>At mid game, boss is nearly impossible
>Level up a bit
>Boss and all bosses after are hilariously easy

Name a RPG that doesn't do this

>Grinding past the boss level like a scrub


>grinding for levels
lol maybe gook shit, fagboy

Why do games still do this? For fuck's sake, it's the CURRENT YEAR.

>be in university
>be left as fuck but think John Oliver is a fucking hack
>mention I don't like him
>accused of being an alt right shitlord and Trump surrogate
I mean come on

Quite a few RPGS put a cap on the amount of grinding that can be done (reasonably) and more than a few tend to offer mechanics that can't be beaten by numbers.

That's what you get for associating with liberals. If you're not with them (all of them), you're against them (all of them).

>implying that one extra level doesn't give you access to a whole new range of spells
>implying that new level of spells doesn't contain some that trivialise content
>I always try to do Firkraag as early as possible

>do sidequests
>game becomes stupidly easy

i wish there was a difficulty mod for FFX-2

That's what I don't understand. On that political compass bullshit I scored as far left as the scale would allow. But because I don't think LE CURRENT YEAR man is funny that somehow invalidates every other opinion and belief I have.

Probably because that test is outdated and flawed as fuck you reactionary piece of shit

>tfw in terranigma gaining just a couple of levels makes the difference between doing single digit damage against some bosses and completely curbstomping them
that game was fucking weird

That's why level/stat based gameplay is fucking garbage and should be abolished. It leaves too many holes to be exploited instead of simply gitting gud and learning the mechanics.

Souls games strike a decent balance, but even they could probably be improved by removing stats entirely and just have you explore even more and face challenges for your upgrades.

I didn't say it's perfect but the point is I'm about as far from the right as you can be in America and yet I'm outcast and villainized because I don't like a cuck lord comedian who relies on the LOL DRUMPH XD crowd for views

Nobody understands it. That's why liberals catch so much shit on here (aside from having some borderline insane beliefs). Liberals tend to be some of the most detestable people on the planet simply because they can't tolerate the possibility of someone else having an opinion that differs from theirs.

You've identified as a liberal, do you have any ideas or insights as to why your kind is so fucking obnoxious?

Yes, but how the fuck are you grinding? I mean, maybe in BG1 at the very start of the game for a very brief period and even that's not necessary, but in BG2 pretty much everything worth killing is tied to a quest of some sort. You can't set one foot into that game without getting involved in something and dragon fights are hardly trivial when you have to practically unleash the wrath of god to kill them reliably and even then you're fucked if you don't proceed carefully.

>cuck lord
And you say you're not an alt-right Trump surrogate?

The feeling of having morality on their side combined with a complete inability to understand what from our side looks like actual racism and hatred for poor people. The thing for me is I just don't engage with people when they start shit but seems most of the rest of us can't resist the urge.

>slimy limey man

John Locke is rolling in his grave.

You can't tell me neither of the above statements is false. I refuse to let people drag fun shit like pepe and cuck through the mud.

>A hack
Pick one friendo

There is no alt right, though.

>RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

>Boss battle that's pretty tough have to blow a lots of valuable items but eventually beat it
>Beat it
>Second boss battle that's even harder immediately after
>Can't go back to buy items or grind

You're right, grinding is not an integral part of the game, like it is in many JRPGs. But you could do it with random encounters, for example.

But I want to go back to OPs post, which never mentioned grinding, just leveling until a boss (or whatever) is made easy. Which I tried to point out is entirely doable in BG1/2. I've played the shit out these games, and tend to metagame a lot, so considering whether I should level a little before doing this or that area is familiar to me.

>Not grinding in RPGs to be FUCKING INVINCIBLE
Get a load of this fuck

"Cuck" is the biggest alt-right identifier there is. You really only have yourself to blame if for some unfathomable reason you want to cling to that terrible meme word while not wanting to associate with the people who popularised it and have the near-exclusive use of it outside of fetish communities.

>There is no alt right
Better let the alt-right know.

What, is greentexting some barely-relevant ominous sounding bullshit supposed to scare people or something?

Where can I get in contact with the alt-right movement?

Using a hilarious meme word doesn't identify me as shit. I can call people cucks all day but that doesn't change my political position. The idea that something like cuck or pepe can be co opted by awful people is dumb

Make a tweet saying feminism isn't so bad.

They'll contact you.

>play a card game for 2 minutes
>be untouchable for 3/4ths of the game

>Using a hilarious meme word doesn't identify me as shit.
You don't understand memes, friendo. They say a lot about you. There's a reason you can't go spouting reddit memes on Sup Forums.

Besides, in the case of "cuck" it really wasn't a matter of co-opting. The rise of cuck is grounded in alt-right ideology. It could only have originated and thrived in their community.