Which one was the better revivial?
And why was it Doom?
Which one was the better revivial?
And why was it Doom?
Shadow Warrior is the correct answer.
Both were absolutely horrible.
That was terrible as well.
>tfw both of these POS are GOTY contenders
so this is how yanks must feel like about Hilary vs Trump scenario...
Haha no
>first person SHOOTER
>the guns are shit
Doom. Is this even a question?
haven't played Doom but The New Order was disappointing. 7/10. I have no idea why Yahtzee would think that was the best game of 2014.
Doom by a landslide. Wolfenstein was just about being old school. Doom was old school but what it was about was ultra violence, and I do love fast paced brutality.
Spotted the blind nostalgiafag
MOOOM is definitely GOTY material.
>muh nostalgia boogeyman
spotted an ignorant, mouthbreathing Z-generation Xbox fag.
I literally replayed Doom 1 right after finishing D44M to wash out the terrible taste it left in my mouth. I knew it was gonna be bad, but not THIS awful.
>Doom 1
By that you probably mean Brutal Doom and your typical bunch of WADs and other mods and reworkings that make the game play NOTHING like the actual 1993 original, right?
Wolfenstein was a bastardization if anything
>By that you probably mean Brutal Doom and your typical bunch of WADs and other mods and reworkings that make the game play NOTHING like the actual 1993 original, right?
No. Pure vanilla with zDoom to simply have my widescreen and W7 compatibility. I still play the game with KB only as well.
>inb4 mentions about mouse support
the original mouse controls in Wolf3D and DooM suck.
What was awful about DOOM?
Both Nu-Doom and Wolfenstein were ok, but they won't leave a lasting legacy. Wolfenstein might, but people will always go back to the classic Doom.
D44M was definitely a better Pankiller revival.
Nu Order was meh, though Old Blood was an improvement.
What the fuck is going on.
>Wolfenstein reboot.
>Star Wars: Rehash Awakens.
>Doom reboot
>Ghostbusters reboot
>"Oh really? Why did you not like it?"
>"...what? Do you even have a reason?"
It'd be easier to list what was NOT awful about it, and that list would be fairly short.
If you are honestly interested in hearing my whining, and not just looking for the first chance to strike it all down with typical "lol CoD-fag!" or "WTF u didn't even play teh gaem??" bullshit, then I can do my best to describe my experiences.
The exact cycle I foretold around a decade ago happened:
First devs dump down and casualize their games to attract new, usually non-gaming customers. Then they start re-introducing OLD stuff as the latest cool shit, being able to re-cash on 20+ yo IPs and ideas.
The only mistake in this prediction was that said devs would still mostly stick to their casualized and streamlined designs WHILE re-introducing old shit.
I loved them both
If anything, they won't because of the lack of proper mod support.
Like seriously, the biggest fault of nuDoom is the inability to mod the game, and SnapMap is not nearly enough (even tho it's actually quite decent with the latest updates)
>The game was pretty terrible.
>Nope. The game was just far from good.
Doom easily
Return to Castle Wolfenstein was a better Wolfenstein game
>If you are honestly interested in hearing my whining
I'm far more interested in listening to your whining than your shitposting so yes lets hear it.
>then I can do my best to describe my experiences
You don't need to. This explains it perfectly
we hollywood now
Soundtrack was amazing I'll give it that much but pretty much everything else about it was forgettable.
sup mark
Both Wolfenstein and Doom had good soundtracks but nothing amazing. Same composer too IIRC, he does good stuff but he's pretty overrated.
>Full of cinematic shit, including real fucking cutscenes.
>All guns suck. Unless you use upgrades.
>You can barely hold any ammo. Unless you level-up.
>Maps are linear pipes, connecting obligatory combat arenas you get locked into.
>Platforming sections. With insta-death pits.
>Only around half-a dozen enemies on screen at once, not counting "zombies". No Pinkie packs.
>Rune challenges are just annoying filler.
>Everything glows.
>Monster designs range from MOBA-tier orcs to underwhelmingly tame mutations.
>Color palette is still quite dull, no matter that they did try to amp up it before release.
