What do you think about Rean "Cold Steel" Schwarzer
What do you think about Rean "Cold Steel" Schwarzer
His VA lurks Sup Forums.
Maybe OP is his VA
Overpowered. Only 40 hrs in so far in CS1.
Psssh nothin personnel kid
He is in for a fine career and has a awesome dad.
Sorry I'm not Sean.
Arc Slash is pretty fucking broken, delays and gives you your turn faster than Autumn Leaf Cutter.
fuck off, """Dad""".
I'm trying to get into Emma, will I succeed? Or is it canon for Alisa, I presume?
They try to leave it as open-ended as possible for Rean and his harem, but unfortunately all of the girls except Alisa gets a hug from Rean. Alisa gets a kiss.
I hope CS3 release date is away from P5. I need good space between the two.
We probably won't see CS3 for several years so you don't have to worry about that.
Pretty cute desu
Considering P5 is already out and Sen III doesn't even have a release date, that won't be happening.
>ended up no-damaging Scarlet and her two robutt buddies because of Arc Slash's delay
Did they end up nerfing it in CS2?
Alisa please stop posting
Nope, it even got upgrade. They made less bosses susceptible to AT Delay though.
Figures. The series itself didnt really get popular enough compared to Persona. People looked for serious JRPG titles, and all they get are Neptunia sequels.
>Alisa please stop posting
He's ok as far as generic good at everything and everyone likes/loves him self insertable main characters go. He's no Estelle Bright though.
Finished CS2 and went Fie route. Did she really water him?
I always wondered how the fuck do people jump to such moronic conclusions?
Don't you have to fill in your mother's shoes at Reinford?
>Wanting a old hag when you could have Towa Herschel
Fair enough.
I believe CS3 is confirmed for 2017 in Japan which will likely end up being Fall and will probably be late 2018 for the West.
Kinda upset about this part. Rean is totally fine MC without hidden power plot.
Osborne literally did nothing wrong and will make Erebonia great again.
Really? I thought it was fine honestly. Gave Rean a proper conflict and gave us more info about the Great Power or whatever its called.
Maybe Im just used to Estelle being just skills and training. Just jumping straight from finishing SC to CS1.
I want to pet Altina.
It made me cringe harder than P4.
CS3 is probably 2017 for Japan.
And Falcom has an intensely loyal fanbase.
Rean please.
So from 0 to nuclear how punished is Rean going to be in CS3?
Actually an interesting character by the end of II, which is pretty fucking surprising because he was captain generic at the start.
What? There's nothing wrong with petting girls.
Chapter 3: Peace
Whatever you say Rean.
The serial head-patter needs to be stopped.
he's copying his ded husbando's outfit
global thermonuclear
He's not offensively bad, but he's still bland. I'm glad that in spite of his bullshit borderline Gary Stu edgelord/robot powers, they didn't go overboard and still had him getting his shit pushed in by people with more experience. I'm interested to see where they go with him in CS3 because I think he has a lot of potential for a cool heel turn. He's still a disappointment compared to Estelle and Kevin, though.
Good to hear!
>He's no Estelle Bright though
Yeah he actually makes me not want to stop playing.
There is absolutely nothing sexual with petting girls on the head.
>petting your sister
But he pats heads without permission. He needs to be stopped before he completely loses control.
Rean only shines when he's surrounded by others. Class 7 literally makes him live as a human being.
The world is not going to allow things to be nice for nonLiberlians.
We going nuclear fusion.
I thought the opposite. He turns into Tachibana Generic McAnime when he's around class VII
>Son, here is a loli and a Chrismas Cake for you, go make Erebonia great again
>Fuck you, dad, I'm gonna become a bracer like my hero and cast arts really fast
petting your sister is perfectly normal, plus she doesn't mind it at all.
user i think you need a headpat. c'mere..
>tfw you get to pet her every day
Rean Osbourne Dreichels "Delay Everyday" Cold Steel Schwarzer will fix the foreign invasions and keep Crossbell and Calvard out of the Fatherland.
I think "The Lean Mean Rean Bean Machine" Rean "Serial Head-Patter" Schwarzer is alright.
