FTL Faster Than Light

>ftl is a fair game

It is. Everything is decided by the dice. That is true fairness.

>not enjoying the missle bukkake
what are you, rebel scum?

at that point in the game if you don't have hacking/cloak/anti missile drones you are asking for a missile to the head

still amazed that a 200mb game gave me 150 hours of fun, while giant 30gb+ games cant even give me 10

Post your ship so that we can laugh at how horribly prepared you were.

pls no bully

i threw up in my mouth

Giant 30gb+ games focus on graphics and audio before gameplay, that's why.

If you have cloak-2 you should be able to handle missiles. I'm not sure what the fuck else you're going for with this ship layout though.

That is some real 2deep4u anime monologue bullshit right there.

Did you seriously have the game paused for an hour

The truth usually is.

what's wrong with that sexy ship
nah, this is the original before cropping. also checked.

You should be able to easily get out of the situation you're in with little to no damage, what the fuck are you complaining for?

I needed an opener for the thread, by ironically shitposting that FTL is too hard.

I suppose that I can't really tell what you were thinking when you were getting new stuff. You have an unpowered beam and 31 unused missiles, three drones, an extra point in oxygen. This just seems strange to me.

You look set to kill just about anything but looking at the screenshot hurts my head.

You faggot.

Getting an extra point in O2 is actually pretty smart, because it acts as a buffer.

I suppose it does make sense but my thinking is that if I'm at the point where O2 needs repairing and I can't immediately get on it I'm dead anyway. I don't think I've ever lost anybody to suffocation.

Level 2 O2 is for keeping breached rooms oxygenated so crew can repair without harm, if need be in a pinch. But more importantly, if I get hacked by a level 3 hacking drone on oxygen, I won't suffocate to death.
The halberd beam is for later, don't have the scrap to just get that shit online as soon as I get it.
31 unused missiles because missiles are shit and I didn't get any "sell missiles" events
3 drones because I got a drone recovery arm fo' free

How did this playthrough turn out? It seems to be going pretty strong.

I should add that in order to keep breached rooms oxygenated with level 2 O2, you gotta open all doors so the excess oxygen of other rooms gets pumped to the breached room.
Helps a lot when a boarding drone crashes into a room.


It went pretty well.

>got the 'Virus' event
>those hull points
Seems like everything went pretty swimmingly here.

I love FTL

What other games offer the same depth in crew control? I can't go back to "You are the ship" space games anymore.

These are my recommendations:

Barotrauma : Free Alpha
Made by the SS13 devs. Multiplayer is where it is at.

Wayward Terrain Frontier: Early Access.
+Amazing Ship Interior and Designs.
-Barebones Early Access

Honorable Mentions:
Star Sector
+Amazing Ship to Ship combat.
- Crew management is just inventory item.

gif related: Star Sector

Shut up Two Face.

I've heard some cool stuff about Star Sector but I don't quite understand what's going on. Is it kind of like a Pirates!/Mount & Blade system where combat is one thing but the games really about building up and accumulating wealth in a living world?

No matter how many posts I see about it I feel like I don't get it.

i love this game, what are some games similar to this?

Someone post the ship tier list. I'm having a hell of a time beating the game on anything other than easy, but I've gotten lucky and unlocked a lot of the ships.

I'm having trouble clearing Normal with the Rock Crusier-A, although I think its mostly due to inexperience esp. in boarding crews.

You start you as a single ship captain at level 1. You level up, get more ships, get more officer, get a bigger ship. ETC. Space Ship M&B is the most apt description. It is like Shoot Em Up in an open world setting.

Just pirate it and play nigga, you will be wishing for more. I paid for the game after pirating it.

HOWEVER, it does not offer the same experience as FTL.

Dragon quest hero's rocket slime.

Sounds like it's worth a look. I've been burned out on Mountain Blade for a while now so this might be what I'm after.


T-Thanks, but that is not exactly what I am looking for.

How much does FTL cost, is it on sale?

10 bucks and no

>rock a
what ships u got btch

That's a lot of flak

>using meme weapons
>carrying more weapons/drones than you could possibly have energy to use all at once
>no failsafe points in medbay/oxygen/piloting
>no engis
>didn't upgrade your backup battery

I'm surprised you made it that far.

I've been enjoying the crap out of Pulsar: Lost Colony. If you find a server of a few competent people with microphones, it's a ripper time.

those are great weapons, and it's always good to have extra options, faggot

You don't need the vulcan in this setup. you'd be much better off with a beam weapon to use when your TRIPLE FLAK CANNONS make sure that the opposing ship's shields will always be down.

yeah that was one of my first runs on hard mode, I kept on flying even though things looked like fucking shit and just didn't care anymore.
having more weapons/drones than you can power is great for options though like says. vulcan is not all that though, you're right.
I'll rarely pay for crew from a shop so if I don't get a free engi then fuck it.
the backup battery is cool but upgrading it is questionable if you don't even have a temporary power system like a teleporter, cloaking, or hacking.

