Game has level editor

>game has level editor
>it's shit, requires autism, or both

>unironically playing osu

Timesplitters 2.

I've tried multiple times to make beatmaps for songs I liked that weren't available anywhere, but I just don't have the autism necessary to do so, though I'm glad there are people who do.

>not giving in to your inner weeaboo

literally what is weeaboo about this game

The community, which means the custom maps, which you play in the videogame.

I'll just stick with the original concept, thanks.

Quality over quantity and all that.

More like what isn't weeaboo about this game

Oh yeah the mascot is anime forgot. Besides that the only weeaboo thing about this game is just the beatmaps. And the community is absolutely autistic not to forget all you do is click circles. Or you can do the other shitty modes.




ayylmao (you)

>Literally based on a japanese game
>95% of beatmaps are japanese shit
>Everyone in the community has an anime avatar
Osu is as weeb at it gets

(you) (you)


is this nigga serious

Far Cry 2 had a pretty neat level editor.
I used to mess around with it quite a bit alone.

lol you're retarded, just because its based from nip doesnt mean its weeb. the anime beatmaps are from the community, who all have anime pictures. kys

my wife is so cute

u mad wite boi


is anyone here actually good at this shitty game

im 16k and hate myself for being this rank for a year

literally just lower all your settings and practice for 3-4 hrs a day senpai.

but i already play 4-8hrs a day

why lower settings?

If anything, up your settings by unlocking frame-rate for less input latency.

if you are using >2k dpi on your mouse you are doing it wrong

I can't even remember what mine is set to, I like it around mid range rather than ultra sensitive or massive movements.

What DPI people usually use on osu? I have high DPI for shit like browsing, general use and MOBAs, and really low for FPS, but I have no idea what is the best for osu.

the top boys run between 700 and 1500

i run full area tablet

I've tried using my tablet (Intuos Pro M) but it's way too big. It was better when I switched to a smaller window, but I still don't know if that's ideal.

All rhythm games require autism. I know some of the best guys on the east coast and they're all at least aspie.

Is that why I can't git gud at IIDX? Because I'm not a pastamancer?

Probably. I can only stand to play SDVX and JuBeat, but I will never get past 12s I dont think.

I'm at 10s in IIDX, 13s and some 14s in SDVX, and maybe 7s in jubeat

A true weeaboo doesn't play shit games with shit scoring systems.