>6.2" 720p multi-touch screen
>6.2" 720p multi-touch screen
this is more than enough
be realistic here.
It is meant to be played on the go and the battery has to be able to support that. 720p is fine for gaming on the go, if it was meant to be stationary i'd expect at least 1080p.
that's a pretty good pixel density for a device that size.
It's much fucking better than the 3ds' fucking whopping 240p
> 720p isn't enough for a handheld Nintendo device! Wahhh!
1. No handheld gaming device has had a resolution higher than 544p. 3ds had a resolution of 240p.
2. Kill yourself
>wifi handheld
this desu. My phone has a 1080p screen, in fact most appliances do.
thats like 10x the pixel density of your TV
So same as Xbox One.
Phone screens are the best screens most people own. yours Ps mean nothing
How long is your phone's battery life?
The answer is not long enough, no matter how much you bullshit it.
Same. My phone is over 2 years old as well.
What the fuck Nintendo
It's a handheld, Wii U pad is 480p and looks fine.
720p is the best choice.
It wouldn't be powerful enough to run most games at 1080p+ when mobile and upscaling imperfectly looks awful.
They could've put in a 1440p display for a nice 2X upscaling but that kind of a screen would be too expensive for a ~$300 device.
So with both those points in mind 720p is best, native res with no bad upscaling.
i bet they are longer than Switch
720p with 4h battery > 1080p with 2h battery
Sure, if you don't use them for anything more taxing than checking twitter.
>the answer is not long enough
My answer is long enough lol. If I can get 2-3 hours gaming before it dies that's fine. I'm not gonna sit on the fucking nintendo for more than 2 anyways .
this is more than enough
Vita is sub 720 and it looks fucking fantastic.
For a handled is great, besides fucking PS4 and XBONE run their games at this resolution.
going to buy it and you can keep shitting blood because nobody important will put their games on the PC first because they know you will never pay for games.
that's because the vita is an actual portable, not a glorified tablet that can't even do shit that people buy tablets for.
That's some mighty fine nonsense spouting.
My 6 inch phone has a fucking 1440p display. What the fuck are they doing?
Wh...when its going to be docked, it will play 1080p games right?
>Slightly nervous right now at the scary but possible answer.
Do you want a console like experience on the go at 720p?
Or do you want to browse the internet and play flappy bird?
You can only pick one.
Also might I add that 720p on a 6" screen will have a higher ppi than a 1080p monitor or tv. So despite it being closer to your face it's going to be just as hard to see the pixels if not harder due to the much higher pixel density.
It's going to look really good as long as Nintendo gets a screens with good viewing angles and colors.
Why the fuck can't nintendo just make a proper console?
>Airplane drifts
>all my pixels fly out the window
Because the PS4 and Xbone already exist.
"PS4 but with Mario" probably sounds good to you, but it be the opposite of profitable for nintendo.
because you'd complain that nintendo is just copying xbox/playstation
The ps4 already owns the majority of the console market while Microsoft has the rest.
Did you forget that it's also a console?
Nice. Day one buy.
>but it be the opposite of profitable for nintendo.
Why the fuck does everyone assume this?
All anyone EVER asked for is a powerful standard console with good games.
Throw the cost of the LCD into the GPU and you get a "faster ps4 with Mario" for about the same price.
Its almost like you kids never had a super nintendo or n64.
It's all about ppi you fucking idiot.
Why does everyone on Sup Forums only understand technology at the depth of a television advertisement?
I would choose browsing the internet without playing flappy bird.
Mobile phones run @ 1440p
720p for a dedicated device seems skimpy.
Yeah, you throw LCD costs into GPU, you get "ps 4 with Mario" and then you're on the market with a console that's few years behind PS4, has less games, no VR gimmick etc. AND you have to develop another handheld after 3DS.
You must be rather stupid if you think this is profitable for Nintendo in any way.
Do you know what PPI is and how you're getting scammed by buying any phone that's above 900p?
Because it'd be redundant with the Playstation 4 and the XBOX One, and Nintendo doesn't want to be.
