What is the vaporwave of video games?

What is the vaporwave of video games?

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8-bit retro platformers/roguelikes

Call of Duty desu.
Started off as a serious attempt at a new addition to medium of entertainment, now it's just memes

tumblr trash feminist indie games

undertale, firewatch, gone home etc. nobody is going to fucking remember this shit in forty years but they'll remember World of Warcraft, Halo, Counter Strike etc.

The NiGHTS series.

It's A E S T H E T I C

This is the right answer

people still talk about this ancient was never good meme?

those frigging Sup Forums kids..only board as bad as Sup Forums and Sup Forums as far as users being faggot teens go

Late 90s/early 2000s virtual chatrooms


Vaporwave is terrible and is literally meme music. Just like Death Grips. You honestly have to be an underage retard to like that shit.

What are some decent vaporwave songs.

video games

>what is the cancer of video games

There's just so many cancer out there. It's really hard for me to choose. Also it's against the rules to post as an underage.

There isn't any.

Protip: there is none.

This guy right here.

I mean let's not even talk about how most vaporwave actually sounds like sonic soundtrack samples, but just look at him. You think of him and you think of your childhood maybe and some of the cool games you played when consoles were still a big thing.

Where's he gone since then? Nowhere. Shit game after shit game where they keep trying to make him cooooool but end up making Sonic the number one champion for autists everywhere. Half of those games are broken and don't even work right.

Sonic created vaporwave. Vaporwave turned around and brought back Sonic level music. It's a glorious and mysterious cycle of shit and autism which everyone would just rather be gone at this point but it keeps coming back.

I like death grips and I recommend them to everyone reading this thread

Why does it feel like everyday this board gets fucking younger and younger? I feel like a fucking degenerate pedophile because it's as if I chat with obnoxious little boys all day.

t. faggot cancer


The ultimate mix


And Hotline Miami