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What was the other game that had the hardest difficult as a pre-order Bonus?

I must have been launched in '15 or '14.

Anyway, I agree with you OP, this is shit.

Metro last light

You just know Capcom is going to do this the REmake 2.

>didn't release Halloween

I could have been playing this at a fucking party with a captive audience capcom you faggots. Fucking ruined.

>Preorder difficulty

>early access

You still get it in normal edition idiot

It's not that unreasonable, to be honest. The people who are most excited for the game are most likely to pre-order and also most likely to want to play the game on a harder difficulty the first time around.

Do people on here actually believe that they can salvage this series?


>costume pack 4
>samurai edge, (direct upgrade from basic pistol) a first aid spray and completed map at the start of playthroughs
>classic difficulty
>claire's scenerios as they're released

>It's not that unreasonable

are you taking the piss? Leaving out a fucking difficulty that they could have easily included is one of the jewiest moves you can do. Not to mention herbs. Fucking herbs. Gaming is finished

>Leaving out a fucking difficulty
Didn't happen, read the fucking thing before you bitch.

What are the chance of them releasing the first 3 games on steam.?

Read it you cockmongler, it says "early access" to the difficulty.

i.e. If you pre-order it, you probably don't have to beat the game once to unlock it. That's exactly the kind of shit you faggots whine about all the time.


>pre-order to get herbs

Pirate me: the launch

It's an "Early unlock" which means regular purchases are gonna get it a couple weeks late.

>Dishonored 2 sys reqs revealed
>60 fucking GBs

Is this the future we chose, Sup Forums?

>defending this shit at all

>That's exactly the kind of shit you faggots whine about all the time.
And this is even worse. It's the same shit, but now a basic function is a pre-order incentive.

Remember when this piece of shit came out and if you actually picked up the preorder weapon you were pretty much fucked because you could never get rid of it.

Fuckin choice 10/10.

If you are pre-ordering video games you are the cancer killing the industry

What the fuck are you talking about.
You unlock the difficulty by playing through the game.

I fucking hate Capcom.

>inb4 "modern game industry"
There are still some companies that don't do this Jewish shit. Platinum games, for example.

>60GBs an issue in current year


It's not basic. In what fucking RE game do you start out with the highest difficulty from the get go?

Your fault for pre-ordering.

Oh okay, I just assumed Early Unlock was a fancy way of saying Early Access

In what other RE game did they use the highest difficulty as a marketing tool to sell more pre-orders?

This. Also "Madhouse" and not "Professional". RE is circling the drain.

Pre-order RE:2 at
GS:Leon RE4 outfit+ exclusive weapon and keychain
BB:Leon RE6 outfit+ exclusive weapon and button

But who cares. They don't take anything away from you. I prefer this over preorder costumes and what not.

>there will be no unlockable costumes in RE7 because it is first person


That's way too optimistic. I guaran-fucking-tee you that Capcom will sell either the Claire scenarios separately or the B scenarios, if not both.

Never change Sup Forumsermins. Reminder that every other board hates you the most.

t. Sup Forums

RE has never had pre-order costumes, you mong.

Here we go with the shitposting.

It says it's a early unlock of the hardest mode. I know that in RE4 you had to beat the game once on normal mode to unlock hard, so you'll probably need to do that if you don't preorder.

Resident Evil 0 HD did, you retard. Check your facts before you insult someone.

How does a sequel look worse than the first and second games like a decade later?

Honestly what the hell happened??? How did the industry change so much almost overnight?

>a fucking HD re-release
You sure proved me wrong.

I live in Buttfuck, USA and my internet speeds are atrocious. Not to mention the provider is the only game in town. Not being in a city of over 100k is miserable

Keep on moving those goalposts.
Remove yourself m8.

