What's the current state of Diablo 3?
Diablo 3
the same as the last time you played. You get 70 and farm until you are either bored or you achieve the desired level of numbers.
my mom unpluged my playstation while i was saving and i lost EVERYTHING
playing this game alone in your room as a kid must have been depressing
diablo is buff
Monk is still best class even though they nerfed the fuck out of him
No, it was scary as fuck. I was 4-6 years old when I played and almost always made sure to do so while it was daytime, my brother was in the room, or preferably both.
diablo wasn't scary, it was cool as fuck
like i'm a literal homo too. fucking wow dude
fucking shit like it always was
Nah, fuck off. The ambiance, the darkness, the fucking restricted "run" speed, the mutilated bodies everywhere, and most importantly - how screwed you were as a sorcerer after you ran out of mana - all combined into a tense and frightening game, especially for a 5 year old.
The Butcher was the icing on that cake.
potential new necromancer class
Soon (tm)
>Let's play the source of the problem!
Funny, but that short sentence is the best explanation of the game I've ever read.
Playing every season to unlock the reward.
That's it really.
Its currently the best Diablo game
someone shoot this retard
What's the diablo "leak" from Memecon?
You mean new 40 bucks expansion
Or a 20 dollars piece of DLC standalone class considering the ridiculous shit they're doing with SCII
literally not a problem for quality content
> Blizzard
> Quality content
They're selling skins for multiplayer
A skin for a single fucking unit for five bucks
They will never unfuck the shitty items.
It's Cookie Clicker with ultra graphics, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Cookie Clicker is pretty fun.
The only thing I remember about Diablo 2 was getting stuck in those fucking act 2 bug caves whenever my skeletons would block the way. Necromancer was L I T E R A L L Y impossible to level alone in act 2 because of that shit.
honestly don't mind paying $40 for a new expansion, regardless of what it is I want some new diablo content. Though yeah $20 for just a new class with nothing else would be shitty but I dunno if they'd pull that, probably at least 1 new Act or something like that
just don't buy the skin
RoS is outright the best game in the series.
Needs some new content badly.
Still a great dungeon grinder.
It's dead. And rightfully so.
What should I roll in a new diablo 2 play through and what should I name myself
I play it from time to time, but yeah the only time its really active is right when a season starts
Fuck off back to reddÃt
every big patch they add new stuff which is super OP and blows the old shit away and constantly have number inflation
No its not, why lie?
>thinks diablo3 is the best
>turns out I'm the retard from reddit
get fucked faggot
That's the only thing you remember?
I remember booting my PC at night just to take a look at my almost perfect Grief. Or calling a friend because I found a stone of jordan. Or my first solo uber-tristram.
So many fond memories.
This is a shitpost right?
This is bait right?
obviously. it's posted in EVERY diablo thread.
>neo blizzard in charge of making great items
I'm still mad. They neutered it.
Why are you replying to yourself?
Diablo 4 is being announced this weekend.
wheres d2:lod with the elder god tier reacton
Reaper of Souls is currently the best game in the series, and the most active.
doubtful. They'd probably rather milk it with another expansion
Never played any Diablo game but I still see new copies of II for sale at my local Walmart, apparently they're not just steam codes in a box either, actually has the game on the disc along with all the expansions and everything. The game is 16 years old. Is this series really worth playing?
am I the only one to prefer another expansion to Diablo 4?
Sir Niglet.
honestly I'd rather they go straight to Diablo 4 and this time go back to a skill tree with skill points and stat points.
also no unnecessary number inflation
play 1 and 3
Don't bother with 2
Really depends on how much you like ARPGs with item loot fetish.
Every game in the series deserves its rightful place in gaming history, and I'm not surprised D2 is still in retail stores. However I wouldn't recommend playing 1 or 2 except for nostalgia purposes.
Exception: 2 is still great as a casual multiplayer game, so if you have a friend who really loves the game you could get it and play with him for a weekend and have a blast.
what kind of dumbass shit is this i see being posted now and again. d2:lod is the best game in the fucking series
Yeah Blizzard still updates the game. I think their last update for it was March 2016
>I wouldn't recommend playing 1
>not recommending the best game in the series
it's alright
endgame is just grinding grifts for ancient set pieces
The problem is that Diablo 3 is dead to so many players, they wouldn't even consider coming back for a new expansions. With a reboot and a new direction many older fans can reignite their hype with the series.
it's currently still fucked beyond imagining. The amount of shit that would have to done to the game to make it even remotely challenging to any of the other arpgs out there would consist of an entire game overhaul. The same problems that people had at the beginning of the game, weapon damage scaling, end game content, etc. are still in the game despite no one really wanting it
>Haven't announced really anything big for D3 recently
>Practically dead
>PoE is talked about way more (and is probably more popular)
>D3's reputation is stained with a horrible launch
>D3's core designs can't hold players for long
>Nothing big from Bliz's other franchises is going to be announced or is showing any signs of being announced.
not to mention all the d4 teasers theyve been sending out lately. a reboot is imminent
just because it's broke doesn't mean blizzard won't try to milk it
look at WoW
same thing happened with wow, warforge or titanforge bullshit
>Implying WoW is broken
Hate it all you want, it is still the most popular MMO on the market. If it is popular, then it is working as far as Bliz is concerned.
