What does Sup Forums want to see in Borderlands 3?
I want to see the return of the revolver class, like in 1
Semi auto battle rifle class
Assault rifles to not suck
What does Sup Forums want to see in Borderlands 3?
I want to see the return of the revolver class, like in 1
Semi auto battle rifle class
Assault rifles to not suck
Other urls found in this thread:
Roland resurrection
more weapon variety
If they could hold off and release it the same week as Half Life 3, that would be great.
>Fix revolvers
>Give every weapon 100% accuracy as a default, accuracy is now weapon class based rather than stat based
>Leave Pandora
>Drop the memes
>Make white-tier weapons viable to finish the game with
>Stop making dying a core part of the experience or at least tweak it dramatically... The second wind system is outdated and breaks the flow to an unforgivable level
innovation in shooting mechanics
less mmo like
8 player co-op
When did you realize the loop for borderlands was actually shit and you just got tricked into thinking you liked it as if you were in fact pavlovs dog?
Me? 3rd dlc for the first one
I hope they retain the low-gravity/vacuum-atmosphere mechanics that were in the Pre-sequel. They really helped keep the combat a bit more varied. It's just a shame that there aren't as many maps and half the characters in that one are lame as shit compared to BL2
I want a Borderlands MMO and I want it to go back to a BL1-style guns system
>Lilith to be the main antagonist so that we kill her at the end.
>Keep Ice Guns
>More Maya
Make it less like an mmo.
reduce grind.
Make it so that its easier to complete he game solo
I want them to spend a shitload of money in developing the game so that when it inevitably fails 2K Games decides to cut its losses and tells Gearbox to go fuck themselves.
MORE MEMES just to make Sup Forums mad
New writers
Add a malee aspect in 3rd person action. Some mgs rising shit.
And make factions that you can join and warzones. By that extension, able to recruit people and make squads. A fire fight doesn't feel right by yourself. With so money guns going at it feels more survival.
Bring back the Mad Max feel, rather than sci-fi-country. Don't make every character ''''quirky''''. Make uniques more common in subsequent playthroughs and dial back the abysmal bullet-sponge scaling. Remove Tiny 'Please let my girlfriend write and voice a character so she'll fuck me one more time' Tina. Bring back midgets.
The bosses for it were better too, aside from that airship one.
Option for 3rd person mode.
not a bad idea desu
>Borderlands MMO
I like that. Bring in a 3rd person aspect and make melee a weapons class you can change out.
More RPG elements with choices
Money should auto pick up.
I don't want to fucking look at the fucking money and pick the shit up myself it should just auto loot, fuck sake there is enough looking around on the ground at shitty guns, why the fuck do I also need to look at ammo AND then money?
Fuck sake that pisses me off. Since Borderlands 2 was so forgettable, I can't even remember if you had to pick money up manually like in the first game or not so fuck it.
I don't wanna have to fucking pick up money, just have it walk over looting goddamn.
I am not worried about the gameplay. I just wish they focus more on the plot. If you look past the terrible jokes, the Borderlands universe/lore is quite interesting. I really want them to drop vaults and focus more on sirens.
Good thing Burch was fired
It's be awesome if they could fuck off with the forced comedy every 30 seconds and the shitty dialogue that sounds like a 40 year old parent trying to remember what kids said back in their day in middle school and saying it to their kids to try DESPERATELY to connect with their kids in any way when their kids in this scenario are just other 30 to 40 year olds who just want to be left alone to kill stuff and collect stuff.
Seriously, the dialogue is awful for these games.
lol when was this?
Make armor pieces be apart of the loot.
Helmets, chest, pants, boots, necklace, and rings are all loot that drops along with the current loot system.
Incorporate this wonderful specimen's post to it and you have a perfect fucking game.
How about human enemies other than white males?
More gun variety
More character variety
Less memes
Stop using the word badass so much in dialogue
Cut way way back on the long winded sarcastic dialogue that is normally all over the place
I just want T.K. Baha to return, just say he wasn't dead goddamnit.
He was awesome. That jumanji wannabe they replaced him with in bl2 was awful.
Id like to go 5 minutes without being introduced to another lgbt character
more of the same writing
it was funny
Like right after it came out because one of the biggest complaints was the "shitty writing."
No level-scaling in where your weapon becomes fucking useless past 3 levels
A character will have different classes you can choose, also effecting what skill can be used as well. This will also play into multiplayer as one specific skill chosen can combine with another players skill.
I've literally never heard this complaint outside of Sup Forums
He isn't dead, he's a zombie in the halloween headhunter dlc for BL2
Make it a bit more like diablo
Make it Fun.
I've been wanting this since playing as Krieg, I wanted to see him in beast mode swinging his buzzaxe at other psychos
so now that burch is gone, do you guys think the meme levels and shit lolsorandom jokes will settle down a bit?
dynamic gore
It'll be like borderlands one but lighter on the meme humor
I want the skills to be more than just small stat increases, and I want more build options.
None of the characters are fun to play, and the game is never really satisfying.
I can never seem to interested in these games for more than maybe 2-3 hours, and I never get that feeling of "Oh man, I can't wait to level up, this is going to be awesome!"
playing Borderlands just feels like a chore, and I really hope they find some way to make leveling up/building your character more fun and interesting.
Also I want to see an actual melee only class. Maybe someone that straps the guns to his fists or something and depending on which gun you use the punches work differently, I don't fucking know.
i know what you mean, user. there are limitless possibilities when you have fun gameplay in mind. i just hope to god someone over there uses their fucking imagination
>he isnt dead
>hes a zombie
You're a retard.
a zombie is undead, not dead
Looks like you're the retard
Also the whole point of your post was you wanted more T.K. Baha, and more T.K. Baha does exist, though it's pretty small
zombie is UNdead
After I beat the first one. I knew I didn't want to play any sequels or any of that shit.
