This is a bad game, as much as I hate weeb shit and low effort pandering in general...

This is a bad game, as much as I hate weeb shit and low effort pandering in general, at least Rabi Rabi is an actual god damn game. Nothing in this game is intuitive, the combat is boring and slow and the soundtrack while fitting isn't exactly memorable or anything. As for the art, they've used some awful looking effects and the copy+paste gets old quick.

No seriously. I've only played 5 minutes of Rabi as opposed to a few hours of Owlshit but god damnit Rabi is the better game

what's bad about it?

better question what's good about it?

I don't know, I haven't played it. That's why I'm asking you what's bad about it...

Repetitive, unmemorable, slow, unintuitive.

Did you not read the OP?

im sorry to hear that

yeah, but I'm asking how, specifically?

OP why even bother making a thread for a game you don't like despite probably never having played it?

I just wanted to hear your review of it, but no. Thanks for wasting my time, fag.

What makes you think I haven't played it?

What specifically?

>What makes you think I haven't played it?
your criticisms are incredibly vague, I was trying to ask for more info but you didn't provide it

>What specifically?

Perhaps what about playing it is repetitive. What about the controls are overall unintuitive?

Any fucking specificity on why it's bad would make it actually believable that you played it

What exactly about anything I've said is vague? What is so unbelievable about someone having played a game and wanting to discuss it?

Repetitive enemies, repetitive 'puzzles'.

The controls aren't unintuitive, but they bind multiple things to the same buttons, meaning you'll end up doing the wrong things at the wrong time, when you want to pick something up you'll end up picking up the wrong thing etc, talking etc.

What makes it so hard to believe I've played the game? It's not special or anything. Why are you so bound on this notion that I can't possibly have played it? Is it that rare? I don't gain anything from lying about having played it. So what would I gain from doing so? It's just not believable I would lie, it's not something I gain anything from so It's impossible for me to do. It's that simple really. It's basic humanity.

This is really vague criticism

I think people just want you to explain better since they're genuinely curious. I have the game and I haven't played it because I was wondering what you had to say about it. I'll probably play it eventually regardless, but I'm not in any rush either.

What about Rabi Ribi makes it 'more of a game' than Owlboy? Just curious.

it’s fun

So you're saying the term 'game' is subjective to everyone? Things can be games or not depending on who's playing?

When all people do is make accusations I doubt that's their intention. They just can't handle criticism.

Enemy placement is ambush-tier in certain cases. Enjoy that. Game is just boring, I don't know what else to say. See a block? Better move it. It's that type of 'gameplay' I don't know how to be specific about it. It just doesn't evolve, I still have my peashooter and killing big bosses with it doesn't really feel realistic.

They introduce gimmicks to keep content locked away but instead of keeping those gimmicks limited, they just repeat them without any creativity to them.

There's also lots of small corridors with enemy spam, and lots of waiting for 'reloading'

Also it's extremely linear, not sure how they can put 'open-world' on their store-page

>They introduce gimmicks to keep content locked away but instead of keeping those gimmicks limited, they just repeat them without any creativity to them.

Isn't this exactly what "metroidvania" means?

Do you honestly not think your earlier impressions weren't vague as fuck? With how many people honestly say that they come here just to shitpost it's not a long shot to assume such vague statements are being made just to start shit

What you just posted was all you needed to do

No, but keep putting things in their special little boxes if it makes you feel safer

>They introduce gimmicks
what kind of gimmicks?
>Also it's extremely linear
in what sense?

also what do you actually do in the game? what does the gameplay consist of overall?

>I don't know how to be specific about it.
Oh come the fuck on, it just came out - it should be pretty fresh in your mind if you just played it, I want some examples so I can gauge if this game is worth my time

not him, but what the fuck is that supposed to mean?

>what kind of gimmicks
I don't want to spoil the game
>in what sense
In the sense that you go from A to B in a linear fashion.

>what do you do in the game
google it

>I don't want to spoil the game
I don't care about being spoiled, at the end of the day games feel very different to play than to hear about/see.

>In the sense that you go from A to B in a linear fashion.
any examples, like at all?

>google it
but I'm asking you since you seemed to have such strong opinions on it, having (allegedly) just played the game.

>ancient Sup Forums philosophers realize that calling fun games fun is a non-statement which requires further explanation
>modern Sup Forums poster calls not fun games not fun and cannot properly explain why

It's like pottery.

>I don't care
Then spoil yourself. I'm not going to spoil anyone.

>any examples
The game itself is one giant example. I'm not sure if I'm the best fit of describing the concept of linearity to you, have you tried a dictionary?

>but I'm asking you since you have strong opinions
You didn't ask for my opinion. You asked for something you could google.

Who are you quoting?

Stop responding to shitposters, user.

What game?

it's hilariously obvious you haven't played the fucking game now, user. I'd say good effort, but you really didn't even try at all.

How is it obvious? Give me one reason I would lie?

To bait for replies is a good reason, only made better because you're anonymous. It's not rocket science.

Alright has anybody else OTHER THAN OP played the game yet? So far the complaints I'm hearing are:
>4-5 hours long
>relatively straightforward

Do you wear fedoras?

Why are you comparing it to Rabi Ribi? was it made by the same devs or what?

>To bait for replies is a good reason
Why would that be a good reason? I don't understand?