>Sup Forums is defending pre-order unlocking hard more

You never specified

>Big company makes new game
>Contrarians come out in full force, because anything AAA isn't kosher for faggots here.
>Blows up tiny things, straight up lies about their grievances. (LEFT OUT DIFFICULTY :()
>Misuse of the words early access
>Plans for DLC means something was taken out of the game (Fallacy)
>Shitposting will continue for weeks

>mfw reading capcom busines report
>mfw they think this game is gonna do very well

Drink bleach, weeb.

Thank you for Capcoming The Record.

It wasn't overnight, it's been piece by piece. Remember when Max Payne 3 reqs were revealed and people lost their minds that you needed 35 gigs to download it? Remember when pre order bonuses always included steelbooks? Remember when people bought console versions of games because they were "more stable"? It's slowly gone away


>Ultra Contrarian enters the thread

>tfw optimistic for RE7

I'd sure love to know what your grievances are that isn't a straight up lie or bitching about the fact that it isn't RE4/RE1.
Because a game not being another game doesn't make it bad, it proves nothing it's literally just saying "I like RE4, and sine this game isn't RE4 therefore it's bad"
Which is a fallacious statement.

> posting smug anime girls
Stop and kys


>RE7 will be shit
>RE2make will use the same new 'RE' engine
>fans go ape shit
>RE finally falls on it's own sword and dies

>bitching about the fact that it isn't RE4/RE1
Haha. You fucking retard. Capcom is obviously trying to get actual fans on board by using elements from RE1 and 4 in VII.
>same inventory from RE4 (though much shittier)
>same visual style as RE1 and, to a lesser extent, RE4
>item boxes
>health meter

It isn't that it isn't like RE1/RE4, its that they are LITERALLY copying PT/Amnesia/Outlast because they know that style of game is "in."

>hundred dollar video game

It's been happening steadily. I pretty much have 0 enjoyment from games anymore. It's really sad because it used to be the only thing i'd do for fun, It used to be an escape from the bullshit of life.

Games are marketed to the newer generation who doesn't know better. I have over 2500+ steam games, and of the ones I actually played, very few are over 1 hour....

Life fucking sucks and I'm pretty close to just offing myself.

>What was the other game that had the hardest difficult as a pre-order Bonus?
Early unlock.
Meaning the difficulty setting is already in the game and does not require a pre-order to get it. Just beating the game does.
Like most capcom games have been since the dawn of the companies conception.

I really fucking hope so. Capcom needs to die.

Normies ruin everything.

>Plans for DLC means something was taken out of the game

Thats exactly what it means you worthless amoeba. How the fuck else can you explain advertising it before the game is even available? No matter how you spin it, a forced tack on as an incentive to charge a higher price will never not be scummy. Neck yourself my man

>>Plans for DLC means something was taken out of the game
it's pretty likely, even if not they've already set a price for it. Seems kinda scummy to charge a price for something you haven't even made yet, especially when its 60% of the cost of the base game but will probably only have 20% the amount of content

>using Steam
Do it.

So what are your grievances?
You've failed to list any other than a "Shittier" inventory system.
>Can defend yourself.
>Isn't a hide n seek sim.
Really makes you think.

> talking shit about RE 4 inventory tetris


RE7 will be shit if
>only enemies are the family and they can't die
RE7 will be good if
>there are normal zombies and shit

>Thats exactly what it means
>How the fuck else can you explain advertising it before the game is even available
"We plan on making more shit later for this game" isn't "We took shit out so you won't even bother buying the shit we took out because our game was so pieced out"
>it's pretty likely
Being Capcom I'd agree with you.
But you can not say it is so unless you can prove it.

can any of you read?
It is fucking consumeables and a "Early" unlock of the highest difficulty.
Whoopie fucking doo.

Nowhere in there does it say the Madhouse Mode is exclusive to the pre-order. Just that you will require beating the game first to get it.

Which isn't anything new.

Have they backpedalled on that statement about the demo not being how the game plays yet?

Fug, meant to link.