I kinda wish I would have been here for the threads when the game came out. I didn't have a vita or PS3 back then
sara is a slut
towa is pure and smart
geez i dont know man
Do you pat Towa, at some point?
Fast arts/headpats guy will kep him in line.
I dearly love my boy, in a world where association with me places people in the harshest of dangers. And where my blood will be hunted down to harm my feelings and bring me closer to a irrecoverable death.
The war grows.
I am here on this world to make Erebonia whole again.
It used to be so, all so many centuries ago. But with the Great Collapse, the fragments of one Great Power began to collide against each other, and the country was torn apart. And the other fragments... well, maybe later.
My old comrades in the army, they too were torn apart as well, forced into sides. And we soldiers are forced to play along in this game, again, and again.
Ridiculous, isn't it? Yesterday's ally becomes today's enemy.
That's how I realized a long time ago that this country is nothing but another game in power struggles.
Between the Great Powers, nobles vs commoners, the church vs Ouroboros, tyranny versus representation, aristocracy vs republicanism, globalism versus nationalism. Whomever has the power to fight, whichever group has it in them to reach for supremacy. And Ouroboros plays a hard game. The Grandmaster has no sense of good or evil. Her influence extends to countries and organizations involved in every aspect of every conflict. Ouroboros has become war itself.
That was how I swore I would make Erebonia great again, that the Empire would be whole once more. Free from the Society, free from external control, free from the prisons in our minds. I will devote my skills and my life to that purpose.
Just as I once created the Ironbloods. They are my family. I may no longer have my wife and one of my sons is estranged from me, but I still have a family.
Honestly dude the only reason I kept playing was to find out where the fuck their dad went and what was it with Joshua. I knew he was a sort of killer dude but didn't know they would have all that background story for him.
>no more field trips with classmates
>gambler bro with robot dies after he finally catches up to him
>now he has to be the ashen chevalier for blood and iron daddy
pretty punished imho
pedos pls go. sara is literally perfect.
Sara pleases old men for booze money.
as opposed to towa who'll do it if you file a request to the student council
Towa is purer than driven snow.
>Punished Rean: A man denied his field trips
Man Crow was such a stylish asshole terrorist.
>literally perfect
>messes you up at the end of the game for mr blonde
yeah okay cuck
>Toval gave Rean advice and pat his head
>He literally gave Rean the "Rean treatment"
>Rean fought for his friends
>They all ditched him in the end
>When he could have been playing shitty card games with Crow, trolling people with Blueblanc, talking about how great Fie is with Leonidas, bullying Duvalie with McBurn and playing chess with Rufus
Rean made the wrong choice.
>manages to acquire both the cake and the good loli while still holding back
Rean has a long way to go.
they have lives too bro, and its not like they won't see each other ever again considering their future positions
>wanting to be apart of ouroboros ever
you're fucking insane
Reminder that Magical Girl Laura is now the heroine and Alisa got BTFO from her own LN.
He was pretty boring in CS1 and hurt the game as a whole. It's like he's right out of a LN or some shitty harem anime.
I've heard he's more interesting in 2 but I don't think I care enough to find out.
>access to two lolis, a Christmas cake, Lechter, Rufus, and best dad
Not a bad deal.
I wanna cuddle with Laura!
>Tfw Crow left something for Rean in his will in Cold Steel 3
>Rean opens it to see what Crow left him
go home dad
I want to do things to Laura that Victor may or may not approve of.
Is that so?
What if manual headpatting is a feature in CS3?
>Rean gets a headpatting S-Craft
Drunk Sensei is pure
I think he's hot
>touch based headpatting, PS4/Vita confirmed
>press x to headpat
I wouldn't even be mad.
>With 200 CP, hold R and press X to EXTREME headpat
>max CP headpat gives +100 Link XP to Rean+whoever he pets, and gives them Max ATK/DEF/ATS/ATD/SPD/Insight
>Headpat 1000 times in order to get the best weapon
>also adds 10 delay to the recipient because they are temporarily surprised
My blade will cleave ignorance and light the way
>Sen III could have a mahou shojou Laura outfit instead of Sen II's mahou shojou Alisa
fuck man
I over power the robot and I couldn't use my S-break when it happened. Demonic scythe too stronk
And There Will Blood!