Steam store will soon require devs to use actual screenshots, not pre-rendered images

>Steam store will soon require devs to use actual screenshots, not pre-rendered images

Apologize. Right. Fucking. Now.

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We as Sup Forums, apologize to you.

Thank god, too many times were I would want to check out Shane and get pissed because it has nothing showing off gameplay and end up not buying it

Thank fucking god. I'm sick of seeing a game on steam, wanting to know what you actually do in the game, and just seeing pre rendered cutscenes, concept art, or "epic" words flashing on the screen over the first two.

Why is it so hard for developers to actually show what the player will do in the game? Are they that embarrassed?

What will Ubisoft do now?


This is likely due to complaints about No Man's Sky, right?


Thank you based No Man's Sky for shitting the bed like a retard.


it's probally tied-in with it.

What's the point of adding all ages screenshots when your game is age gated?

Well no shit

>broader audience
It's over, Steam is finished?

Im pretty sure it is

Nothing NOTHING was like that in game


>Sean Murray willingly became a pariah to force Steam to become a better place
Not all heroes wear capes

Good one user


In the OP pic. You can see that Valve already updated Dota 2 pictures.


But will it be retroactive?
Cause in recent memory, a prime example of this bullshit is Dark Souls 3.
>10 pretty images from various game spots
>Videos are more of the same but in motion

my nigga Gabe is the true MVP

all the hate comes from jelly people that only uses others platforms

>killing bad devs (digital homicide)
>setting the record straight after the NMSgate

Steam is still the most competitive and feature-complete online distro platform

and best of all it is free

not only that, it gives you money from playing

no shill, true facts. anyone who does not comply to this or still spouts the DRM crap is not well informed

my two cents.

This is good.
now fix your consumer service!

Way to brush over the safe space shit.

>and best of all it is free

It's not.

To get any feature besides the shop itself, you need to have 5 dollars worth of purchases.

>turning TF2 from a fun class shooter to some godawful virtual clothes gambling/trading program
>increasingly shit sales
>gradually turning Steam from a digital sale platform into Video Game Facebook
>Greenlight opening the floodgates to tens of thousands of effortless mobile-tier games that make Newgrounds games look good
>would rather add pricey DLC to TF2/CSGO/DOTA2 forever than actually develop a game
>singlehandedly infested the shooter genre with le lootcrate meme
>opening PC gaming to a broader community (of the worst degenerates imaginable)
>tried to make paid fucking mods an actual thing (blame Zenimax all you want, but Valve could have very easily told them to fuck themselves and they decided to go with it instead.)
Damn Steam is so le epic xd. Praise lord Gaben! PC Master Race!

This is pretty good, hopefully they crack down hard on bullshots.

I know, but those features are just adding yourself to a group, and card jawing

the online gaming is totally free
the steam 'game' is not

The videos and screenshots are still non-representative of this shit and it's been like a month since everyone found out it was basically a fucking joke.

It deserves to get pulled from the store.

I don't like that shit either

but I enjoy what they have to offer

I have 1200 games there, and I spent literally 70e tops in there

I have about 60eurogabens on my account

I play online for free

valve is a shitty game dev now
but they have succeded in making an online game distro service that works, and that people spend money in

Also can't use any steam online functionality, even if you're gifted a game with said functionality.

they need to make it so screenshots can only be made from the same game build customers have, not special dev e3 or internal builds. screenshots should only be produced from the final product.

and have an option so the store page shows the best non-spoiler screens created by the community from the hub as well. obviously things like having a flag for customer modded game should be in as well.

just checked the thing:

>Limited users are prevented from accessing several features on Steam, including but not limited to:
Sending friend invites
Opening group chat
Voting on Greenlight, Steam Reviews and Workshop items
Participating in the Steam Market
Posting frequently in the Steam Discussions
Gaining Steam Profile Levels (Locked to level 0) and Trading Cards
Submitting content on the Steam Workshop
Posting in an item's Steam Workshop Discussions
Accessing the Steam Web API
Using browser and mobile chat
Adding public artwork and screenshots
Creating Steam groups

>any steam online functionality
nah, that had to be a dev restriction because of in-game purchases