Favorite drink while gaming?
Favorite drink while gaming?
I just did like 8 shots of rum and started playing CSGO.
It's not going well.
Shitty captian morgan btw
>enjoys beer for its taste
>he doesn't enjoy drinking high quality craft beer
Underage detected
Shokolico: frangelico mixed with chocolate milk.
t. butthurt fatass who cant see his dick when he looks down
>Drinking anything but purified drinking water
Fucking plebs.
I'm 6'2 205, kys genetic failure
cup of tea
2bh famalam you have everything you need for your body to thrive in water
>Drinking beer
This isn't the medieval ages with shitty water faggot water is better for you
No one actually likes drinking beer.
Now Butterscotch liquor, on the other hand...
I like Amaretto and the occasional craft beer. Fuck pilsners though, that shit's for trailer trash.
>All that fancy ass fucking cutlery and pottery
>Eating like third world peasants
They deserve it for wasting money on garbage.
If it's quality beer it tastes good
Butterscotch liquor sounds like some underage fireball tier shit
my sister drinks this lmao
your sister probably has a REALLY hairy vagina
probably smells too lmao
i hope it smells nice
How much drinking would people consider to be too much?
I'm not talking about a doctor who says 3 drinks in an hour is too much.
I mean, what is actually a normal amount to drink?
I recently decided to take a break from alcohol after I realized how quickly I was going through a 1.75 bottle in about a week.
My nigger.
I go through a handle of 101 every few weeks.
It's probably really bad for me.
Crown Royal or Makers Mark
no ice, I dont like Ice
im actually drunck right now
you must have a hairy vagina drinking special k: the beer
i dont know man
whatever your tolerance level is at
if you can drink it outwith being shitfaced then youre good
God damn go fucking kill yourself in the fastest way possible please
Vodka, the cheapest I can get. I do at least half a bottle everyday.
How does it taste, op?
The thread would have been great a few hours ago, before I bought a bunch of untried single bottles in a pick-6 deal.
In the following days I will try for the first time:
Magic Hat
Good Juju
What am I in for boys
Anything with alcohol. Need a buzz to enjoy what I'm playing....or doing anything for the matter.
I legitimately love the taste of piss beer, but sometimes you need stronger stuff so any cheap vodka / schnapps is good enough for me.
zonas for days.
>tfw alcohol legitimately makes things fun for you
>All those faggots that bitch about how you don't need alcohol to have fun
Fuck them.
I wanna fuck your sister
for rushing b
anyone who says that has never had a drink in their life
I don't feel like I'm completely gone. Like, stumbling around or passing out.
My mom recently went into my room and saw an almost empty bottle of whiskey. Then a week and a half later saw an almost empty bottle of vodka.
It scared my folks, and they told me to take a break, which I felt like doing anyway, since I felt I was overdoing it a little.
You don't need it, but it helps to relax and enjoy it.
I once played DOOM 2016 after a few beers, and had a blast.
Just go for makers mark. It tastes just a tad less like shit and is actual bourbon unlike turkey.
Stop getting drunk alone.
This and coke on raid night.
Sorry, no.
Can't go wrong with a good Ale or Lager.
>You don't need it
I legitimately don't find a lot of situations fun any longer without some stimulant.
The chosen beer
>2 bottles in a half month
meanwhile there's like three empty bottles behind me and it's been a week
This is not a good path
My nigga. Add some lime and it's perfect.
I'd have to call a friend up and ask them if they wanted to get drunk and play video games or watch a show.
If they can, they show up and they can't go home, leading to them needing to stay the night.
If I went out to a bar, I'd have to know I have a ride home, and I'd have to pay a terrible amount of money just to have a few drinks, much less get drunk.
Plus, I'd be listening to shitty music, and would be around a bunch of people I don't care about.
I'm not the bar going type.
I like having some drinks , watching a movie, watching youtube, playing games, whatever.
I don't like being around people when I drink as a matter of fact. I hate feeling like I have less control
than I normally would. I'd prefer to have a sharper mind for actually talking to people about shit.
I enjoy alcohol privately.