>Do you know what PPI is and how you're getting scammed by buying any phone that's above 900p?
That's a nice opinion.
>has less games
Its not like the console is being made by a company that's known for selling excellent games in the tens of milllions or anything.
They should probably not make another handheld and go third party for smartphones. More profitable then the Switch gimmick will ever be.
>how are they gonna put a bigger battery onto this console?
Are you fucking shitting me? That's what your excuse for yet another one of nintendos batshit retarded hardware decisions is? muh battery life?
I got my phone in fucking 2014. it has a 1080p screen. This is unacceptable. You should not be releasing 720p consoles in 2017, it's retarded, nintendo's hardware is ALWAYS RETARDED.
What console ports do you play on your phone and how long is battery life when you do?
Where'd you get those specs? I'd like to see if there's more or if you're just shitposting
>bad on a screen that small
Do you know what dpi is?
Did you forget that the touchscreen resolution has nothing to do with what it'd output to a TV?
holy shit how are people STILL NOT FUCKING GETTING THIS
>runs at low power mode when portable
>runs at 1080p, performance mode when docked (since you know it doesnt have to worry about battery)
fucking hell guys
Nintendo just beat the handheld market in one fell swoop.
When is sony releasing it's 1080p handheld that has no games?
>my new 1440p 5 inch touch screen
>it only cost me 900 dollars
>the battery? I get a cool 45 minutes when I'm gaming and using wi-fi or 4G LTE lightning fast speeds :)
>w... what?
>n-no... my subscription is only 90 dollars a month for unlimited...
>j... bu...
>stop please...
>tfw you pay 2,000 dollars for a 2 year plan and a brand new 1440p phone
Flappy bird, flap flappy birdy bird.
Got mah gaming TELEPHONE and it's in HD
I'm gamin hard and fast and I'm havin funnnn
*cue cool high schooler song*
I play Pokemon Goooo everyday...
I play Pokemon Go
Most good phones since 2015 are 2560x1440.
And no, resolution doesn't automatically mean bad battery life. I get 5 and a half hours sot with maximum brightness.
All these people bitching about a 720p screen on a handheld/console when the dedicated consoles are still fucking floundering around at 720p/30fps.
You get 5 hours on what?
>Stationary console
>cant reach 1080p, in most 3D games
The Switch is going to have a lower resolution than my 3 fucking year old Nexus 5, not to mention a much bigger screen. We're talking pixels the size of dinosaurs here, but of course Nintendrones are too tech illiterate to understand. Shit, who would be able to tell the difference after the 3DSXL, those people are like rape survivors.
You fool!! The power of the PS4 Pro is indescribable!! For 400 dollars more, you can change from your original 400 dollar PS4 into the upgraded super titan!!!
Too powerful to be believed, with full VR powers!!! It does 1080p with ease!!!
>everyone tells Nintendo no more gimmicks
>complain about no VR gimmick
No one knows what they want.
>brace yourself for my fridge worthy autism. Enjoy
I'm tired of being what you want me to be Nintendo
Feeling so faithless, lost under next gen's graces
Don't know what you're expecting of the Switch
Put under the pressure of walking in Sega's shoes
(Caught in the undertow, third parties I'll never know)
Every step Nintendo takes is another mistake to us
(Caught in the undertow, the gimmicks will never go)
I've become so numb, can't feel Nintendo switch there
Become so tired, so much more aware
Nintendo has become this, all I want to do
Is be more like PC and be less like you
Can't you see that you're smothering us,
Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control?
'Cause everything that you thought Wii U would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you.
(Caught in the undertow, your knowledge of hardware is slow)
Every preorder I make is another mistake for you.
(Caught in the undertow, anything over 300$ is a blow)
And every second you waste is more than I can take.
And I know
The Switch will end up failing too.
But I know
You were just like me with third parties disappointed in you.
(screen on time)
>Nintendrones are defending this
>Put under the pressure of walking in Sega's shoes
What the fuck does this even mean
>I play 800 dollar PS4 stuff everyday, I play 800 dollars.