>Pinata enemies. Because auto-homing HP items blow out of demons totally does not count as "regenerating HP"!
>Chainsaw butchered AND turned into ridiculously OP tool of mass destruction.
>...That also fills your pockets with GOLDEN loot!
>A goddamn robo-guy literally handholds you through the game, via radio.
>No mods, and the Snapmap is literally just all about connecting handful of pre-made rooms together, with strict enemy limit.
>Only 4 players max in Snapmaps (yeah they're apparently NOW "fixing" this).
>MP is Halo-tier shit. Period.
>Spider is the last boss, and is not hitscan anymore either.
>No, hitscan enemies are not a cancer. I miss my easy to gib shotgun zombies.
>Kamikaze Lost Souls. Do I need to say more?
>Bosses have HP bars and almost Zelda-style attack patterns.
>Ending was literally a slap to face + "lol, look forward to teh sequel, goy!"
...that's from the top of my head for now.
While that summarizes the game a bit too well, looking at it with hindsight, I'd rather go a bit deeper into the overall flaws of design, and link this video:
Wolfenstein could have been great if they didn't shove a shitty story and non-fighting sections in your face so fucking frequently
I was pretty disappointed with the story too, it just felt half baked of what it was meant to be.
>>...that's from the top of my head for now.
You mean it's from the top of that pasta you're reciting in every D44M thread?
*loads up slaughter wad and jerk off*
Yahtzee picks his top 5 from the games he's reviewed, and his best game of 2014 was Shadows of Mordor.
Both were exceptional shooters and probably the best in their respective years. I'm happy they happened and I look forward to more.
>implying the people who posted during the first panel's era are responsible for current-era shitposting
DOOM >>> Wolfenstein TNO
Wolfenstein TNO >>> Wolfenstein '09
Ultimate Doom >>> DOOM
Wolfenstein is the better reboot
no it's implying that third panel is the reaction to current shitposting and reddit posting
>Wolfenstein TNO >>> Wolfenstein '09
Got that wrong way around, son.
The nu-Wolf and nu-Doom are some of the most over-shilled titles, ever.
Just as I expected.
No counter-arguments, just pathetic shit-posting replies. Must've hit a sensitive spot, huh?
This man is a very nice person with a well balanced view point.
>Implying 09 was good
The fact you're reposting the same shitty pasta over and over again just proves that you're not here to have a civil discussion, where ideas are exchanged.
So I find quite ironic the "shit-posting" part that0s coming from you.
>someone else liked Wolfenstein 2009
Holy shit I thought I was the only one
Reminder to hide, sage and hide all ZeniMax (=Bethesda) shill threads.
wolf 2009 and TNO are fucking grand
loved them both
More like absolutely no one fell for the copypasta
It was. Way better than "muh touchy Hollywood scifi-war drama".
The fact that I can repost a copy of my own goddamn list over and over again indeed shows that my opinion about it has changed.
I have yet to receive and valid counter arguments for any of the items I listed. It always boils down to sad butthurt kids digging out their "LOL U MAD??" cards and attacking me personally.
I know that asking for civil discussion on Sup Forums of all places is pretty much the same as asking a random guy on the streets to donate me a million bucks, but hot damn is the outcome always predictable.
I only copypasta shit I do not feel like typing over and over a dozen times. The fact that the text, or even parts of it, are copied over, does not magically negate its message.
At least try to come out with something more reasonable to shoot it down if you really have to bother posting.
>tfw you missed out on all the cool weapons in '09 because you spent the entire game jabbing nazis in the head with a bayonet
I can at least tell you most of the shit is just picking at cracks and has no substance or real impact on anything.
Stuff like ammo pinata I could count as legit criticism, but I'd just tell you that is needed in the game design because D44M is much quicker in battle pace (not run speed) and you need a rapid intake of ammo (that need to be earned). If you wanted faster gun battles but no ammo drops from monsters, in the end you'd be crying like a baby about how you're running out of ammo even after scouring the entire map and how it's more like a survival horror game than a Doom action game. I know how you think.
>The fact that I can repost a copy of my own goddamn list over and over again indeed shows that my opinion about it has changed.
