This is a decent game and you know it.
This is a decent game and you know it
>Bad story.
>Bad characters apart from Sazh.
>Bad gameplay.
>Bad story
No, the story is okay
>Bad characters apart from Sazh
No, Lightning, Sazh, Fang and Hope are good
>Bad gameplay
It's the similar gameplay to FF10. How is that bad?
The over world is yes but the battle, you know the actual gameplay part, is nothing like 10.
That is the combat, Gameplay and combat are two different things. That's why the combat transports itself into another area whenever an enemy is touched.
Combat is part of the gameplay, you utter dipshit.
Sahz is not a good character. Vanille is better, even if she's annoying as fuck.
>Lightning and Hope
Holy shit. You have to be trolling.
>Linear in design
>Uses the movie-eque design
>Crystalithium is just an improved version of the Sphere Grid
>Mini games are used sparingly
>Open area part is far later in the game
Hell, it even uses the controllable summons found in FF10.
Much of FF13's gameplay IS FF10 or at least a similar version of it.
How is Vanille better than Sazh? Sazh is far more well fleshed out than Vanille
They are and you know it. Lightning was so well received she became the Japanese fan favorite. Hope was a better Tidus than Tidus.
>They are and you know it. Lightning was so well received she became the Japanese fan favorite. Hope was a better Tidus than Tidus.
Lightning was a fan favourite due to sex appeal. She wasn't a good character in any sense of the word.
And Hope spends the first half of the game brooding, then a few lines of bullshit dialogue and he turns a complete 180 while being just as irritating.
Writing strong characters is hardly a Final Fantasy strongpoint, but XIII had an array of absolutely terrible ones.
>Due to sex appeal
The fuck are you even saying? How did she have sex appeal? Did you even play FF7-13? Tifa, Quistis, Beatrix, Lulu, Fran and Fang had sex appeal. Lightning was just a normal female character.
Hope actually had character arcs, and was in the right position, and actually had legit reasons for being the way he was. He was basically the opposite of Tidus save for Archetype.
>FF13 had terrible ones
You really don't understand the definition of terrible do you.
13 was bad
13-2 was good
FF13 was decent
FF13-2 was mediocre
LR;FF13 was flawed by okay.
13 was ok
13-2 was awful
LR had a meh story and the best combat in the entire franchise.
It's pretty decent actually. Starts off pretty easy and slowly gets more and more difficult until it's just damned brutal at chapter 12.
Battle system was fast paced, but certainly not "press X to win" like half the net is saying.
All it really needed was a bit more exploration. It's more linear than 10, but at least there were spots where you could have a bit of down time doing this and that. In this game it's just walk to the next destination.
Best story
Best soundtrack
Best gameplay
That wouldn't even be a somewhat decent game if you were high on the strongest drugs on this planet.
Shit story
Shit unlikeable characters
Horribly bad gameplay
Except it's an okay story, mostly good characters and familiar and fun gameplay.
No, kys lightningfag and take the lucinafags with you
I wouldnt know because IT WONT FUCKING BOOT UP
No, I do not know such a thing even now. I hate the game. Nearly everything besides the visual quality (art direction itself was bad), Dust to Dust and Wladislaus (the only enemy in the game with charisma and a to the point design) was bad. Even Sazh would be bad if he was in any other FF. He just comes off smelling like roses in this one. Only Vanille and Cid Raines were tolerable at the end of the journey as characters, because their motivations made sense. The worst things are the story (the ending pushes it to first place), player interaction, the gameplay, the characters, the level up mechanics and the world.
Still it wasn't VIII, so the second worst it will be. And having thoughtless stress-free fun with it makes sense for me as an explanation for someone to like it.
The sequels were outstanding. As a bonus whenever XIII was ignored in favor of fun, I cheered.
Says the 12 year old.
Can agree
Great game with great characters and Lightning is my wife.
XIII-2 is irredeemable shit.
Get the PS3 version.
I liked all of the characters and found their motives to be pretty easy to understand.
I guess the only one I felt was lacking was Fang. I get that she was like the mother figure for Vanille but I just didn't see that connection really.
>Much of FF13's gameplay IS FF10 or at least a similar version of it.
You are the first person I've seen that has made this connection. I thought I was just reaching when I thought about this.
It's absolutely fucking godawful. Another avant-garde bullshit battle system inferior to ATB and the game has a child's understanding of storytelling.
It's so bad, it makes FF8 look good.
It's so bad, I haven't bought and never will buy a Final Fantasy product again. Not even FF7 remake. I'll give the series a chance once they stop treating it as a clown car of their dumbass ideas and return to ATB, so at least the gameplay could be passable.
XIII had an ATB system, you double nigger.
>They are and you know it.
Just because you keep saying it, doesn't make it true.
>Lightning was so well received she became the Japanese fan favorite.
Can't deny that.
>Hope was a better Tidus than Tidus.
Now i know you're trolling.
Tall women have sex appeal more news at 11
I've never denied it
this is objectively a bad game and you know it
13's combat is actually really good, but they gate it so hard you don't actually get to enjoy ilt until 24 hours into the game. unfortunately the rest of the game is pretty ass.