>diablo3 is shit
>they literally said "don't expect much from diablo3" when diablo3 was almost coming out
>implying diablo4 isn't going to be twice the blunder diablo3 is
guess the missing letter user
L O _
well yeah, didn't Jay "fuck that loser" Wilson become lead dudeman in the WoW team?
though I think the forging shit happened last expansion, right now leggos are all the rage
LoD was a nice exp
you're good
>le diablo 3 was bad meymey XD
breh its been getting worse and worse for the last 4-5 expansions. people are chomping at the bit for something new to come in and replace it.
you're not gonna make me write a wall of text again you fucking baitposter
whats even more funny is the shitty leggos, the ones that do fug all for your class, supposedly the devs are looking into tuning them to be useful
>a reboot is imminent
What's Blizzard gonna do?
Exactly. The first teasers will be released this weekend.
I just found my reason for playing holy fuck user thank you.
at least post the correct version
>had charms but then dumped them when they would've been a perfect gold sink if you gambled
>got rid of the entire auction house and made trading retarded as shit instead of just leaving up the gold auction house
>no real progression on item sockets, more like a sidestep
>took an expansion to get diamond. skull, sapphire and jewels still missing
>can't even have permanent health/resource numbers above globes
>can't make other players' skill effects transparent like they did with other players' pets
>rares finally made a garbage quality after the beating they took from LoD
>huge number inflation for no reason either on items, monsters or difficulty levels
>dodge dropped from dex because lolwhynot
>can't turn off retarded DESTRUCTION! KILLSTREAK! popup messages
>can't even walk around while the full area map is up
>no more light radius
>no designation on item whether a legendary's effects were cubed or not
>entire game revolves around flavor of the patch OP items
Said no one ever
Please don't tell me you think twitch view count has anything to do with game quality.
If you do, and you're trying to make a point, just know that you're admitting League of Hearthstone is the best video game in the world.
Disgusting, shitpost or not
How did Diablo go from dark, horror, gore, demonic atmosphere to colorful giant pauldron WoW shit. It's really depressing.
They're gonna fuck it up is what. I want a good Diablo game as much as the next one, but with their constant string of failures recently I have zero hope of Blizzard not ruining it even worse than the D3 launch.
It's not about quality, it's about general interest in the game
Diablo 1
>Deep atmospheric dungeon
>you can group with other players, watch out using those powerful spells though because there is
>friendly fire
>watch out people can pvp you at any time!
>talk to townsfolk and read ancient tombs to learn story. they really add to the atmosphere!
Diablo 2
>haha warcraft artstyle! who needs atmosphere? diablo is a game about clicking and looting!
>WoW style talent tree full of pointless filler garage
>Story is literally something you would find on deviant art or in a saturday morning cartoon
>no friendly fire
>Super casulized dumbed down RNG based combat and potion spamming
>no more spell tombs to find
>Game looks and feels like a saturday morning cartoon
Diablo 3
>Good atmosphere not quite as good as Diablo 1 but way better than Diablo 2
>Good combat with a large veriaety of class builds
>Lots of End game content
>Decent story (even better with RoS)
>Game is constantly expanded with free content
The only reason it's the most popular MMO is because it was actually fun from launch until halfway through TBC. Then it constantly received shit that made it less fun, less adventurous, less community driven, less lore driven, etc. At this point WoW had forced every new MMO to adopt its style/mechanics, which have consistently deteriorated to appease casuals.
What you have now IS broken, a husk of its former life, as well as hundreds of gook-grinding Korean MMOs that aspire to imitate this shit.
In before "people still play it so it must be fun". The people that currently play it were never around during vanilla and TBC, they have no concept of what actually made it fun. They simply play it because it's popular. Old players moved on to private servers that emulate the core experience.
pretty sure friendly fire was only in the playstation version
as someone who likes all diablo games including 3, i think you're a fucking moron
>contrarians unironically claiming 3 and RoS are the best in the series
They threw anything out of the window what made Diablo a fun game in the first place. The items are shitty and unmemorable big number show with no substance, the places you visit just a rehash and the difficulty a joke.
It's worse than all of its competitors. Even Torchlight 2 is better.
I'm pretty sure you switched Diablo 2 with 3 minus one or two points.
great, for 1996.
>diablo 2
mostly good except act 3.
the greatest game in the series by far. reworked some wonky skill trees and introduced synergies, runewords and loads of items. one of the best multiplayer games i've ever played
>diablo 3
catastrophic letdown
good but not good enough to keep me playing
all you shitposting trolls can stop now