Is she balanced?

Is she balanced?

not if your winston :(

she's balanced in the sense that if you put her on a scale with a truck on the other one, they'll balance out

Her ult charges too fast (which they are fixing) so no

She is fat

I want that fat ass in my lap.

She can contest while invulnerable. This needs to be removed from all characters.


I'm so fucking sick of seeing this fat piece of shit in every game I join. All it does is ruin my day. She's the the new flavor of the month character.

please be a girl

shes one of the last things preventing a three tank meta


When will the meme end? She's not even thick, she's just wearing a lot of heavy clothing.

The problem with Mei isn't a balance issue, it's that she just isn't fun to play against. No matter how much you buff/nerf her she'll always end up being obnoxious or worthless because she's a walking series of obnoxious gimmicks.
To a lesser extent the same is true of Roadhog and his dumbass magic hook. Either he two-shots everything short of another tank with zero skill or effort, or he's trash.

She's very situational and in situations where she's useful she's unbearable. Her DPS is mediocre, her close left click requires the opponents to be dumb to ignore her and her ult is easily avoidable. She shines where opponents do ignore her and when you can't escape from her ult. Her E is legit good at all times though.

Yes. Nerf Tracer.

She's a worse Reaper.

She might not be fat but she's soft.

It might be a good idea if it wasn't for the fact that the overtime is basically instant, and as soon as you get off the point you lose in overtime

>Wait for her to come out of the ice block
Never had a problem against this character. I'm in master level on comp too.

mei is bae

Mei can easily one shot tracer you shitter

welp time to blow her off and pretend I never wanted to marry her then!

Symmetra is more overpowered.

You misspelled broken, OP

Your hook does not cooldown quick enough to catch her again after she uses the block

She's the worse mccree

I want to violently gangrape Mei so hard

>not Paladins

_____git gud

>plat shitter

No she is too shit. Any genji, reaper, pharah, junkrat, road hog or McCree will fuck her shit up. There is a reason she is never picked for comp

shooting DNA at a girl just to satisfy some psychological need for your nervous system is not the way to go. What happens when those endorphins and serotonin levels die down, what then? will you go back for seconds, thirds?

Balanced that pussy on this dick

Get the fuck out of this thread, and come back when you can actually play the game

Of course


You're a big guy

I kill her all the time as these characters with no issues

I'm going to cry because I would too.

Thanks for making me feel normal.

>never picked for comp
are you retarded

But steel is heavier than feathers.

>never picked up in comp
But she's picked constantly in Hanamura and other maps

That's because you found shitters like this piece of shit

Remember this guy easily fucks her shit up.

Make sure to also blame meis if you lose.

Symmetra is the worst character in the game, hands down. She should ideally never be played, ever

But they're the same weight. They're both a kilogram.

That's not torb
Sym is useful in Anubis and Eichenwalde A

>reaper winning in a one on one with mei
Hello retard

Mei is for cuddles only!

>road hog
>hook and she is dead
>easily land a few head shots from afar and she is dead
Nah she is shit m8. So can only beat mccree if she gets the jump other wise they wreck her shit

no I know


steel's heavier than feathers

2 headshots shitter. She has to get up close.
You shoot her maybe once or twice idly then she ice blocks and you fucking destroy her.

Or if you have her team mates come you ghost out of there.

>played 69 hours
>ended up below my rank even though I stopped playing after placement matches

I love being smug Mei.

NOPE. Torb's gun has pretty good damage output, if you can aim. Symmetra is just garbage

I think she's both underpowered and bad for the flow of the game.

Oh boy, she used cryofreeze on the point.

Guess we get to wait 5 seconds to shoot her down now.

>250 HP
>Kills every character in the game except Reaper and McCree effortlessly at close range
>High damaging projectile
>Barrier that blocks everything and acts as a pillar to reach advantage points
>Self heal that she can cancel and makes her immune to everything
>Ult that covers every important checkpoint in the game and freezes people within seconds
>Fast ult charge because of self healing

You tell me

>road hog
>hook and she is dead
She can easily survive a hook shot with her 250 hp and wonky hotbox, plus she'll just freeze when you do it, unless you're lucky enough to get her shortly after she's already used it.

>getting hooked
>getting flashbanged
Nah mate you played shit bbw lover shitters

>She has to get up close.
Mei main detected, Mei can destroy at any range.