This is starting to grow on me; though I usually make some mixed drinks or just have some Cider beers.
Partial to Angry Orchard, when I have the dosh to fork out for it.
Pure ass
What state do you live in? I'm Texan and I don't recognize any of those beers
It's pretty light but surprisingly flavorful and it goes down smooth. Absolutely pairs well with a good steak or some spicy korean food
>Magic hat, Czechvar
A little stronger, still tasty, different hops, but not too bitter. Not crazy bitter like pic related though.
Dunno about the others. Good selection though.
Well, for me, it's debatable, and I feel like slowing it down to just the weekend, or just light drinking on weekdays would be normal.
That is a bit much I'd say.
Single Malt Masterrace reporting in.
ah, nice northern new york local beer
I started enjoying grapefruit shandy recently
Be nice
I actually get this at my local HEB in Texas, no idea why it has it.
Why the fuck would you DRINK you calories? Jesus Christ of what a waste.
>Angry Orchard
Mah brother of african descent. Roomate got me into that a while ago, wallet be damned. Always fun to pick up a pack
Magic hat is god tier
>Arrogant Bastard
Are you 40+ years old or just a fucking masochist? Drinking overly bitter brew is the worst.
The lime's that extra bit of effort I'm not willing to make at home, but at the bar, for sure.
I wish I had the kind of money to buy this shit any time I wanted. I wouldn't buy anything else it's so fucking good
please tell me they're hiring where you work
My God, you've just articulated my feelings on the subject better than I ever had. Saving that for later.
You're the one with the problem
fuck off
leinenkugel make some pretty good shit, they had a booth up at where I work a few weeks ago and I nearly got fired sneaking off for sampling
Why not a dash of lime juice?
He is right though.
Nope, you're the fraud who projects his insecurities onto other people.
That's very sad :(. I'm sorry user
The literal liquid jew
To be fair it's like the only IPA I can tolerate.
Not a masochist per say, but I drank black coffee for a while so I grew to like bitter stuff, I guess.
I don't drink that as often now.
Now I usually get stuff like Fat tire or Kilt lifter.
Coffee anytime of day
I'll never not be butthurt at this image, but that's probably the point.
It's okay, but you can't beat throwing an actual slice in there
Damaging amounts of energy drinks and coffee.
I bought it for this literal reason. And it turned out to be one of the best I've tried.
A bit harsh to drink it straight as often as I do, but still pretty smooth.
Although two drinks in and I'm loose enough that I suck at anything needing good dexterity and reactions.
But that's what crypt of the necrodancer is for.
Was just throwing it out for the user that doesn't want to put in the effort. Requires minimal effort and probably gets across a similar taste.
Water instead of buying drug water that will kill my liver.
>being worried about killing your liver when your doomed to die anyways
enjoy you're kidney stones from all the solid minerals fagit
10 is good but PX is godly. Ask for one for christmas or something. If you can get your hands on a bottle I'd recommend it over the 10 hands down every time.
Ice cold sparkling water with a lemon slice
OP has good taste in pale ale.
I usually go for a healthy pour of bourbon, neat. Otherwise it's a wide variety of craft beer.
>not using the best recreational drug
we can open carry in texas and weed is still illegal
fucking mormons
Usually don't drink while gaming, but when I do
Try Double Bastard. It's stronger and somehow more delicious than arrogant bastard.
>and here we have the wateronlyfag who can't accept the fact that people drink shit other than water
A little behind on schedule aren't we?
you still didnt make weed legal weedman
Noice, especially great as a tophat on some dry cider.
I do hope we legalize all drugs one day. There are too many people on this planet, so who cares if people start dying from overdosing.
Never seen that kind before actually. I'll have to keep an eye out for it. My local store has five different Laphroaigs but I've only ever tried the 10 since it was the cheapest one they had.
Roommate and I were thinking of going in halfsies and buying a bottle of Lore for new year's but we'll see
>and here we have the weeb
>not drinking and smoking weed simultaneously while playing phantasy star online for 10 hours straight with friends
It's like you don't even want to have fun.
This is breddy gud if you're a sodafag who wants to get drunk
rolling rock