A Psychologist does a case study on Competitive Overwatch.
A Psychologist does a case study on Competitive Overwatch
Stopped reading.
Hello I am a psychologist too and I can confirm that this other psychologist is a fraud.
Next you're going to tell me he's a Mexican intellectual
Jesus FUCK this guy takes a long time to get the point.
>A tenured practicing psychologist of 20 years takes interest in competitive esports
>surprised when he releases a case study proving that e-sports are all rigged
has a shitty meme degree so he complains about a game.
Why does it look like he is playing on a low ass sensitivity? Does everyone do this?
user, this is God, you can tell I'm god because I literally just said I was.
You should kill yourself, you were a mistake, the world will be better without you.
as if e-sports being rigged is something new.
most people watch esport knowing fully well that theyre rigged, its just entertainment
The last LoL finals were rigged as F-U-C-K.
You can tell the exact moment where SKT was told to jump the shark to have more time coverage
Samsung can't do shit. Maybe they were told not to do shit.
True but alot of normies think it's not. This based psychologist can prove to normies that there hobby should not be competitive we might save vidya
if those normies didnt figure that esports are rigged by now, this video probably wont do them any good either, and even if it does, nothing will change any way
>most people watch esport knowing fully well that theyre rigged
Not really. Two of the players for the #1 Overwatch team, EnvyUs, which is 44-3 in online tournaments and has zero LAN victories, blatantly aimlocked in front of 100k+ tournament viewers, and they are still defended as not being cheaters.
See webm related.
It's not a spectator bug, here is the perspective from his computer. youtube.com
>a wild apathetic cuck appears
oh shit i saw that, isnt it the same guy who screwed up in twitch chat too?
>thinks some old guy who's been a psychologist for 20+ years is in the millenial meme degree
Typical drop outs
Yes, it's EnvyUs.Taimou, the guy who also got in trouble for saying he wanted to fuck a tournament interviewer
you think a video by literally no one will change how a multi-billion dollar esports industry works? grow up
And here is his teammate, EnvyUs.Internethulk, having an accident on stream.
Like I said, both of these players are defended by the community with excuses like 'They just have inhuman reactions that the rest of us can't comprehend, it's not cheats!'
Did he use his 6-figure degree to come to the stunning conclusion that "e-sport athletes" are autistic, tryhard faggots? Because i'm pretty sure that's the competitive scene for video games.
If a guy who is an expert in breaking down social norms can do a case study on Overmeme and prove without a doubt that competitive games are rigged as fuck I'm okay with it.
>6k subs
How? Why?
Would be cool if you guys made some new webs with proofs instead of reposting 6 month old shit.
>grow up
>literally a teen/young "adult" (who still thinks/acts like a teen)
oh boy sure did meme arrow'd me to death
Not only is this guy smug as shit, and takes forever to say nothing, but he's also wrong. The implication that your teammates are always random, and that you have no control over the outcome of the game (though perhaps true for a single match) is completely wrong over the course of several matches. The skill level of your teammates is approximated by their MMR, so on average your teammates will be at that level. The skill level of your opponents will also orbit that rating. As such, if your "actual" MMR is higher than your assigned MMR, the average skill of your team will (theoretically) be higher and your team will have a higher chance of winning. There's certainly a lot of chaos thrown into the mix, but you'll still trend towards your individual skill rating, until your games are 50/50.
>that clear as day evidence is not good enough, you guys need to spend a few weeks watching his stream so you can make more proof for me that ill just dispute again later
kll yourself
These are the same people complaining about the poor wittle psychologist who got mobbed by SJWs during some kind of protest. They don't give a shit about anything.
>uses the term "meme arrow"
>grow up
trying too hard mate
>one loot box deposited in your Overwatch account
>one retard meme point deposited in your Sup Forums gold account
>he says, while using terms like "meme arrow" and "normies"
Sounds like an academic whiner making up a bunch of excuses as to why he's bad.
Not an argument
I watched about 10 minutes and that entire section could be summed up as "pugs are shit," which everyone has known for 20 years without needing some long-winded explanation.