About to start a new run on normal, I only have the three kestrels and the first Engi ship. Is the Red-Tail a meme? It makes early game stupidly easy but I'm still not sure if it's great in the long-run or not. Starting with a mantis and Zoltan is a pretty great bonus.

The Red-Tail destroys sector 1 and 2 since you got 4 shots right off the bat. You wanna replace those weak lasers quickly though, or 3 shield layers in sector 4 will just completely fuck you. Starting with 4 power in weapons is pretty handy for this job.
Since you have such easy crusing in the early sectors, it shouldn't be terribly difficult to secure scrap for a good weapon to buy from a shop.
Personally I ignore shops in sector 1, waste of a jump unless your ship starts with literal garbage to sell.
Drone bay with a defense drone may be tempting, but remember you need weapons to actually accomplish shit.

I've started with the Red-Tail now. Last time I got to the flagship but wasn't really equipped to defend myself properly. I'm aiming to get hacking and cloaking at least this time before then.

Any tips for the Federation B layout? This thread makes me want to play but I haven't in a while and normal is kicking my ass

I regret buying it on sale.

>never been able to beat the mothership, even once
>got all the other ships but the one you get when winning with the Kestrel

Federation B is unfortunately just a rather gimped Federation A.
-While 2 weapons could allow for more spread damage to fuck with retreating enemies, the Burst Laser 2 is just simply the best weapon in the weapon and a great component to any weapons loadout. The Dual Laser is efficient and quick, but it needs more gun. The Leto is just fucking trash and you'll be burning missiles to get 3 projectiles per volley like the Burst Laser 2 can.
-Starting with more artillery power is meaningless, since it only really shines late game with 3/4 artillery power. I might suggest ignoring your artillery completely and focussing the power elsewhere. Do not buy power bars to power the artillery, focus on better weapons/systems.
-You start with 3 crew, and while the Slug has a lot of blue options, having an Engi and Rock for blue options is just plain better. Put the slug on piloting, so they can't kill your evasion by mind controlling the pilot.
-The ship is fucking huge, so relying on defense drones to counter missiles could disappoint you from time to time since it has such a large area to cover.

>have Infinite Space mod installed
>eventually the game becomes too easy if you make it far enough

This ship is nearly untouchable. I'm gonna restart and try something else out.

damn son why does the mod pit you against those literal baby ships if you're all maxed out

Convoy looks similar but I've never played it myself

Running 2 of the starting basic lasers and 2 burst lasers right now. Volleys of 6 lasers might not be the smartest plan I've ever had but it's incredibly fun and shreds these early-midgame ships no problem.

That was just an encounter from an event. The mod gives you a pretty beefy boss ship at the beginning of every new sector though, and they all pose a fair amount of challenge. And if you happen to beat them, they unlock a second boss in the sector. Otherwise, mod is pretty fun. It took a lot of luck to get that ship to where it is.

fair? yes - RNG is equally shit to all the people who play it
fun? no - RNG quickly wears thin any welcome a game has for anyone who isnt a turboautist
good? no - RNG in lieu of properly fleshed out mechanics is bad


I'm pretty new to this and I can consistently reach The Last Stand on normal. The game drops awesome shit on you just as often as bad stuff if you persevere. On my current run I've had events take of hull-points and encountered a stupidly strong AI-scout but I've also gotten several weapons from random drops. It keeps things interesting.

Nice, it's not so bad to exclusively rely on lasers for your victory.
Mind control could be a good purchase. If you use it on the pilot before your alpha strike, it'll be like a poor man's piloting/engine hack.

Any other mods you recommend?

the real problem with FTL's bullshit RNG is you cant grind; restarting your run entirely is the only option because you're on a strict time limit so if one thing doesnt fall in place perfectly against terrible odds everything is ruined

Losses are pre-determinate as a result. You may as well not play because you literally cannot win certain runs

That sounds like a plan, the game seems determined to throw me nothing but intruder events right now though. I need scrap.

Skill and learning the game are more important than your selling them for here. I imagine that if somebody got good enough at the game they could probably win at least 75% of normal runs.

>75% win rate
>on the normal difficulty
>in a game without multiplayer
Dark Souls has 90+% win rates for skilled players (autists)
You've only shown that by your own estimate FTL is not a skill based game (it's not)

>Skill based games must have high win percentages

Gone Home must be where they find champions then.

Dark Souls has grinding, how is that relevant. Given enough time a monkey just messing around with the sticks and buttons will beat Dark Souls.

The outcome of a game of FTL isn't 100% determined by player-skill just like all games that involve RNG. That doesn't mean that skill isn't relevant.

>God Tier
Mantis B

>And the Rest Tier
Everyone else

>Top tier
Engi B
Federation C
Slug B
Rock A
Zoltan C
Stealth B, C

>Great tier
Kestrel A, C
Engi C
Federation B
Mantis A, C
Crystal A
Slug A, C
Rock C

>Good tier
Kestrel B
Engi C
Federation A
Zoltan B
Lanius A
Rock B

>Shit tier
Zoltan A
Lanius B
Mantis B
Crystal B
Stealth A

the skill ceiling on FTL is also low as hell
you could make a flowchart on what to do and it'd be a viable guide for any level of skill player
human input for this game is unnecessary. The level of complexity (writing aside) is that of snakes and ladders or monopoly (similar to monopoly it provokes rage at it's bullshit). Worse than Monopoly underneath all its bullshit FTL has a good premise and some good mechanics that are shackled by the garbage.

