Is it fun?
Is it fun?
>indie pixelshit
Why couldn't it have been Owlgirl?
>Following the Sup Forums hivemind mentality for what can and can't be good
those pixels ain't shit bruh.
I don't know anything about this game but that's some damn fine pixel art
is this the most shilled game on Sup Forums currently
Did you even stop to look at the game?
Fucking Sup Forums has ruined you, buzzwordman.
k-on thread?
>Game that just came out is being talking about
I fucking hate how paranoid this place has become
I played the demo a long while ago and I'm pretty happy with what 8 years in the making has done, the animation is pretty good and while I'm only 3 hours in the gameplay's fun. It's a good deal for 20 bucks I think
It's a Saki thread
Kill yourselves shills.
This always fucking happens
>new indie game comes out
>people discuss indie game on Sup Forums
>Not following common sense
>Falling for the indie jew and playing shit games
>Not My Summer Car
i don't know if owl man is good or not, but it looks nice
how is Sup Forums supposed to discuss vidya?
I just said the pixel art looked nice, I have absolutely no clue what the game is like at all so I can't possibly shill it. It could play like complete shit for all I know
dude it's been like this for the past 8 years at least
people discuss anything not generally accepted here and its "shilling"
It's SHIT.
Anyone who disagrees is a FUCKING SHILL.
Nah, the heavy shilling accusations of this level is more of a thing that's become prominent in the last two years here
Maybe it's being discussed because the fucking dev posted most of his progress in /vg/ for the past few years, and before /vg/ was even a thing he showed up here on Sup Forums game dev threads occasionally. It's not like this game just popped up out of no where.
I don't even know if the game is good, but it is CLEARLY not pixelshit.
I'm not a shill, you're just a buzzword slinging retard.
Dunkey said it looked good.
More like he already built up interest by keeping us updated for the past 8 years.
the only reason he posted his game here was to build interest
Therefore he is a shill
It's only shilling if you pretend you're not the dev, he specifically posted his game in game-dev threads, and moved to /vg/ when game-dev general was a thing
I agree with you. It happens to older indie titles too. Whenever I want to discuss something I enjoy it's suddenly "SHILL SHILL SHILL", but when Sony-thread #89523 of the day comes up it's suddenly the purest intent.
Right and everyone who posts in those threads is only interested in shilling their game
Watch Shantae get absolutely no shill accusations because people get their rocks off to it, just like Haydee
>make game with godly pixel art
>gives tumblr nose to everyone
>tried to make a thread about a game I really enjoyed yesterday
>got 3 posts claiming I was a shill and then it died
This board is fucked.
How many copies of the greatest game since Undertale have you bought today, Sup Forums?
Because people can't talk about or look at a game without being a shill for it now.
anyone got a link to a download?
Is this really what you spend your free time doing user? Trying to convince people not to buy games you haven't played to 'troll'?
>Game that's been posted in pixel art threads and discussed on Sup Forums for longer than most people here have been posting
>Not allowed to talk about it when it releases
Okay, you guys win. Back to console war shitposting I guess.
numale cuck detected
Literally search any fucking torrent site you faggot
Are only 12 year olds on Sup Forums now?
And before that it was called viral marketing. Back when bait was still just trolling.
>Pixel retroshit
>Muh fursona with the same self image issues as me!
>Set in the sky because everyone has to do that after Bioshock Infinite
Fuck off shills.
I don't see it on Nyaa
And you can tell a newfag from a mile.
Can't go a thread without throwing SJW slurs and shit all over the place.
When was the last time you played a game?
When was the last time you had fun?
>45 posts
>25 unique IPs
Holy fuck, some people really get triggered by people talking about games.
Fuck you look at this shit
This post took so little effort and brainpower that you could type it out even if your head were cut off.
How does the game play? The art looks nice but the gameplay seems... kinda average and boring.
>Pixel retroshit
So I see you haven't even took the time to look at a single trailer.
>Muh fursona with the same self image issues as me!
Human, robot, bird.
>Set in the sky because everyone has to do that after Bioshock Infinite
Game was in development for 9 years. So you are still full of shit.
can anyone just say if it's good
I don't give a fuck what you think about it if you haven't played
Is it short? If so is it at least replayable?
I'm interested but the price is a but high.
Spoken like a true cuck. Has Tyron fucked your wife lately?
Hi, guys. Randy here. My game's been in development for fifteen years, so please buy it.
It released literally hours ago, user. I don't think many people have actually played it yet.
It's good.
Read reviews. There's multiple companions you can carry around each with different abilities. Combat and especially bosses sound pretty well done.
It's so bad it's indie-tanic
You are witnessing the downfall on indie
user, is your life really so shit you have to seek validation by pretending to be retarded?
Because if you actually believe they're shilling, I feel bad for you.
What wife?
HAHAHA user can't even get girls
Well no shit. You can't be a cuck if you don't have a girlfriend.