Would you play a good game

Would you play a good game.
That has homoerotic overtones.
And keep in mind the game is actually good.
So the real question is would you avoid plying a good game if it had homoerotic overtones.

Other urls found in this thread:


I played Metal Gear games and enjoyed them, so there is no problem.

lol trump is such a clown. post more.


Since homoeroticism doesn't bother me yes.

The longest playthrough of FO4 I did (never bothered to finish the game) was as a female and I romanced all the female companions. Probably had a lot of hot three-ways at Red Rocket.

To answer your real question, I'd absolutely play a Chuck Tingle game.

Dinosaur game by him NOW!

donald trump is a little bitch

>a week till Sup Forums gets btfo forever and ever
Can't wait, I hope we all get a good day's laugh and then they will never plague this place ever again

Yes I'm a big fan of Sengoku Basara

is taking in the butt nice? my only experience is shitting turds, and big one ssometimes hurt

idk it's the tears of a minority on this site versus the unending butthurt of everyone else in society

I know what I would choose.

I often wonder what's in these books. The chances of it being anything related to what's on the cover seem unlikely.

they wus just pretendin

In either event, short salt.

hillary is losing in the polls and about to get indicted

better find a safe space to hide in, kiddo

>People are posting le Drumpf maymay instead of posting more of chuck's tingle masterpieces


>never plague this place ever again
>that YUGE implication


Is she /our gal/?

That one at least does have someone getting fucked by a giant coin. But you may as well be asking if the actual music in Ken's "By Request Only" is any good.

>From Hugo Nominated Author
They are getting really desperate for entries arn't they.

It'll only get worse, don't kid yourself.

Thank god. I don't want any more opinions or statements conflicting with MY viewpoint


You do know Trump is going on trial in december for a child rape case, right?


are these actually books or are they just jokes?


Yeah man Hillary won't lie to us

Thanks for the trustworthy and reliable source Huffington Post.

n-no Trump is gonna win you'll see


Oh, it's real.

But the polls are rigged, don't you remember?

>discussing politics is a meme!

dumb weeb poster

>b-b-b-but it's not vidya!

Yeah, neither is posting gay porn books

No one cares about your extremist beliefs, m8

>all this implying

desu Trump losing is the best thing for people with right wing ideology because Hillary is hated by pretty much everyone and probably won't get a second term. The Republican party has 4 years to get a new candidate who can actually talk in a speech without sounding like a retard and can complete coherent thoughts, but can still deploy some of Trump's ideas.

Hillary winning is the best thing for the GOP.

Hypocritical coming from the same people who demand it be taken to Sup Forums if there's even the slightest criticism towards Hillary.

No one cares about your hugbox either

>dumb weeb poster
why do you people come here?
>inb4 le not ur sekrit klub maymay
fuck off.

When Trump is winning despite the rigging, you know you lost.

Maybe if you sample only black democrat women, you'll get some good numbers. Maybe.

This website is for anime, ERP, and shitposting. Please leave

We aren't on Sup Forums so I don't see how there's a hugbox happening


Search the titles on Amazon. You'll find it.

So what you're saying is it's only rigged if he's losing?

Got it.

They almost kissed like 60 times during this scene, Jesus Christ.


what a clusterfuck of a thread

Such a great scene

Sure. I'm not an idiot.

ok, let me rephrase that, Why do they exist?

Yes, gameplay trumps everything for me. If it's fun it's fun and that's what I'm looking for, I normally only pay attention to a games story or characters lightly to begin with.

dumb weeb posters

lurk more

Oh boy, I can't wait for another Bush! He'll set things right and totally not capitulate and do the exact same thing as the Democrats!

Muh partisan politics, republicans and democrats are TOTALLY different!

The election is rigged. There's a media bias. Oh woe is me, it's me against America.

>I can do great things. We've got deals, huge deals, great deals. We're building a wall. A huge wall, it'll be great, trust me. Mexico will pay for it. Really, just trust me, I am a great businessman. Hillary's a crook, by the way.

Hillary is shit too, but my God, how are people taking this man seriously. To think a reality TV star will be head of the executive branch, my God.

>thank you for being a number one fan thanks
This guy is amazing.

Go to bed Hillary.

replace anime with Sup Forums and you've got literally the same thing

I've read the compilation. The books don't really offer anything more than the obvious if you've already read the titles.

Go to bed, Putin.


>only rigged if he's losing?
>I have no idea what poll sampling is and I'm a certified brain dead fucking moron

When you grossly oversample democrats and undersample republicans AND independents, yes, they're rigged.

If you believe these polls then you have to believe Texas will go blue. That's how fucked they are.

So does this guy make much money off of this?
I mean if so he's basically making money by shitposting
Wait just imagine that for a minute. Everytime you shit post you get a dollar but, you need to avoid being banned to keep your income going. So you just shit post about nothing in general or just reply to people's images rather than their posts.

It happens. It's called gaslighting.

>will spam anime the moment it is criticized

go ahead newfag. Keep proving my point

Fuck off, Zoe Quinn Internet Defense Force

Cho Aniki

Have fun

>losing horribly for a month
>suddenly up a point
>wtf why you deny polls
Kill yourself.

>and then they will never plague this place ever again...for 4 years

Fixed it for you

Yeah keep barkin up shit, see where it gets you bitch, I'll tell you a free trip to the ER.

>they're rigged because I say so except when they agree with me then they are not rigged
Trump is so polarizing he's turning red states blue, this isn't unbelievable. You're a fool who only believes what supports him.

God the japanese have such a fucking shitty artstyle

So it's what Trump has been doing to Americans for the past month?

So the GOP hVe 4 years to scour the Tea Party shit out and reconstruct their party into something that can actually win an election.

It'll be tough.

>piglike noses

fucking disgusting, just like real american pig-likes

Get lost hater

>it's a butthurt Berniebro episode

>It's a "no life autistic neckbeards spam their shitty japanese cartoon characters because someone dared to go against the hivemind" episode

>So the GOP have 4 years to become Democrats


Big ones still hurt but a nice medium dick going slow feels like taking a really satisfying shit in reverse. Plus if it goes in at the right angle it can stimulate your prostate.

I'm sure you're a hit at parties

I'm voting for a straight Democrat ticket and you can't do anything but impotently scream at my post

best scene in that pos game

So the GOP was the Democrat party prior to 2007? Is that what you're saying?

>he's this desperate for (you)s

At least I get invited to parties


Judging by your attitude, probably not.

>not skipping the entire ticket except for local issues

It's like you actually want one of the crazy retards running to win.

Essentially, yes. The Democrats have successfully defanged and neutered the GOP for years, while still using them as moral punching bags. Even if the GOP did everything the Dems wanted, they'd still call them racist bigot sexist monsters.

Trump actually punches back and that horrifies the Democrats. Someone with a spine that doesn't surrender at the first sign of resistance.

describe your favorite game like a Chuck Tingle book title

Judged by you being a dumb weeb poster, I know you don't.

I feel like this is a raid.

Anyone know what the outside world is up to?

I have no idea, but from this thread and a short visit to Sup Forums it looks like both candidates are involved in pedophilia now?

Anime is mainstream, I was just at a fun Halloween party yesterday