousy raiders or defend the roads, and you think they could stomp out a highly organized army of tough as fuck tribals with absolute loyalty and great close quarters weapon training?

Mines? Hello?

Bros have there been any good mods in the last year? What's the progress on the frontier, brazil part 2 or any other major mods?

BoS is full of annoying techno-autists. It doesn't take a lorefag to realize why someone wouldn't want those losers stinking up the Mojave.

>frontier, brazil part 2

both are vaporware

This does not even come close to the FO3 plot synopsis criticism macro.

>Why does the courier give a shit about politics?

What a fucking stupid question. Because choosing an alignment and interjecting in politics is part of any true role-playing game. An equally stupid question would be: why does the vault dweller care who rules the D.C. wasteland?

They use guns too, but are infamous for their use of melee. Generally, Legion troops are more dedicated and motivated to be good soldiers than the NCR. They pretty much train 24/7, and I'm sure those units that use guns are skilled in their use. I read somewhere that a Legion tactic they use is sending a group of recruits armed with machetes to close in on the enemy while a Legionary with a gun would keep them suppressed until the recruits are within melee range.

I could see it working in this fictional setting, it's not that big of a stretch. Pity how undeveloped the Legion is, and the game's AI doesn't do any favors making them look intelligent or like they have any tactics, which makes the Legionaries using melee look pretty dumb. It's fine though.

>tfw you're shitty at installing mods and cant even properly work fmm

feels bad guys

Not only that, but if it triggers a player's autism so much that such an alliance isn't in the game, there's a mod that unlocks several dialogue checks that allows for a truce between House and the BoS.

Wow, the person who made this post is an absolute retard that did not pay attention to any of the damn dialogue, probably a Redditor to boot.
Advanced retardation right there, the only real issue there is Caesar being so willing to believe that you blew up the bunker, he has no reason to have such trust in you despite having spies that have gathered information on your exploits.

>bethesdrones """"""""""""""""""arguments"""""""""""""""""""

how pathetic. Can't even bring up any actual flaws. New Vegas really is perfect.

>bethesda fanboy
>cuck meme
>reddit filename

Grunts are sent in with melee weapons and higher ranking troops follow suit with guns and explosives. If you see a recruit with a gun he most likely picked it off from a corpse, enemy or ally.

Not that different from real wars honestly.


These ncr forces in the mojave are just vanguard. Cosplayers will never reach the coast even if they overcome the dam.

>Cosplayers will never reach the coast
If you played the game you'd know they don't actually intend to.

They don't need to. They don't want to either user.

What's your point.


You could've at least tried to type your facebook tier edit properly, Sawyer's autism wouldn't let shit like that fly

The only one of these points that's legitimate is the question about Caesar. Dude totally should've sent a guard with you and it makes no sense that he wouldn't given almost everyone who's not Legion leaving west of the Legion is hostile to the Legion.

Heck, they could've had you do something to prove yourself. Then you've got that moral choice where yeah you wanna do the right thing maybe but to do it first you need to execute these NCR prisoners.

Everything else in that image is bullshit though.

>tfw Caesar has more memorable lines than all of FO3 and FO4 combined

ROLLAN my courior

This is trying way too hard to mimic the FO3 image and it fucks it up so much.

>Not that different from real wars honestly.
Fuck off USSR



Caesar's Legion was a sack of untenable shit that will fall back into chaotic raiding once their fascist dies.

Anyone who supported them is an absolute idiot.

I get it, you're edgy


Which character was it that openly admitted that the whole thing would fall apart the moment Caesar died?

I'm not even gonna play but roll anyway

A profligate one.


I killed Caesar as soon as I met him and the whole game progressed more or less the same.

Checkmate, faggots.

Caesar's legion was untenable, they had to go

So I pretty much just rolled what I usually end up doing.

Is that Westside?

gimme something good


New Vegas is better than Fallout 3
Obsidian is better at making RPG's than Bethesda

No, Crimson Caravan.

I was so psyched to join the legion
>mfw the best lead, best run military in all of america is run by a fucking retard
>mfw there's no payoff and you can run around on drugs and nobody gives a shit because you can't actually join the legion you can only be it's errant boy
>mfw noone knows latin, they have all this understanding of roman culture and not a single person knows latin past the catchphrase
Obscenis, peream, Caesar, si non
uti me pudet improbisque verbis
sed cum tu posito deus pudore
ostendas mihi coleos patentes
cum cunno mihi mentula est vocanda


what about autists who claim fallout 2 was better than 1
>dude pop culture references and easter eggs lmao XD

You get a one in a lifetime pardon no matter what to get inside the camp and speak with him, the platinum chip is more important than the full Legion to caesar.

umm.... wow...

Best writing.

>in Caesar's legion on my female run
>legionaires joke about how they'd like to "try me out" sometime

I swear there's at least one tumblrina in the world that fell out of her chair and started crying when she heard that

*blows the trigger whistle loudly*

>tfw Sup Forums is the only place I met people saying fallout 2 is worse than 1.
This place is a shithole but it's still miles better than anywhere else.


Im a wanderer

Sawyer already had to tell them to fuck off when they cried about the rape in the game.


>mfw noone knows latin, they have all this understanding of roman culture and not a single person knows latin past the catchphrase

That was kind of the point, user. They use the imagery, but have absolutely no idea what it represents. They're the only people who pronounce Caeser as Kaiser, even though that isn't correct. It's all just for show to make a mob of slaves feel like something bigger.

Sup Forums is also the only place I've ever heard people say Witcher 1 was better than 2, which is just false on absolutely every level.

you have ten seconds to tell me what your favourite ncr elite ranger gear is, and what your overall favourite armour/outfit in the game is

desert ranger for me (bottom right), but this seems to be an unpopular opinion

>Witcher 1 was better than 2
But it's true.
t. pole

This is correct.

>caring about what you look like in a first person game

Cool Reddit filename, you fucking piece of shit.

They ran things like romans.
Caesar based his army on romans, somehow he knew enough about the god damn romans.
Right down to hanging people on crosses and shit.
Everything you're describing is what the people of rome did, because they're romans, and romans had slaves and knew how to look good doing it.
There was no reason for it all to be such a bland experience, if they're going to make multiple paths they better all be good, or just give me 1 good path, and don't make me chose bullshit.
The legion felt like it was compiled out of scraps from Van Beuren and when it came to actually write the story they realized they were fucked because they had no good writers.


Caesar is well aware that he's basically tricking his people. He's a fraud and he knows. All that becomes irrelevant if he captures his Rome though.

Dude no.

>not playing in third person and laughing at the unbelievably bad running animations

I can't play in 3rd person. The shooting is too off.

>Why does the courier
Stopped right the fuck there.

You literally can just wander around aimlessly. Will it be fun? That's entirely different question. But you can in fact not care about politics, YOU are the Courier.

>not playing unarmed/explosives

>mfw I roleplayed a female legion-aligned explosives-expert with a short fuse who gained the legion's trust only to tear them apart from within and take the mojave for herself when one of the fuckers pissed her off
Chaotic Neutral, bitches. That run was one of the most fun ones I ever did.

M80 roll me up pham

>mfw got told to fuck off from the fighting ring because I was female
>killed the entire camp for it
fucking cunts

I tried. But the gun porn is just too good.

oh shit I forgot to give me a face