Do they just completely ignore that he's been banned on ETF2L and DB?
sorry, didn't mean to shit on the rules of your secret club
trying too hard mate
You must be a fucking miserable wretch of a human being to still be a blizzdrone in this day and age
Hard to take someone who plays Overwatch seriously.
It wasn't trying to be? lol I can't tell if you're serious
this can be said for every company though
pubs are shit for many reasons, but here its shit because of forced 50
anyway, its not very surprising Sup Forums would write off a profession with greentext that has existed for over 100 years
>Psychologist spends 20 minutes analyzing why everyone else is bad and he is amazing
Funny how when a team based shooter actually makes team play moreimportant than one skilled carry everyone loses it.
what a waste of time, this applies basically to every single multiplayer game. but hey, lets hate overwatch right?
So I just sat through that shit and holy fuck that guy is retarded.
Casinos weigh games to their favour that's why the gambler's fallacy is a thing because every game is against you and that's how they make their money, not because it's "truly random and therefore somehow is good for them"
He keeps rambling on about his personal experiences then quotes it as statistical facts despite the sample size being effectively zero.
He never defines what he's claiming as random outside of standard fare "randomness" which comes with playing any team based anything in the world, he just rambles trying to make you forget he brushed over any definition.
Keeps saying "Gambler's Fallacy" quick and hard and fast because he defined what it was early on and wants you to forget that it has nothing to do with anything he as said in regards to the game.
Seriously if he got a cold while fighting a solo raid boss in WoW and lost, would he call that "gambler's fallacy" too?
What a faggot.
What's the tl;dr of the vid? I watched up to 11 mins and it seems that he's saying everything in competitive mode is just RANDOM and skills doesn't matter.
But it does. My sucky friend is stuck on gold and I'm up there in diamond.
The most simple explanation is if you're better than your current bracket it will on average 5 baddies + you VS 6 baddies on the enemy team.
The explanation given by blizzard was alright. Basically it boiled down to if half you win, half have to lose and there is huge inconsistency in human play. A team can go from getting stomped to completely and utterly stomping in a matter of seconds. In the end all that should really matter is whether you won the game or lost it. Individual performance really doesn't and shouldn't mean as much as winning.
i don't think that think that this is what happened, he just brings nothing new to the table while adding "what i say is more legit than what other people say because im a shrink!"
So basically:
>you can't control other people on your team therefore it's random and basically like gambling
He sounds pretty fucking retarded honestly, what's the difference in using what he talks about in the video on literally any kind of group sport, like football or baseball or whatever? This guy has completely missed the main purpose in climbing in any kind of multiplayer game: focus on yourself. In a team game, the only constant is you, and that's literally it. If you keep playing and improving, and it doesn't matter if it's Overwatch, a MOBA, or StarCraft, you will naturally climb. I feel like it makes more sense to say it in terms of team games even though it's equally true in 1 player MPs: you're the constant, so focus on yourself. I don't see how him being a psychologist has anything to do with his nonsensical video, he just comes off as someone who doesn't really play games.
You mean it applies to only e-sports competitive playing.
If you want (should do) you can play for FUN
Didn't Ster prove this was bullshit? He went from Bronze to GM solo.
Gambler's fallacy in online games works on both friendly and enemy teams. You get trolls and throwers, sure, but there's bigger chance of them appearing on the enemy's team.
It's pretty much the same for any team based game.
"Not an argument" is a pol meme
It's an excuse lesser skilled players use since the beginner of online team games.
Durr hurr my team is always bad that's why I'm stuck on this ELO HELL.
it's all just more controlled propaganda to eliminate competition and create a planet of drones that are easy to manage
not because someone wants world domination, it's just the easiest and best for the species as a whole
too bad i don't give a fuck about the whole and want to succeed while others fail
You must not know about the intentional rigged 50/50 in Overmeme huh?
yeah dude same the fucking jews i cant believe those fucking alien ass fucking lizards did this to us baka i would beat they're fucking asses too if i really cared but i dont so
>20 minute ~300-view youtube video of some guy complaining about competitive overwatch
this is the most unenjoyable thing anyone could ever spend their time watching
can you sum it up in 5 words please?
>not putting it on 1.5 speed
you alright, gramps?