Well, if you've got to yet be convinced that there isn't more than 6 enemies on the screen, you either are lazily shitposting or simply haven't played the game at all. I'm pretty sure that people called you a faggot for this particular point. But yet, you haven't changed that part because "you're not convinced"(ie you're a flaming cocksucking homosexual).
No one claims that D44M is perfect, and yet I'm basically one of the guy who gets to post a small list of improvements that can be made for a potential sequel when the thread isn't flooded with morons like you.
You have to understand that no one is willing to put effort to answer to a moron that puts no effort in contributing with posts of good quality. I've got a video where you can clearly see more than 6 enemies on the screen, but since I'm not willing to convert it to a webm for an underage idiot who will end up not giving a shit anyway. I do believe that you're not here to discuss about stuff, and that's why this is going to be the last (you) you're getting from me. I just write that in case you're actually retarded and you're not realizing it.
>I can at least tell you most of the shit is just picking at cracks and has no substance or real impact on anything.
"Picking at cracks" ? That's a new one.
Also, tons of "little things" do end up forming one BIG issue. It's even worse when there's already numerous major flaws accompanying those smaller problems.
>If you wanted faster gun battles but no ammo drops from monsters, in the end you'd be crying like a baby about how you're running out of ammo even after scouring the entire map and how it's more like a survival horror game than a Doom action game.
Nope. With that mindset, the ORIGINAL Doom game indeed was "like a survival horror game", with its limited, set supply pool, and set amount of enemies to deal with. If you played smartly and hunted down secrets efficiently, you could fairly easily avoid running out of HP and ammo, and deal with tougher foes / bigger packs very efficiently. The original games did have ammo-dropping enemies, but those were always weak hit-scan foes, that either were totally missing from later maps, or were spammed at you in large packs to blow up.
In a nutshell, I could say that I absolutely hate the modern "combat arena" design the devs are putting into their FPS games, and then trying to call them "oldschool", simply because you can carry many guns at once and your HP does not regenerate similar to the generic mil-shooters of modern times. There's no exploration, no enemy encounter is unpredictable, no way to utilize the ENTIRE maps as a combat area, and in general there's none of that feeling of minor desperation and "fighting for your life" like in the original games.
While at it, the whole ammo system of nu-Duum is bizarre as fuck. At first, you only FEEL like you're low on ammo, and thus need to spam the GKs all the time, because you cannot carry more than 20 goddamn shells at once. In reality, though, you are never gonna run out of shots; that much you got shit lying around, and of course your lovely Pinatas.
Because in doom you could punch deamons so hard they start bleeding bullets.
>Well, if you've got to yet be convinced that there isn't more than 6 enemies on the screen, you either are lazily shitposting
>or simply haven't played the game at all.
There it is. Like a clockwork.
OK, let's clarify it a bit. The part I left out from original post thanks to letter limitations in this site's posts was: "You never see more than around a half a dozen enemies (~12 max) on screen at once, not counting the possessed (zombies), that are there to just clutter the spawn thingys and new gun pickup rooms up".
The same limitation applies to SM levels. The whole point of those pathetic Zeds is to give the player an easy target to practice with their new toys, and to mask the obvious lack of real enemies on the levels, outside the lock-down combat arena rooms.
I wish TNO has lots of enemies per map.
Only the last stages felt there was lots of enemies.
I disliked the forced stealth sections.
Wolfenstein 09 might be annoying at some parts, but damn at least I get to kill lots of enemies.
How is old blood anyway, are there lots of things to shoot, I already procured it during a sale.
Should I download Old Blood first or D44M?
Serious Sam 3: BFE.
You won't run out of enemies to blow and rip up.
I fucking hate when people think Serious Sam 3 is some kind of best of the genre winner just because it happens to check the most basic boxes of a fast paced first person shooter. And it's pretty fucking angering that as some kind of saint for FPS games, it has iron sights and close range quick kills, they suddenly do not count and dismissed by fans :^)
tl;dr I'd rather play Painkiller or Serious Sam 2 than BFE. Serious Sam games are so fucking janky as fuck, I'd rather stop at the first two Encounter games.
BFE was great fun.
