"Gaming journalist" is a fucking tranny
>Ugly tranny
Why this industry is so pathetic?
"Gaming journalist" is a fucking tranny
>Ugly tranny
Why this industry is so pathetic?
Why are transwomen so disproportionately represented in the videogame industry and community?
Because most transgender women play video games.
go away
Let them write about video games if they want to. It does nothing to you.
Why is OP so pathetic?
because autists think it's good that they have more people to share their hobby with and are too beta to tell them to fuck off
also because said autists are like 90% male, and it's not hard to develop a mental illness when all you do is play videogames and follow blogs that say being a tranny is the new hip thing to do
>Ugly guy turns into a disgusting female
Why do people do this?
Do they somehow think it'll make then not hideous?
She writes good articles, gets good info, and that site is pretty good.
She's seems to be a journalist with actual integrity.
Eat shit.
>$2,938 a month
The trannies are like emos where instead of cutting themselves they inflict their self destructive tendencies on a social scale. They'll willingly be useful idiots to any progressive agenda, shoehorning their backwards ideologys into entertainment.
Why are some people so upset by the mere existence of transgendered individuals? Is it such a challenge to your worldview that people can live how they want to?
Hate to break it to you but she's a full blown woman now.
I think she's incredibly fucking annoying, only reason why I don't watch Podquisition much.
What the fuck is that person eating
Who the fuck honestly listens to "gaming journalists" anyway?
Everyone knows they are universally paid off and try to push their own shitty SJW agendas. If they dare even suggest a game is even average they are blacklisted by dozens of publishing houses. They dont even get review copies anymore because of the rare chance they may damage preorder sales.
Its on life support, journalism needs to exist but major sites have made the fatal flaw of being utterly dependant on publishers, now publishers hold every single card and systematically fuck reviewers on a daily basis.
I uniroically support Youtube reviewers instead of sites like IGN. People like SuperBunnyHop and that cuck Jim Stirling only rely on Youtube revenue so they dont need to suck EA/Ubisoft/Whoever's grubby jew cock anymore.
enormous rice ball
A jelly donut.
>gettin triggered at people different from you existing.
t. Retard
A giant rice ball.
Self esteem issues.
A doughnut.
looks like a massive rice ball wrapped in nori
Seaweed and rice.
Dude fuck off, it's not like you have to read her articles or anything.
An Onigiri
Republicans hate anyone who doesn't conform to their archaic Judeo-Christian worldview.
>Soft kek
The same reason Neo-Sup Forums is so upset about the mere existence of black people, or muslims, or women. A lack of basic human empathy and understanding manifesting in virulent hatred towards anyone physically or ideologically different than themselves.
They fell for the "girls are pretty and magical and quirky and cute cute CUTE!" meme.
>Most hardcore gamers are socal rejects
>Who's more of a social reject than a fucking tranny?
It's not that hard.
everyone acts like this to "fit in" though. Why are you surprised?
I'm sorry I triggered you user :^(
I'm surprised there's not more trannies on boards like /r9k/ and WizardChan, honestly.
don't bully laura
they're nice
and actually pretty good at the whole journalism thing
Dude this kinda shit is gross and lame. It makes society trash.
this is why Sup Forums is shit
come here and instead of cute girls it's all trannies
your taste is shit Sup Forums
More upset by society saying that this is perfectly normal and that they aren't crazy and that you are a bigot if you don't kiss their ass.
Also the main foundations a lot of it is built on was the research of a pedo who made a kid who got his dick accidentally cut off fuck his brother.
I miss the good old days when Sup Forums made fun of fundamentalist right-wingers, instead of worshipping them :(
Why do you care?
because video games attract people with social anxieties. if you are the kind of person who doesn't leave the house a lot or interact with other people it's a great way to spend your time.
people who think they are in the wrong gender or whatever also typically are very socially fucked up so they have to spend their time doing something in their room all day.
Might want to take a look at that DNA there bruv.
Check out the old chromosomes eh bub.
Take a peak at the adams apple there hombre
>Why this industry is so pathetic?
Because "Gaming" Journalism is what you would consider an entry level job now.
Instead of them actually reviewing video games in a fair manner without having an sorts of bias or agenda to push they just promote the game instead of actually giving it fair reviews because at the end of the day the publishers pay them to do these promotes.
The fact that they're a tranny is irrelevant.
I knew a few at my workplace and they're not an issue.
The issue is how much they try to shoehorn it into peoples faces and they believe that they have special liberties as everyone else because they just "switched" genders.
If I saw a blue haired tranny retard at my work place trying to land a job through interview I'd throw them out without question because they're being unprofessional.
Gaming Journalism is on the same level as tabloid journalism you see at your local news stand. It's all just superfluous bullshit.
it's polite to call them her/she
i cant imagine being so intellectually disabled my day is ruined from seeing a tranny gaming journalist.
I get the angry edgy/recluse shtick of Sup Forums but damn.