I never get tired of this webm, it's so satisfying

I know. But they're both a kilogram.

>She has to get up close.
wow how is life in bronze friend?

Must be nice

He can kill her before he gets frozen only problem should be panicking when you're closeto being frozen and retreating

>freezing people as mei
learn to play retard

>be master monk slaughter machine and my NEW BOY Zen
>this cold ass bitch jumps around a corner and starts freezing my floating asshole
>instantly discord and headshot her twice just before getting frozen
>that satisfying DINK DINK

werks evry tiem :^)

>dying to her incredibly slow projectile

Its called dodging or getting your TEAM in a TEAM GAME to help you.

Im not suprised you solo quick players dont comprehend that.

Either way Reaper shits on me up close expect in a tiny hallway cause she could use her wall.

>about as fast as hanzo's arrow
>"incredibly slow"

I don't get it

She is the GOAT ult denier with her ice wall, and a pain in the ass for genjis, but not much more.

This. Her Super soaker has a surprisingly long reach for not having a drop-off on damage, is easy to aim, since your target moves slower, and they have a hard time getting to aim at you since you slow their turning speed.

Mei has the same problem as Roadhog. The effort it takes for you to outplay them is huge compared to the effort they need to just delete characters.

>level 32

So you bought the game yesterday? get the fuck out of this thread

>dodging a projectile with auto aim
Okay senpai.

She has less dps than torb, stop being a shitter and dying to easily dodged projectiles

>anyone thinking torbjorn isn't the worst hero
He was good on the first weeks of the game where people didn't know the maps and wandered alone

Nowadays anyone above gold just pings the turret and 3+ people deathball it

If anything, mei is much more dangerous up close without freezing people, hard to run away from a headshot.

2 headshots and reaper is dead, as long as you catch him before he is too close. Even a moderate distance and he stands no chance.

>he thinks this is my webm

fucking newfag kys.

She's cute and I love her!

It's alright. Don't worry about it.

Sorry lads I looked it up.

It is actually faster than hanzo's arrow. You aren't going to dodge shit.

Delete her alt fire, if you use cqc on a frozen target, it deals extra damage. Problem solved, Blizzard

I was just about to ask about this i just started playing again recently and have been noticing it happening alot

Mei's icicle's move at 88m/s. For reference Hanzo's arrows move at 86m/s and Zenyatta's orbs move at 66m/s.

>tfw can't play her without doing emotes and getting hard thinking of her soft big fat ass and tits, warm and all over me under a fur blanket together.
>immediately jack off every time.

I want her.

>mei wall is the same size or bigger than 90% of the chokes in every map in the game
why blizzard
and why can you contest while being invulnerable thats a dumb fucking mechanic

This webm is at least 3 months old you fucking newfag

It's the fastest moving non-hitscan projectile in the game, but it has a 1 second delay before it'll fire off and is the only projectile to have damage falloff.

I'm not sure what we're talking about I just wanted to put that out there cause it's interesting.

Because that is her purpose? Don't walk in one at a time like retards and you have nothing to worry about.

You are aware Mei counters tracer right? Not that I expect a delusional Mei main to know that.

So you want to turn Mei into a shittier version of an Axtinguisher Pyro. That just doesn't sound remotely worthwhile.

Just make mei not be able to cancel her ice heal sheild. Then you can bait her and then stand by for attack or flee if you are symmetra

>guy locks mei immediately
>doesn't use icicle and goes around holding down M1 like a pyro
>mei is his most played

Pocket the turret in a good spot, level 2 it, and then turn into an offensive character because his gun is fucking great. Pop your ult whenever you want, retreat to turret if you're alone.

Drop armor on everyone, and yourself, give Zen armor and make him a god, give it to Zarya and make her even more tanky.

This is a good one. You could also make it so that a Rein charge will break it and pin her, or have Hanzo's ult deal damage to her while she's inside. It can go through a solid Ice wall, it should still effect her in that shit. And you can still charge an ulting Zenyatta off the point.

>you will never snuggle with mei
Why live?

Reaper easily kills Mei unless you're bad.

They're both situational, bit both fill like filler characters too. Symettra just really needs buffs.

>stack behind rein shield
>mei walls off rein and enemy team picks him off while your team hopelessly breaks one piece of the wall that rein cant fit through if the team even decides to attack the wall
damn i guess youre right i should get good

>2800 highest
>thinking your opinion is relevant in the slightest