I personally hate when people like you use some sort of "checklists" and think that having one or two too often misused features somehow negates the whole bigger picture.
BFE was easily 2011's GOTY, and way superior "Doom" than D4.
>tl;dr I'd rather play Painkiller or Serious Sam 2 than BFE
Opinion discarded.
Serious Sam games are amazing for a Sven Coop-like LAN-ish shoot the shit with your friends type sessions but I would never, ever allow this series to be some sort of torch bearer for all of first person shooters, which unfortunately most idiots on this board keeps arguing for.
Either 2011 was shit or you have really low standards on how to keep the genre alive. Give the credit to TFE and TSE, not BFE.
>Either 2011 was shit or you have really low standards on how to keep the genre alive.
Said "genre", or rather a "sub-genre" by modern standards, was literally kill for over a decade at that point, with tons of people still claiming "you can't do that kind of gameplay and enemy numbers on modern tech!". Except this tiny slav team did just that, with 0.5 Mil $ budget, as one helluva beautiful PC exclusive at that.
The game was just terribly overshadowed by other shit, like Skyrim and BF3, alongside with other crap like that year's CoD and AssCreed.
>Give the credit to TFE and TSE
I do like them a lot, but they ARE a decade younger games.
BFE was not only a true, faithful "return to roots", but also one actually faithful and successful ""reboot"" of an older IP, without falling to same pit traps as so many other modern reboots already at the time and nowadays. No grimdark edginess, no regen-HP and RPG bullshit, no consolitis of any sort in general. Never had I seen as much options and settings in a single game before either.
Yes, none of the SS games should be the one and only "standard" to base ALL FPS games on, but it's helluva good example how to do a proper ego-shooter of 90s right. Just add DooM and Douk-style semi-abstract, circular maps to the mix, and you got some pure gold in your hands.
Can't wait to see how SS4 turns out, as Talos Principle was accidentally born out of the team's attempts to create more interesting "quiet moments" for Sam 4.
Also: BFE = TSE > TFE > > > SS2.
Serious Sam always bored the hell out of me. A lot of my time was spent circle strafing and holding M1 in a locked arena. Painkiller, while quite similar, had better design overall.
>Said "genre", or rather a "sub-genre" by modern standards, was literally kill for over a decade at that point, with tons of people still claiming "you can't do that kind of gameplay and enemy numbers on modern tech!". Except this tiny slav team did just that, with 0.5 Mil $ budget, as one helluva beautiful PC exclusive at that.
So it's praised because it's a tech demoey game that was made just to prove a point. I'm fine with that, which goes back to my point about how it should never be put on some pedestal that it defines FPS games or it's the best or whatever. It's like a good slaughter wad or a mod turned into retail game with a budget. The hook of being able to run and bunnyhop across the field with a hundred enemies and projectiles flying at you is awesome, but it's a game that solely runs on this hook and that's why I think it's cheap for it to be hailed as the best of anything. It's a fun game, nothing more.
>BFE = TSE > TFE > > > SS2
Serious Sam 2 is so fucking bad that it's actually more fun than BFE because it keeps entertaining you with more stupidity that surpasses your original expectation of being stupid. BFE on the other hand is "hey listen so like this time, we're ironically looking like COD and sepia, you have a M4, a Desert Eagle, iron sights, melee kills and mini-cutscenes (apparently D44M doesn't get a pass because Sup Forums) but wait, it's actually a JOKE we're like being ironic but also serious at the same time". It's a fucking lame premise. If you want to refine on the gameplay then just go do that.
I agree with this dude
>his criticism of nu-Wolf is the story
helo reddit
>You never see more than around a half a dozen enemies (~12 max) on screen at once, not counting the possessed (zombies)
literally not true
it doesn't happen often, but there are some arenas with about 20 enemies at once and it stays at that pace for 4-5 rounds
Doom definitely.
>It's a fun game, nothing more.
...call me a bit weird, but isn't that pretty much what games SHOULD be all about??
A pretty coat of paint + tons of handy options are obviously a great bonus too.
Or what, is a game being... "too gamey" a bad thing ?