What phone are you getting 5 hours of screen on time?
Already confirmed the dock doesn't add extra power
You just explained why anything over 1080p is complete overkill for a mobile device.
By the time this comes out the fanboy hype will have waned and this product will be DOA.
I see you image conveys the fine, high fidelity visual experience that Nintendo's latest has to offer.
They'll literally defend anything.
Just sit back and relax, build up your collage and then fill the front page with golden face posts when the Switch inevitably flops.
>Nintencucks next console is a handheld with memes
Just like the last one
axon 7. Picked it up after I had to return the note 7.
Who said anything about PS4?
Nintendo under the pressure of meybe becoming a third party gaming company if the switch flops hard? Sorry I didn't reread this through
You def do not get 5 hours of gaming with that. Maybe playing a video from your phones hard-drive, nice try, figgy faggy.
Prior Switch got announced
After Switch got announced:
>h-h-heh, portable.... p-p-pretty cool
>7-7-720p, a-a-awesome!
>l-l-look, Skyrim guys! h-heh
These past few weeks have been fucking glorious.
it's also going to be 720p on tv though.
Who said anything about gaming?
the switch has a dpi higher than a standard 4K monitor. I have a phone that has a 720p screen and I cannot make out the pixels, except if I put it under a 5* microscope. With the switch they should be slightly more visible, but at the same it will sit a bit further away from your face.
Why are you a tech illiterate user? Is math too hard?
[citation needed]
>It's okay when Xbox does it
Your phone is also stuck in 2004 in terms of graphics due having to use Open GL ES2.0, so it's easy enough to it to render in 1080p.
With a decent API, it would run 3D in single digits at this resolution.
In the pic, how UE4 looks like on my 9800gt (that is several, SEVERAL generations behind the tegra chip and significantly slower than it) and how it looks on the best phone possible.
>portable gaming devices thread
[common sense]
Hey, they're now floundering around 900p at 25fps I'll have you know!
name an xb1 game that runs at 720 released this year. xb1 is way more powerful than this will be. hell the wii u may be more powerful than this will be.
"enhanced version for nx" can't wait for this to become a joke.
1080p/60fps for nintendo games, 900p/30fps for third party ports.
wishful thinking
explain yourself.
Quantum break.
Also first, there are devices out there already that use tegra chips and wreck WiiU three new assholes.
Secondly, the Xbone is not an hard target to reach because it is THE worst designed SoC ever made, having as much transistors as the geforce gtx 980 yet not getting even close of the performance.
Retarded pessimism.
You have a 720p phone because you're a poorfag who buys prepaid phones from Target. Anything 5 inches or larger with a 720p screen is incredibly noticeable after you use a superior device for quite some time.
Also comparing pixel densities for mobile devices and monitors/televisions is pants on head retarded because a little something called viewing distance. If I'm playing a handheld tablet right in my face, I'm going to notice the fuckhuge pixels as opposed to sitting it on a table and playing it give feet away. You would be laughed out of Sup Forums with that argument.
titanfall 2 is 600p
battlefield 1 is 720p
t-those aren't Xbox exclusives
>muh Gears 4
Or he's smart and doesn't pay 900 dollars for a device he will upgrade in 2 years.
Nice try desu.
Sayaka, you never asked for exclusive Xbox titles.
Your argument makes no sense.
The Switch will be held a foot away from your face, easily.
On top of that, it depends entirely on viewing angle, quality of display, brightness, what kind of display it is (IPS, amoled, oled, etc)
720p vs 1080p is not a huge jump in devices that around 6 inches, especially for rendering video games themselves. The major issue is going to come in super small text, but even then, in a 6 inch screen, you're not going to be seeing tiny text very well regardless.
Ultimately, the performance is going to be much better with a lower resolution and the battery life is going to last a lot longer.
>dock doesnt add processing power
>720p on your 65" UHD 4k tv
someone wake me up, does it also use a resistive touchscreen from the 80s like the wii u?
Do you have a source saying it's 720p on TV?