The "COD SUCKZ" meme dies this Friday

The "COD SUCKZ" meme dies this Friday

Say your prayers, kids

I pray you that learn you have shit taste

>says the DOOM nostalgia shitter

>Bwaaah why can't i just get my health back? it's such hard work walking to pick up items

it's not a meme, cod is genuinely bad, average at best, and it has been like that for more than 5 years now.

awwww the cod generation is growing up and calling people kids now, I'm so proud

>youtube recommended feed is filled with former CoD shills jumping ship
Yeah, sure thing there Activision.

>waahhhhh where are muh memberberries
>member when shooters were good?! they were all doom clones!

Pathetic child

Titanfall 2 is already out and is twice as good.

>caring about BLOPS 3: worse in every single way edition

Haven't played CoD since BO2. Are they still fun?


>people start hating on COD finally

>they change it up a little bit

>everyone starts shitting on it way more

what the fuck is wrong with "normal", average people?

>He doesn't know what game design is

You're the reason why people think video games are just "pressing buttons", because developers pander to a bigger demographic by making their games more basic and easy at the point where they're toys.

And twice as dead. Enjoy your flop. Us CODbros win again.

I played the Beta. It sucks.. more than I expected.

CoD sales are declining. Normal mainstream motherfuckers can't even handle this monotonous shit any more. It is finally dying.

>waaaahhhhh gibs me more of muh nostalgia!!


It's going to be trash
Everyone that gives a shit about the series will play COD4

>Waaaaaaa it's a me wario

Never said these games were perfect, just that they were trying to push a medium forward only so it ended up stepping back due to incompetence, greed and lazyness

I've bought every single cod and won't be buying this one. Played the beta and it sucked. This will be the worst selling cod of all time

the creators of south park can get fucked for being so blatantly one sided and doing that shitty strawman, they're helping hillary win at this point, i guess they're just another couple of elitist out of touch faggots

You lose. Dont' quote me again. I win

>are they still fun

If you've enjoyed any of these post 2010 or so, then yeah, they'll still be fun. These things are just reskins of reskins of reskins at this point, and it's been that way for a while now.

>actually playing IW
>not just buying it for MWR

>literally the worst COD game in history is going to save COD

>An internet arguement is a competition

Black Ops 3 was actually extremely enjoyable, IW is just a hollow imitation of BO3 with P2W and a complete lack of balance.

I think I'll get Titanfall 2.

All I want to do is play cod4 remastered. God damn jew developers can't even release it seperately.

Fuck you marketer

>Normal mainstream motherfuckers can't even handle this monotonous shit any more.

They actually changed it for once

But now everyones hating on it jumping ship to the battlefront series like i did 7 years ago

Except that franchise is shit now too

The fuck is wrong with you all?


They are so fucking stupid I am not going to pay 120$ for a shit game and MW1 even though I'd gladly pay 40$ for the remaster.

They'll just lose sales because of their greed.

Get ready to experience the death of COD, this friday

>the greatest zombies map ever will be the last one because you dumb faggots are mad they're taking the game to space instead of doing the same old shit as always

what the fuck

Your taste in girls is on point. Titanfall 2 is great also.

>COD will die in your lifetime

Reminder that these are shill threads. NOBODY will talk about this game once it comes out. Happens every year.

>le south park strawman
>can't even defend his shitty COD
>implying every shooter now isn't a COD clone

Codfags truly are underage.

butthurt cuck

The only way I would buy Infinite Warfare is if it got Full Mod Tools.

I would love to see someone make a Space Map for MP ripped from the SP where two

>two sides
>both sides spawn on their respective ships
>in the middle is a bunch of space debris which serves as the "ground" for the map
>goal is to destroy the enemies ship and wipe out the enemy team like in the SP
>pilotable aircraft
>controllable turrets
>ship infiltration

Like Battlefront 2 really, but more in depth. It would be cool but it won't happen.

Why don't you guys just accept your decline like Halo fans did?

>newfag that wasn't around when the F meme started

This is the next generation people.
Enjoy our time in the sun because after we are gone these guys will run the show.

I'm just glad you'll wipe each other out in a nuclear holocaust because some one made fun of your favorite anime character.



Played the Beta, it wasn't very good or fun. Black Ops 3 was the only recent good CoD even with all the shoving Activision has done.
Raven Studios seems to be a really good dev considering their work on MWR, though like Treyarch they're stuck doing nothing but CoD.

Played the beta and there's not much to say about it other than "Yep, it's Call of Duty".


>implying the campaign won't be the best in the series
>co-written by BJ Blazko himself

>CoD campaign
>best anything
Come on lad you know it'll just be moving in a straight line for six to eight hours shooting faceless enemies in the head. Maybe you'll get a sniper or vehicle section if you're lucky.

>that franchise is shit now too
>started playing in bad company era
>implying BF1 is bad