>literally not true
>it doesn't happen often, but SOMETIMES there's a few more than that!
way to prove a point, not through a rule, but exceptions.
cool, then don't say things that aren't true if you don't want to be corrected
you can say for the majority of the game there's less than 10 enemies on screen at once and that would be true. But you can say that there's never more than 12 enemies on screen at once because that is untrue. dont be a dumbass
>I take every single thing literally - the generation
Still does not change the fact that you never fight actual mobs, just a small squad-sized pack of foes in small, confined space, over and over again.
Having fun makes it into a fun game, not "the best first person shooter game ever and every other one is inferior because bullshit reasons". To be the best, you have to go above and beyond and unfortunately for Croteam that involves things like having substance and good production otherwise it's no different than a Doom fan wad. I would be fucking upset if Serious Sam is the definition of the best of what FPS games have to offer.
>"the best first person shooter game ever and every other one is inferior because bullshit reasons"
Did someone even claim that?
Are you autistic?
Serious Sam fans do that every fucking thread
DOOM but I liked Wolfenstein fine
only good weapon is the sword, all of the guns are trash
Doom and it better because they kept the Mc's character narrative (or lack thereof) more like the original.
You are here to kill and nothing else. Anytime in the game someone tried to talk to you or get you to do something you pretty much tell them to fuck off. The one time you have to listen to any real narrative the guy in question left a bunch of loot in the room for you to collect.
You are all business in Doom unlike wolfenstien where there is quite a abundance of segments where there are no nazis to kill.
Both were pretty good though
Is Wolfenstein: The New Order really something that should be considered a revival? The last game before that was only five years old when TNO came out.
>Download Brutal Doom 64
>It's fun
>Load up D44m
>It's more fun
I hate to say it but D44m being so much faster really appeals to me. Fewer enemies but it's a hell of a lot more intense because those individual enemies are deadly.
Old Blood is a LOT more focused on combat and action. There's a few stealth sections at the very start, but you can actually go guns blazing in them too if you know what you're doing.
I fucking hate faggots like you, you know? Why do you have to be such a contrarian and hate on fun stuff?
D44M is not cinematic at all, you do not know what a cinematic game is. A cinematic game is full of cutscenes (there are literally no cutscenes in d44m asides from intro and outro), set pieces and automatic actions like rise of the tomb raider or uncharted.
Guns dont suck without upgrade, they're all great minus the shotgun. And they do much more than the guns in doom 1. Ammo? I agree that the amount is small without upgrading it first but this all contributes to making you feel more adrenaline, when youre running out of ammo. of course this is only for like the first hours of the game because then its a non issue.
Checkpoints? In doom 1 you could save whenever you wanted to, talk about easy mode.
Pinata enemies are the same as having regenerating health? except not, retard, since with regenerating health I can hide and go back to full hp. with d44m you have to fight if you want your health back.
"chainsaw got butchered" dude nobody used the fucking chainsaw in doom except to kill maybe zombie guys. It was by far the worst weapon of the game (not counting fists) because it didnt stunned enemies long enough to stop them from biting your ass.
"Bosses have hp bars and the same attacks" oh lord forbids you get to see how much hp the boss has left! all of the bosses have 3 times as much hp as any boss from doom 1 and 2, its only natural they got healthbars since you can shoot them for 5 minutes straight and they keep kicking. And doom 1 monsters only have ONE attack.
See? All of your points are shit, go cry at someplace else
Look I know this is bait and everything but try not to be so offended by everything. There is a difference between not liking something and pulling the rape card because it wasn't exactly what you expected.
I find it hard to believe you played through nu doom without enjoying it, I grew up with doom and loved the ever living shit out of it. I demand proof that you are over the age of 25 and video games aren't your complete identity STAT
if tno was just a crazy fps where you fight crazy occult nazi monsters it would have been great.
instead they force in some sappy love story, a prison plot with the wise old man, and a hub for no reason. the actual shooting was fun though but i dont know why they used manual pickups though
both are fucking terrible
wolfenstein is the better put together game but it's the typical modern fps formula
Doom is just a big mess of things taken from other games that don't work together
>yet to list a single reason
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Explain in detail
>le generation le you know what I meant
don't provide an argument thats wrong. provide one thats correct
kill yourself
you said something that was an exaggeration about the game and then got mad when people suspected you of not playing it/not finishing it
it's all your fault. you're bad at arguing and your opinions themselves aren't too hot either
Doom needed more enemies as you moved through the areas rather than kill 5 enemies and then big arena battle.