>when you see a losing streak, you assume it will eventually stop because of the gambler's fallacy
What the fuck is he jibbering on about here? If you're seeing a major losing streak, you assume it's because you suck and it's not going to stop until you change something and improve. This has fuck all to do with gambler's fallacy.
and shitposting on Sup Forums is?
No reptilian gf for you, my friend
t. David Ike
>I am a mouthbreathing retard
That's the video.
>League players grind from bronze to plat
>Dota 2 players grind 1.5k accounts to 6k
>On streams most of the time
>Shitters STILL blame their misfortunes rather than their lack of skill
Or is it just them able to deal with losing games? Alternatively they could play better games but they wont touch them because their betters will smear their assholes from one side of the arena to the other.
Well then there is no gambler's fallacy. Outcomes are going to change to based on what they are now.
10 wins to 2 losses will eventually change the outcome of games to make you lose more and being on a cold streak will mean that statistically you are going to get a hot streak soon.
The Gambler's Fallacy is based on incorrect assumptions of turns of fortune, where this game deliberately makes it part of the core experience.
Everyone with good aim.
What a boring video
Just get to the point already
"No bull shit"
Why are you defending him so much? He's just a youtube faggot with 5000 subs. Are you him?
He did. This also applies to every game with matchmaking and there have been plenty of people who can carry the game from lowest to highest ranks. "Road to X" is quite a popular title they use. He makes a point about how not many people can carry solo, which I absolutely agree, but makes adds that it's only possible if the enemy is bad, which is fucking bonkers: the matchmaking may be shit, but it can't recognize a twink from the bad player if twink plays badly. So you, a good player, are guaranteed to be stuck with bad people, so of course you will win. If you're not advancing in the ranks and not top 500 then there's only one explanation - you fucking suck dick.
You either can't read or refuse to comprehend why the video was spot on for any competitive team based game
what do you think about this picture?
Are you joking?
Pretty cool.
Reminder that I am the highest-ranked Overwatch player on Sup Forums and my official stance is that the game is casual as fuck.
Daily reminder that siractionslacks is now 5k.
IS the FGC rigged?
here lately some new blood has been placing top 16 at majors so I don't think it is.
Actually it's me and I also think the game is pretty casual.
Nice aimbot.
no, it applies to everything multiplayer user, remember people complaining before competitive was released?
remember all the elites that play video games on this board complaining about getting retards in their teams in X games?
it happens in any multiplayer games that are team based.
>Casinos weigh games to their favour that's why the gambler's fallacy is a thing
That's the dumbest thing I've read this year.
1v1 me dorado, zerosuit dva only
>The gambler's fallacy, also known as the Monte Carlo fallacy or the fallacy of the maturity of chances, is the mistaken belief that, if something happens more frequently than normal during some period, it will happen less frequently in the future, or that, if something happens less frequently than normal during some period, it will happen more frequently in the future (presumably as a means of balancing nature).
If the game is built with a function to naturally balance the playerbase then it doesn't fit the Gambler's Fallacy, which is the core and only point of the retard's argument.
You can't have a Gambler's Fallacy if there is an unseen hand changing probability based on your own overall score.
Are you?
>team game
Proof you're fucking braindead.
Actually I am and the game is extremely complex.
thanks user
So you still haven't read the fucking link he sent you.
It's impossible to rig a fighting game due to it being literally 1 on 1, same monitor, fightstick etc.
It's pure skill and a little bit of luck and guessing(depending on what fighting game your playing). It's the ONLY competitive e-sports that should exist.
Team based e-sports is straight rigged
Do you have actual, real autism?
You're one of those retards who say
>woooooooow it took 5 of u to kill me?? xDDD haha
>prefires before seeing anyone on the corner screen
>headshots as his screen goes nuts
Enjoy the permaban moron
what kind of faggot would even subject their eyes to this bullshit
I could have been listening to someone talk about any game. If you're not aware of this stuff already you're a pleb and probably not very good.
Sounds like he's shoving a bunch of shit in their to justify a preconceived notion of his. As if being a psychologist somehow qualifies him to talk about this topic. He's just throwing jargon and random concepts at you to baffle you into believing him.
Show me your tracer
how the fuck do people aim like this?