1) The weapon proficiency system from BL1
2) Revolvers
3) Vault guardian vs. Vault guardian fights. (Enough to make things interesting, but not so prominent that it overshadows the normal gameplay)
Man i'm fucking killing myself at that picture. shit has no business being this funny
I want to see a game that isn't written by terrible fucking hacks.
To become undead, they gotta be dead first. And you are both grasping at straws.
I just want T.K. Baha back instead of that other faggot in bl2.
While we're on the topic of Borderlands
Is Silence the Voices on Krieg really worth taking? I mean I like the massive melee damage boost, but that 12% chance to hit yourself is bullshit and feels way higher than it actually is.
Just let us mod it, so we can fix all your dumbshit.
>Remove Tiny 'Please let my girlfriend write and voice a character so she'll fuck me one more time' Tina. Bring back midgets.
She's Burch's sister.
Enough with the bullet sponge enemies. The sniper classes are unplayable because of them.
If you played Borderlands for the story then you're certifiably retarded anyway.
I want that bullshit nonsense badass points gone for sure.
Holy fuck that was a nightmare.
Weapon proficiency was a nightmare too, it's shitty that if you wanna try out a new weapon type later in the game, your damage is gonna suck with it because of proficiency shit in the first game, at least they got rid of that in the second one.
The only two things bl2 did better than bl1 was mini map while driving (i think so anyway, bl2 was so forgettable I actually forgot) and getting rid of wep prof.
I don't hate Borderlands 2's story for its story.
I hate it for shoving stupid jokes in my face during the gameplay.
Borderlands 2 really wants you to care about the story and it just falls flat. Game does an awful job of getting you attached to the characters regardless of how much personality it tries to inject into all of them.
I just started playing UVHM in BL2 and I think it's retarded how pretty much weapon blue and under does shit for damage. Only reason I was able to make it through was because of legendaries
>if you wanna try out a new weapon type later in the game
this is why the game should be scaled so most enemies can be handled reasonably well with common guns & 0 proficiency skill, provided the player knows how to aim
I was only able to make it through for a while because Krieg is fucking broken on almost everything except bosses, and even then there's some you can actually melee to death
>BL1 is unironically one of my favorite games
>Was still naive at the time
>Hype as fuck for BL2
>It comes out
>In the first 30 minutes I feel like I'm not having any fun whatsoever and something about it just feels so unenjoyable
>BL2 and Bioshock Infinite were the games that made me not want to play another first person shooter for years because of how badly they disappointed me
More of best girl
Rocket launchers and fisticuffs.
I just hated the fact that none of the main or side missions scaled unless you were playing on ultimate mode, which wasn't even available at release.
Melee weapons
Every game has had some emphasis in at least one character's skill tree on melee, like Brick in BL1, Krieg and Zer0 in 2, and Athena in TPS, but there's nothing too it besides the skills in the trees
even Maya and Gaige had a decent amount of melee-oriented skills in their trees. Hell, the only one without a Melee Override was Axton.
Melee weapons pretty much need to happen, but I also hope they change how melee shields work.
>Played Mordecai first
>Had a blast
>Played Zer0 first
>Had a really fucking difficult time
>Had to change all of my talents around because I just put them where it seemed good to put them
>Didn't touch the game for awhile
>Went back and played as Gaige
>Got Ricochet and a rocket shotty and destroyed everything
so? :^)
mechromancer really is best
>Stop making dying a core part of the experience or at least tweak it dramatically... The second wind system is outdated and breaks the flow to an unforgivable level
this, god damnit the death system is so fucking retarded.
It's Maya though
I hope someone else does this, Gearbox can't be trusted anymore; also, make gold weapon drop rates above .00003%.
Candle Ja
Last item here is rope, not thread
Fail tbqh pham
Gr8 post imo, in addition to the second thing I want BL3 to basically make ADS a playstyle choice instead of being mandatory if you want to hit things at a certain range. ADS should only zoom in a bit, not make your bullets fly out straighter
I feel like the second wind system is a pretty important part to borderlands as a series. It brings up a lot if interesting skills for during second wind
My main problem is how long the revive animation is in 2
Danker memes. None of that reddit tier shit.
This. 9gag or bust xddd
Another Baddassitude DLC.
>best story
>best design
>best gameplay
why is she so perfect?
>1000000000000 guns! xD
>Wanting to face another boss with naturally high damage reduction and crit spots that break and don't last its whole health bar in total
No, fuck the Badassasaurus.
Badassasaurus honestly would've been fine if it wasn't for the bullet reflection.
High health pools were a problem with every enemy in the game, so you can't fault it for that.
So much forced memes and SJW pandering that it actually turns against itself.
>Has Damage Reduction of an Iron God on OP8 with 8 player scaling with just you in party
I've at least tried every Borderlands game and every single one feels off. The guns aren't satisfying, the melee feels janky, the skill trees feel too casual for real in depth thought, the vehicles never handle well, pushing a key/button to collect ammo and money is ludicrous, money is useless except at the casino and the story is always stupid. The sad thing is I really want to like these games
Literally what? I solo it all the time on Axton at OP8 and never use more than a third of my AR ammo pool.
>ten billion pony references
Fuse the functionality off bl2 ui with the simple colors of bl1 ui. Having every ele,ent slading and fading its a shit idea.
>3rd person mode
>More waifu characters
>better better customization
>Calm down on the bullet sponge enemies
>>Lilith to be the main antagonist so that we kill her at the end.
It really felt like they were setting her up for a tragic fall in one of the future games with the way her present day character was written in the Pre Sequel. Roland's death seemed to push her over the edge. Plus would fit with the later games' motif of what life on Pandora does to "heroes."