Keep it vidya and keep it male.
Male Vidya Cosplay
Literally one of the best cosplays I've ever seen.
HOLY FUCK! Not only an oddworld cosplay for once but damn thats nice
inb4 (she)
Yeah it's a rarity alright, but understandable given Oddworld's crazy designs
For a second, just a second, i thought that was a screenshot from a new stranger's game. Now i want one badly
I want one more than any fucking remasters of remakes but it'll prolly be years before it's even an idea
Why would you like a thread with only male cosplay?
because men > women
So, it's a edgy Sup Forumstard thread.
I love this male cosplay.
>male cosplay
Lol someone get this queer out of here.
I wish I was that cute.
Posting more male cosplay.
Good god. Why do you fucking faggots always bring up Sup Forums into everything? Did Sup Forums fuck your sister in front of you or something?
If that's a "male" then how does "he" have breasts like that if "he's" not a trans on horomones.
Sup Forums influences everyone into hating women, niggers, liberals, etc.
common sense =/= Sup Forums influence
That's exactly how Sup Forums thinks.
You get to Kill Marry or Fuck any cosplayer you choose
Who do you pick
What is your reason
I'd let /fit/ one ravage me
do you really think people dint act like this until Sup Forums came around?
Because Sup Forums is one person?
No. In fact they created Sup Forums to contain these people, but it didn't work.
No they didn't. Stop pulling shit from your ass, you fucking faggot
>they created Sup Forums to contain these people
Racist and gay slurs have been a part of Sup Forums culture since the beginning you stupid faggot nigger.
fucking bless swimsuitsuccubus
We've always been okay with words, but that's all it was, we threw around "naughty" words because it was funny.
But now we've got this whole chunk of the website full of people who actually believe all the Nazi nonsense and think that this site is specifically for them.
And they're trying really hard to take over the whole place.
You're retarded if you ever think that 10 years ago people on Sup Forums called you a faggot or a nigger and were actually implying you were gay or black.
They weren't ever implying I was gay or black.
They were implying I was a stupid nigger or a stupid faggot. It's the same as nowadays, nobody actually implies you're black or gay.
>nazi nonsense
That's contained to Sup Forums. Every time you see it anywhere else it's just bait to get a response from you faggots to derail a thread. Kind of like Barney faggotry.
Jesus Christ, you people are so fucking deluded.
Nazis, raycists, meanies etc have been on Sup Forums far longer than that board existed. It is the norm. I don't know what epic Sup Forums screenpost you saw on imgur told you otherwise, but do you honestly think there's a gigantic Sup Forums conspiracy? Do you really think Sup Forums is going to waste time shitposting some shitty boards when there's a fuck ton of happenings right now?
>he doesn't have breasts
This guy does it well.
Sup Forums shit should be encouraged, it keeps the pussy fucktards away from the site
nice :3
These reddit newfags think anyone who says anything politically incorrect is from Sup Forums.
They're trying to turn this entire site into a SJW safe space by using Sup Forums as a whipping boy.
That's clef. She's a wonderful, albeit very sick lady. I cannot say the same for this image, though.
>look donuts
am i gay?
jesus christ
Sup Forums is Reddit as fuck
Are there any good character for a heavy guy to cosplay?
I'm a 270lb square shaped man.
You could cosplay as Faust from Guilty Gear. You get to wear a mask and you might find some adventurous cosplay girls willing to let you poke them in the butt for photos.
how so?
Works for me.
why the fuck is Sup Forums so obsessed with retarded trap shit
I see what you did there, user.
Hot. Real fucking hot.
Found her twitter too. She's real cute.
Nope, that's what redditors say to deflect.
Niggers are dumb and violent.
Faggots are obnoxious, probably mentally unsound and were most likely molested in their childhood.
You know I am a righteous man
Of my virtue I am justly proud
You know I'm so much purer than
The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd
The male stuff is out the window, user. It was never going to hold up.
Actually scratch that. She's beautiful. She's a beautiful German.
Whites are intellectually inferior to Asians.
Transsexual women and cissexual women have similar, if not identical brains.
God, I really do hope that half of Sup Forums kill themselves when Trump loses on Tuesday.
>he thinks this is still a male cosplay thread
it's not even vidya...
really tickles your brain huh
another thread ruin by hyper sensitive faggot nigger redditor
What makes you think that stops me from posting girls?
i'd drink from her tits
i bet her milk is sweet
These have to be Asians.
Women are just men with their testicles on the inside and really really tiny penises.
How old is this girl?
Why is she holding hands with an older female here? Is she 12-14?
Nailed the jawline without being a freak of nature
>that axe is fucking tiny though
I've seen her before, but I can't remember where. A Mercy cosplay, I think.
And no physical strength plus smaller brains with less developed logic centers
among many, many, many, many other biological differences.
>vest is a tad too shiny
>oversized dorito
>dressed like inner city naruto
Must be team instinct leader
What a douchebag
>that clearly jealous fatty in the background
>Whites are intellectually inferior to Asians.
Only in terms of IQ by a few points, but whites are more innovative and have contributed more to the development of civilization, and Asians have less empathy (see those Chinese videos of kids being run over twice while nobody bats an eye, or them torturing and eating dogs to this day). Asians are good at developing existing technology and improving it, at mathematical ability, they are not particularly good at innovating in most fields. Hell even video games were created in the West, before the Japanese imitated it and improved the medium. One of Korea's favorite national pastimes, Starcraft, started in the West.
>Transsexual women and cissexual women have similar, if not identical brains.
Sure thing Chris-Chan.
Maybe he's just gay you bigoted shitlord
Spotted the tumblrite
Empathy drives you to help your fellow man and better society as a whole. It is objectively a good thing.
Can't really figure out how to shitpost at this since anarchy would be against those things. I guess I'll stop for now.
I really enjoy the fact that this thread got completely destroyed,
Just like in the Minecraft joke book.
This is why google glass should catch on.
We'd have lewd images of Enji by now.
Nobody wants to be known as the guy who got caught with a spy camera implanted in their shoe.