>inb4 that 10 second clip of the character shooting someone directly in front of them proves that the majority of the game won't be a hide'n'seek sim

>shitty inventory (aesthetically, anyway)
>blank slate characters (wouldn't be so bad in third-person)
>seems like it'll be HEAVILY scripted
>this disgusting DLC/pre-order shit (at least previous games just made multiplayer modes or Mercs maps as DLC)

deluxe editions and season pass are a scam to get you to buy dlc/expansions in advance without even knowing if it will be good or bad. this scam has to end. these deluxe edition garbages that EA cancer started needs to end.

>Inb4 a clip of a character defending themselves means you'll be able to defend yourself in the game.
Granted I didn't know of these videos and if it's mostly amnesia shit my hopes are shot full of holes.

>tfw we can never follow and save Andre

Even then, quickly unlocking a difficulty mode and a couple items you use quickly is not worth the $30 increase

>early access to a harder difficulty
>not to the easy difficulty
They fucked up

Then don't fucking buy it dip shit.

The same version of that clip could've been made to try to make it seem like alien insolation wasn't a hide and seek fest if they weren't honest about the unkillable alien from the start.

>>shitty inventory (aesthetically, anyway)
So it's a visual complaint, which is literally nothing.
This isn't an argument about the game being bad.
If it was a VR game you'd have a point, but it's merely VR compatible, so it's the same game except you can put a headset on your head.
>>blank slate characters (wouldn't be so bad in third-person)
Are you seriously saying this on the same board that implies HL2 is THE best game of all time?
>>seems like it'll be HEAVILY scripted
>>this disgusting DLC/pre-order shit (at least previous games just made multiplayer modes or Mercs maps as DLC)
Wow, it's almost like they're putting a gun to your head and telling you to buy it, except they aren't, and you're bitching.

The 30$ increase is the season pass in the deluxe edition.

Also it is just the Pre-purchase of the main game. Not the season pass that you have to purchase.

>RE7 defeneder didn't know of the two main gameplay videos of RE7

Why am I not surprised? The only people who are excited for RE7 are the ignorant.

Also my point was that the majority of the game would be a hide 'n' seek sim. I think you'll be able to defend yourself only at certain points in the game, making the majority of the game play more like Outlast then RE.

>Are you seriously saying this on the same board that implies HL2 is THE best game of all time?

What? Sup Forums hates HL2 now.

>The only people who are excited for RE7 are the ignorant.
Says the guy who also doesn't have his hands on the full game.
Pretending you're intelligent because I can admit I don't know something is quite funny.
>"I think" in the beginning of your argument in which you state I'm ignorant.
Oh lord.

>visual complaint
>literally nothing

Holy fuck you're retarded if you don't value visuals to some degree

>VR compatible is fine
Yea, and dumbing down EVERYTHING for consoles was fine for PC users. Same fucking thing is happening with VR

>which is literally nothing
Fuck you.
>not bad
It is in a mainline RE game.
>merely VR compatible
See above statement.
Who gives a fuck.
I've played the teaser and watched the videos. I can say with reasonable certainty that the game will be so.
>you're bitching
Keep defending this awful business practice, homo.

Also, I forgot to mention:
>strawberry jam damage indicator despite the watch
>objective list, which includes where to use items

The reason I think that is based in fact though.

The majority of gameplay they're shown is in the style of Outlast, therefore it is more likely the game will play like Outlast than it will like RE. Why would they show off a part of the game 10x more than another part if it didn't represent how the game played for the most part?

Not him but the majority of the videos I saw made it look like Condemned.
So to each their own and your view isn't based on facts. It's based on your own opinion. Don't get those mixed up.

>Not him but the majority of the videos I saw made it look like Condemned.

Show me those videos.

You didn't have to hide in Condemned. You didn't have to run in Condemned. You engaged in combat in Condemned. Fuck off. Have you even seen Condemned?

>90 burger euros
What the fuck?


are you illiterate?
>same inventory system from RE4 (though much shittier)
He's saying the RE7 inventory system is inferior to RE4, which is true