FTL is half a good game with a completely irredeemable pile of RNG filth tacked on.

That's just cruel user.

That's a lot of words to say what you already got across in your first 10.

I disagree, there's a lot to learn. Judging situations correctly is the skill in the game. What weapons should be aimed where and how you should upgrade your ship is never 100% concrete and a good player can potentially make choices that will save them while a bad player can make bad choices and die. Skill is present in this game.

can we get a sincere one of these please?

There are a few simple things which would help me a lot right now but the game refuses to give them to me. Time to upgrade shields and pray for a store in the middle of the rebel-stronghold sector.

>Judging situations correctly is the skill in the game
RNG almost always turns 'choices' into pure artificial difficulty
>Where to aim and how to upgrade
good mechanics not involved in the terrible aspects of the game; still doesn't have a high skill ceiling

Captain's Edition is pretty great too. Adds a plethora of new things to the game. But that and endless are really the only two that I like.

forgot picture

The choices are generally

>risky 50% chance for something good that could hurt you
>safe option that gives you nothing

the events encourage you to build a diverse ship and crew. If you don't get blues they're a completely optional gamble.

garbage game. only reason it exists is to showcase ben prunty's brilliant composition

Just recently picked the game up and just recently got my first victory on easy.

I feel pretty garbage at this game, but it's one of those games that keeps you playing.

Probably a shitter question, but is it better to all in one aspect of your ship or do a variety of things well?

I really like the idea of an "attack from all fronts" ship, but my only victory is from a Kestrel A run where I just dumped into having a full arsenal, shields, and dodge chance.

This was a damn entertaining run. I knew I should have doubled back to that store for fuel though.

>can we get a sincere one of these please?
Just polarize the tier list and it's pretty accurate.

How many sectors were you in? Tell me user, did missiles fuck ya up?

I'm in sector 6 and still alive. I'm so strong that I can fight off mantis raiders without being hit, but the trouble is the pricks won't drop fuel.

>tfw wrote a guide for FTL
>people enjoy it and find it helpful
I am an expert of spamming space

Does anyone know exactly how difficulty is calculated in this game? it seems every time I dump some of my stored scrap into my ship, the difficulty spikes. If I upgrade mid sector for example I might start seeing ships with another layer of shield and better guns after spending my scrap at a shop.

post guide, I'm on one HP in the middle of sector 6 with as my ship. Finally got fuel but one missile could end me here. I'm an absolute beast in combat but it's been so long since I got repairs.

It's just calculated per sector, user.

Of all the things to run into it had to be this didn't it.

damn, a shitty end
I think mantis sectors can only have 1-2 shops in them

>linking Sup Forums your profile
But i'll give you a basic overview:
>shields should be lvl3 mininum
>cloaking is literally GOD MODE with 40 evasion
>Get a flak cannon and beam weapon, charge beam, fire flak, and as SOON as the flak hits the enemy shield, use beam weapon (use pause)
>defense drone mk 1 is great for missiles and asteroids, let your shields tank the rest
>teleporter with mantis crew is always great
>keep engi on shields
>always accept weapons and mods from surrenders, then sell em
>don't bother with vulcan unless you're really protected
>pray to rng-jesus
>use mind-control on pilots so enemy ship evasion goes to 0.

so with your ship, try to find quests, and rush to a store. You should repair to at least 60%
good luck

I almost got the bastard too. Dodges were amazing at first, but so were the fucking drone's. If I had another three seconds before the hit that killed me I would have made it.

That all sounds pretty sensible and I already aim for most of it. Never tried flak before. It sounds too good to be true, a free shield-shred each time you fire it. Combined with beams it sounds like complete rape.

>havn't tried flak
Oh my son. You are missing out.
So you can combo your beam with them for ez kills.
I like flak 1-2 and pike beams

Flak still has to roll for hits so it's not a guaranteed hit versus shields.
Flak 1 is just really good because it's very comparable to the Burst Laser 2. 3 projectiles, 2 power, low cooldown.

The lasers I just had before were trashing shields pretty soundly but flak sounds like a much easier goal to aim for than my laser-spam, which I owed largely to good drops.

Flak is like a shotgun. If you connect all the flak, it's great. Lasers are reliable.

I have that game and I can't fucking allocate more ram.
It eats it like a fat chick whoring for ice cream.
I installed the latest java and still won't launch if I allocate more memory.

>fun? no - RNG quickly wears thin any welcome a game has for anyone who isnt a turboautist

You've got it backwards, user. Inability to cope with non-predictable events and showing hostility and dismissal when discussing situations that can't be approached with a pre-learned sequence of responses are tell-tale symptoms of autism.



>there will NEVER be an FTL 2

WTF:ZF is a baller, I've never been so amazed by ship debris simulation