The evolution of Sup Forums, in my 11 years of being here:
>kawaii sugoi xddd!1
>Hey um this actually seems like a nice place to talk about video games
>Sup Forums - Handheld Piracy
>Guys why don't girls love me? ;_;
>Haha check out what this feminazi said
>We must warn the volk of white genocide
when did Sup Forums's view of trannys do such a 180. for years and years Sup Forums was the fucking home of the tranny.
>mfw i realize i'm uglier than a fucking trans
>it's polite to enable someone with mental illness
why are there so many mtf tranny's in the media and public compared to ftm tranny's?
so many of them are also white. like what the fuck is going on
what is it with white people becoming trannies and gay?
is it a genetic mental illness?
It's polite if you call me 'fuhrer'.
>feels over reals.
Deal with it dawg.
Asian ladyboys tho.
>How far we done fell?
>we done fell
I think there are more pressing matters at hand, user.
Post your face OP
actually letting them become a woman is treating the mental illness (dysphoria)
so by calling them her/she, you're also helping them
>mfw groups proudly put out lists of "top women in tech" and half of them have dicks
>these are the kinds of monstrosities that video games attract
Guys, get over it. You're the past. The future is here.
and how old are you?
it kind of is.
if a retarded kid is walking around with a cowboy hat calling himself the sherrif, you would be a fucking asshole if you grabbed the hat off his head and started yelling at him about how the spirit of the west died after the laying of the railroads.
That just goes to prove that men are better in everything. Even at being women.
Old enough to know posting on this place makes me a gigantic faggot.
because comparing a child roleplaying with an adult that thinks he was born in the wrong body is totally the same thing
>over reals
>decades of academic study and conclusions aren't real
The ones more interested in protecting their "feels" over reality is all the bitchy bigots trying to preserve the sanctity of their various safe spaces and covering their eyes and ears to pretend LGBT people don't exist.
>why are there so many mtf tranny's in the media and public compared to ftm tranny's?
Either they took a note from Jenner's book of
How to Grab Attention from a washed up Gold Medalist to try and get a grand notice from the media
Or they've had such horrible pasts in life that didn't involve enough manly shit in life that they self-convinced themselves they're some kind of girl.
Or they're just virgins who think they'll get a relationship by switching.
so they are mentally ill but not THAT mentally ill?
>it's another one of those 30-year old kids play cowboys and indians everywhere he goes episode
>Or they're just virgins who think they'll get a relationship by switching
Honest to God, does anyone actually attempt to transition under this line of thinking?
Yeah but that retard isn't pushing political views on us. The retard is having fun. I can go along with that.
1. Contrarian nature of the website constantly seeking to remain within contemporary counterculture, even if that means contradicting its previous views.
2. Bitter neets use to feel affection towards trans people since they appeared to be even less capable of conforming to social norms, but now feel contempt to watch trans become gradually more accepted in the mainstream.
3. The website's views change as the population of users shuffles every few years, continuously attracting and repelling new and old users for various reasons.
No it doesn't. Buying into their delusion only makes it worse.
Take your gossip back to 8gag
that actually was a subplot in Twin Peaks
What was once taboo is now normie shit.
I'm more concerned why some posters on Sup Forums feel the incessant need to literally stalk every single woman or trans person no matter how popular they are and proceed to shitpost about said persons on Sup Forums daily.
I have one word for you:
eh, I dont really care. Im respectful as long as I get respect back but I draw the line at they/xir/zim whatever the fuck
>it's a "Sup Forums argues about gender politics" episode.
Sure is video games in here.
Yeah, me.
To sum up this anecdote.
>met a person on a wow private server
>ended up "dating" them
>we erp'd and what not
>the erp was pretty good but got repetitive after a while
>was trying to get in a relationship with a girl irl
>be a retard and told that person on WoW my story
>they tried to convince me to change from boy to girl and go over to their house to be some bottom bitch
>the persuasion almost worked
>realized what the fuck i was about to do
>deleted everything
This was when I was 16 or so.
I'm 26 now.
everyone likes to pretend that 4-5 years ago this site wasn't filled with people constantly calling each other conservatards
go ask jessi slaughter
Pretty sure the Amazing Atheist is openly bi, yeah?
That's because liberals are the new conservatives.
>Sup Forums constantly seeking to remain within contemporary counterculture
oh god this explains so much
Are you serious? Might want to doublecheck the picture.
>blue hair
>pinned tweet asking for donations
like fucking clockwork
Over the last 5 years or so Sup Forums's main demographic switched from 'edgy cultural outsider' to 'caustic alt-right asshole'
Where once we had trap threads everywhere and people worshipping Bridget's bulge, now you just get rabid anti-SJWs shitting threads into the ground because the game in question happens to have a single line of throwaway dialogue about a male NPC having a husband or some shit.
No, it's because Sup Forums and previously /new/ invited the absolute dregs of the conservative internet.
There are literally z e r o rational conservatives on Sup Forums. I have more respect for libertarians and their nonsense than I do neo-conservatives.
You had a weird and unhappy upbringing, didn't you?