WELL ANONYMOUS you see that is less of an issue in Doom 4 because of the way health is handled. Assuming you're playing nightmare, which you should be because it's the only difficulty mode, placed health packs are extremely minor and enemy damage is great enough that the vast majority of your healing comes from dropping to 40-50 HP which increases the life dropped from a killed foe, both from glory kills and regular shooting.
Placed enemies along the map serve primarily as a means of light attrition, even in something like Doom 1 and 2. When you're not in a major combat encounter, the few scattered imps/zombies/pinkies/cacos are mainly a means of nibbling at your life/armor/ammo before the next major combat. In Doom 4 they serve even less purpose since your primary means of regaining health and ammo is from combat anyway. If this is unacceptable newshit SJW cuckoldry or a new take on classic rip and tear is up to you, but there's a mechanical reason behind having fewer scattered enemies and more focus on major arenas and battles in Doom 4.
Hope this really made you think.
People complain the forced sections, but return to castle wolfenstein had a forced stealth section
Don't see that being the case here.
SS3 is a great game though.
>Why do you have to be such a contrarian and hate on fun stuff?
I'm not contrarian at all. In fact, I've been trying to inform people that the game WILL be shit since the very first publicly released footage.
>D44M is not cinematic at all
Yeah, maybe compared to some shit like TLOU, but it is still full of cutscenes, totally-not-cutscenes of our MC breaking up some shit, more cutscenes showing appearance of a new enemy type, short cutscenes of MC slooowly opening doors or picking up new toys... so on and so forth.
The guns are fucking terrible without upgrades. No ammo, no real damage, no reach, no nothing.
They do more than DooM's guns? Hell, ONE weapon from DooM does more than most nu-Duum's weapons combined!
>muh adrenaline
Nope. Just tedious, annoying excuse to make you go hand to hand against every. Single. Enemy.
>Checkpoints? In doom 1 you could save whenever you wanted to, talk about easy mode.
Spoken like a true console trash indeed.
>except not, retard, since with regenerating health I can hide and go back to full hp. with
yeah, now you can just blow up ONE enemy, while running around, and get back to full health. SO DIFFERENT.
>"chainsaw got butchered" dude nobody used the fucking chainsaw in doom except to kill maybe zombie guys.
I use it all the time to eliminate Pinkies and most other melee enemies in the game. It indeed DID stun the enemies long enough in most cases. And the fists were just so much FUN with a Berserker pack... which is reduced to a short, glorified momentary powerup in the nu-duum, since you "rip & tear" by default anyway, just by poking any foe with your pistol couple times.
>"Bosses have hp bars and the same attacks" oh lord forbids you get to see how much hp the boss has left!
So first having low ammo is good for "muh adrenalin", but having similar effect by not knowing what status the boss enemy might be in is suddenly a no no?
Doom is fantastic gameplay-wise, but as a whole package I have to say New Order.
In an era of COD protagonists and Nathan Drakes, including the rather boilerplate Wolf '09's Blazkowicz, New Order's Beej was genuinely engaging and entertaining.
He was thoughtful and sentimental, but when the time came to start massacring Nazis it never really felt jarring.
I like both
Can one of you anons add a "new" to the link?
i tried doing it in paint but it pushed it over the upload limit
Key word is revival. Wolfenstein did extremely well as a shooter, but it didn't fall back and reinterpret the original design for the current market. Granted, they have a large library of games to pick from, and someone who wants more Return to Castle Wolfenstein may appreciate more as a revival than one who wants more Wolfenstein 3D.
DOOM 4 is DOOM. You can see where they really wanted to meet the original design dogma, and while people may have reservations due to how they actually did it, DOOM 4 is distinctively set up against one idea of what is DOOM while still making it their own game. It's definitely not the original, but you can see what fun elements they wanted to take away from the original.
I really liked both of them but Doom is a lot better.