>It's the similar gameplay to FF10. How is that bad?
Only in terms of linearity, which was bad in both games. But the turn-based combat in FF10 was actually good, unlike the autobattling shit in FF13.
decent games don't have 30 hour tutorials
wish lightning was more attractive
>motives easy to understand
Bullshit, even the characters themselves don't understand their own motives, and that's a sign of terrible writing.
My biggest complaint is that you have to read most of the story. There's a shitload to read, too. I don't really get the complaints about it being linear. Almost all FF games are linear.
you have two wishes left
It's ok.
Great graphics and music, decent battle system, story is tolerable, the amount of cutscenes is hit or miss depending on the player's mood. And I'm fond of a bunch of characters from the cast.
It was designed in such a way that you don't need to put too much effort to win, and that's why retards just mashed default commands to win and called it a day.
This is still a flaw to a degree, but the gameplay can be deeper and more engaging than that; but you will rarely hear that because if you don't spout the same popular pre-made phrases, you won't get to be a cool kid like the rest.
I do know it.
But can you please refrain from starting XIII series threads with bait? We've been able to have open XIII threads for a while now *at least since the PC port).
Lumina is such a semen demon
>slow rock-paper-scissors that later degenerates into Quick Hit: The Game
No. Say what you will about XIII, but its battle system is pretty damn smart and nuanced if you don't spam Auto like a retard and scrape by with 1 star ratings.
>first hour
good introduction and exciting opening scene
>everything after
sluggish trawl through encounters and cutscenes with no chance to explore or relax and take in the atmosphere of the world
such a departure from any other final fantasy it cant really claim to be one
>muh open world
How is the port? I pawned off my PS3 a while ago to make rent one month and haven't had the urge to play the game again until I saw this thread
>It's another user makes a "FF13 wasn't that bad" thread
Now we wait for the influx of Goddessfags to show up.
If you want to call FFI-IX and XII open world, then sure.
It was decent actually. And it was
The second FF I have ever played besides 4 on the PSP and the first FF I ever finished since I didn't like parts of 4 and never beat it.
What I like about it
-Solid world/enemy design (felt like it was thought about a lot)
-Great music
-Solid characters (I like some more than others but even Vannile wasn't as bad as people said she was)
-Fun battle system (but also a con)
-Transforming summons are cool, fight me
-Meh "villain" with an obtuse plan
-Battle system is great but it literally takes like 20 to give you all the reigns
-Even when the world opens up it feels kind of empty/tacked on
-Bad/underdeveloped side characters
In my opinion XIII is still a solid 7/10 though.
XIII-2 is an 8/10
and I still need to play Lightning Returns.
FF12 was the only open world.
FF1-FF9 used an overworld. FF1-6 used 2D overworld and FF7-9 used 3D overworld.
I hear it's pretty good and scales well to good PC's (I've seen the 4K screenshots).
There's probably a youtube video on the port's quality.
All the characters are awful, but their individual relationships, some any, were pretty fun to follow. Like, I liked the dynamic between Lightning and Snow. I feel like in a traditional FF, these two would be lovers, being that one is the female protagonist and one is a male protagonist, but their relationship is completely different with Serah thrown into the picture. They both have an uneasy relationship with one another but are connected by their love of Serah. Hope and Lightning's relationship is also pretty good, especially when it becomes full on /ss/.
>And it was the second FF I have ever played after 4
>the second FF I have played
This is the epitome of every faggot that thinks 13 is an OK game because it's the only one they've played. Opinion discarded.
It's actually my favorite FF game.
Whoops, could have sworn I wrote "had".
I only got into FF like 6 years ago. Since then however I've played at least 7,8,10 and had an account in XIV. Besides 4 and the XIII sequels
I'm an 8 apologist too
I'd played every FF (except XI) up to and including XII before playing XIII and XIII is in the top half of FFs desu senpai
I actually really liked the relationship between Hope and Lightning, especially when they go on their own early on where she teaches him about revenge and shit. There are moments with gravitas in the game for sure, but they're ruined by flat archetypal characters and anime voice acting with exaggerated sounds that really have no place in a serious dialog.
>anime voice acting with exaggerated sounds
Name a dozen examples.
Vanille x 12
>meme opinion made for me courtesy of Sup Forums
It is decent.
Until the Lightning faggots ruined it with their constant cries of "HER GAME" and sheer blind refusal to accept the fact that their precious waifu is one of the most dull and uninteresting characters ever written.
Wait, this was a game? I thought it was a movie.
Lightning is one of the worst FF characters in existence. The fact that you fell for SE's marketing proves how retarded you really are.
I don't think you played any Final Fantasy title let alone touched an actual video game.
Yeah, retards do get them confused.
No one is gonna take the bait, Toriyama.
No, it was fucking bad. Stop being contrarian.
>Lightning is good
A character has to at least be memorable or have some semblance of a personality to be good.
It was shit and lightening is shit.
No one likes her. Get over it, Menstrual-kun.
It was so fucking decent. Stop being sheep.
Since when could you speak English, Toriyama?
I love this game for outing the people who aren't bright enough to understand it.
But the complaints aren't about any sort of convoluted story, my retarded friend.
Step the bait up.