What games do jews play ?
What games do jews play ?
The same as everyone else, because Jews are just ordinary people.
the same AAA shit that everyone else plays. who the fuck do you think we are?
The same shit everyone else plays.
t. faggot who lives in israel
Any Tycoon game
>israel represents all jews
eve online because it appeals to their natural talents
Monopoly. RISK. TF2
I forgot how to read English games
>Jews are just ordinary people.
what did he mean by this?
I don't think anyone really tracks sales data based on religion, so it's hard to say.
do you feel like your religion is factoring in to what games you play? Why should judaism be any different?
Really makes you ponder
Anything that is Free 2 Play
The world.
Evil genius
Nice bait mate
Love the Jewish people.
Israeli here. We exclusively play cute 16 bit JRPGs, such as Madou Monogatari. I gathered up with tembelim in Rosh Hashanah last month for our annual playthrough.
The Wario games.
>almost every single one is a wasp with like three jews added to it
Hm, really gets the brain going
תפסיק לראות אנימה.
Whatever game they want, Americans pay for it.
Shadow President
תחזור לכלא, וארג.
I'm a Jew and I really love Monster Hunter, Dark Souls, Idolmaster, Pokemon, Ninja Gaiden Black, and Disgaea.
>jews play pedophile simulators
Little surprise there
I thought it was common knowledge that we orchestrate the development of AAA trash in the west so them gentiles can have something to occupy themselves with while we play all the good shit from the land of the rising fun.
I would like to try being a jew. Where do I apply?
>he doesn't produce idols in his spare time
I love how Israel is a stinking shit hole
Are you willing to suck baby dicks?
>What games do jews play ?
Chess, the markets, international geopolitics, etc, not the trifles you goyim entertain yourselves with.
>tfw Jack T. Chick kicked the bucket
So all the chinks and koreans are jews?
What's it like being jewish and not being a part of the jew illuminati that Sup Forums blames everything on? Do you have a hard time being on Sup Forums on general?
This question is for non-Isreali jews.
That art style reminds me of the early SMT games, kinda cool if it's a horror game.
If only all ethnic Jews were practicing, God-fearing Orthodox Jews - but they're not. This is where Sup Forums is totally off. The Orthodox Jews are red-pilled as fuck; it's the secular leftist Jews who are the nation-wrecking, insidious cunts.
Wario Shake It.
Don't worry, he's got an equally-crazy replacement lined up to make new tracts in his place.
Get the fuck out kike
Scamming dumb goyim in TF2 and CSGO.
The play you, goyim.
Who will continue his legacy of fanatical religious ramblings and conspiracies against the Catholics? Or his fight against the Jesuit threat? Or against the evils of evolution and tabletop games?
You can't if your female ancestry wasn't jewish.
Nice try goyim.
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