Pick support right now, motherfucker. I am gonna carry this game

Pick support right now, motherfucker. I am gonna carry this game

medic > support

only if i get to be your healslut


Would be the first time most of these so called 'doughboys' would experience 'real' combat
>americuck detected

>if i get fed this game is over just get me some kills
>*30 minutes pass, carry gets about 12 kills*
>I can't carry this shit you guys are fucking garbage

sure thing bro, just give me a sec

When you enjoy healing and dont understand the "healsult" meme.

There is no reason to play support in any game. Highest damage output + zerg rush = guarentee'd success. Every other class or playstyble is a gimmick.

h-hes fast

>fuck you I'm going mid
>Mid or feed

>I love playing support in Moba/arena style games
>Hate actual healing in MMOs
Fuck you Imma pick lucci and stun lock these THOTs

unleash real combat on my ass


asuka a cute

This. It's a fun role to fulfill because you have the responsibility to keep everyone alive.

whatever you say slut

Shes not just cute she a very important.

I don't healslut dumb frogposters, sorry

You better buy The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Remasteredâ„¢!

>having standards
i get what dick i can

Haha Imma high jack this thread with my stale ass unfunny forced maymay!

froggy dick cannot satisfy, it's too small and weak, you're better off using your fingers than that garbage

The punch meme died fast, feels bad