Naked Snake, with Patriot aimed.
Naked Snake, with Patriot aimed
Other urls found in this thread:
Big Boss saluting at unnamed gravestone.
when the walls fell
Darmok and Jalad At Tanagra
Mika, her hips wide.
Baking cakes.
Bane, when the plane crashed
When the cocks came, at e-hentai.
Celes when the world died.
The Pain takes flight
Snake, his eyes covered
Pavel, when the plane fell.
Question of man.
When talking ceased.
Viktor and Flik at Muse
Shu, when the walls fell
Riou and Nanami, their eyes uncovered
Jowy, darkness unfurled
Luca, his eyes shut
Old Sage with sword on ground.
A post of a spork on Sup Forums.
Then what happened?
Fisher, his knife raised, invisible in the shadows
Young child
Sword in hand.
CIA and Pavel, at the airport.
A villainous Gul, incredulous.
Link in cave with sword raised.
Payne, in the terminal
Payne, on the tarmac, he will walk, limping
John Blake, stopped at the manhole.
Eli Vance, when the franchise fell
MJ12 troop, behind the wall.
Loss, when the baby fell
Antler and Davison, at the REPCONN test site.
Anlter and Davison
At test site, together.
FK, in the coffee.
Antler, when the clipping mesh failed.
Freeman, under Black Mesa
Aliens, their arms wide
Your waifu, with legs wide open
How many video games do you see?
Gabe, when the sequels never arrive.
Zinda, his face black, his eyes red
>implying you can become a warp capable species using this bullshit communication, I mean whats the word for a trans-phased inducer?
When there was a good thread.
Davison, when Antler fell.
THERE ARE tell me,captain.....
>How many PS4 games do you see?
The cropped image, it summons him.
The ubisoft release schedule, every year.
Barney, his time just passed!
>tfw ancientfag and don't understand what's going on here
The sonic cycle is broken!
You have not experienced Persona until you have read it in the original Japanese.
Ethan, at county general hospital.
Ethan, at reception
Ethan, when the doctor pointed.
Ethan, when Buckley miscarried.
Perhaps today is a good day to play video games!
>Worth has been slain by a small anaemic paraplegic child using only a welt melted kazoo.
The Warrior and the Knight, together in the Vault.
The spear in the dark.
The Warrior, alone.
I've mostly forgotten the lines from that episode.
The black box of laughter!
Underbaited roast
Ennard, his mask unsettling
Sup Forums when it used to be good
Spore, the Robin Williams demo.
Spore, its release.
Sup Forums was never good!
Swedish Man. Twin back hole, after run.
user's balls in winter.
Kain is deified.
Posted, Underrated
Sup Forums, when moot left
This poster, his sides in orbit
You Go. Fisting like a Wolf. Love likes of Rabbit. Friend made out of Mole.
Dunban at world of strife, blossom dance
Chosen undead, at majula
Woman ahead, weakness: tongue but hole
How did this species communicate before they had any metaphors to communicate with?
Why do Ferengi still care about latinum when they have access to replicators?
Like us, but when they invemted the internet they sliwly drifted towardd communicating exclusively through memes
How did we before we had any verbs?
Oh god, they are our future aren't they?
Latinum can't be replicated.
Nice thread
Trek is a prophetic show and that epusode is a cautionary tale.
But everything they buy with the latinum can, more or less.
user, his neckbear jiggling
Right on the money.
You can actually make the case that using visual aids and word identifiers, you could base a language on short phrases. And those phrases would over time turn into metaphors.
For example, you point at a rock and keep saying 'rock, rock' over and over until the learner understands what a rock is. Then pick up multiple rocks and form a wall. Then say 'wall, wall' over and over until they get that.
Continue for a long time until you can say 'James, behind wall' or 'Ahab, rock he threw'. Then start associating those terms with everything you can't express visually.
The language could easily rely on additional factors that the computer just can't handle. They appear to interpret meaning differently in addition to using metaphor heavily in the language. Tamarians understood Picard in the end despite them having no actual cultural knowledge of the metaphor.
>decide to finally watch Enterprise
>partway through season 2 currently
>it's basically TNG without the Federation, replicators and Patrick Stewart
there have been a few less than excellent episodes, but TNG also had its share of those
>mfw that one where tucker gets pregnant
>But everything they buy with the latinum can, more or less.
delet this
It starts getting really good from Season 3 onward, they cut it down just it found its stride.
there are four lights
Ugh, I can't decide if Voyager or Enterprise was worse. Voyager was boring as hell and had inconsistent writing and characterizations, but Enterprise is the textbook example of why prequels rarely work.
>the NX-Enterprise is literally a Steamrunner-class ship flipped upside down
>everything is way too advanced-looking for being set before TOS
>Klingons have Romulan-style ships before their short alliance in TOS
>Romulans have cloaking devices before the Earth-Romulan War occurred
>a massively-damaging and crazy attack on Earth and war with the Xindi that's never mentioned in the other series
>the entire show turned out to be Riker and Troi watching a hologram in the TNG episode "The Pegasus"
>Vulcans with silicone tits
About the only interesting thing was the Andorians finally having some screen time.
>tfw you realize one of the andorians plays the lead vorta on DS9
what if star trek was real?
You didn't pay attention to the show? For Ferengi, its about OBTAINING the wealth. The act of going out and tricking others (especially other Ferengi) out of their wealth. Notice how most of the Ferengi who are wealthy end up fat, bored and angry? Because they have already achieved their goal and no longer have anything to drive for.
Any Ferengi with half a brain can go buy a replicator as you said. Which is literally what Rom does with his time. He'd rather be with a Bjoran slave girl and an engineer instead of seeking greed. He's happy living a greed free life, realizing the persuit of money only leads to a sad end. But this is why other Ferengi look down on him.
Voyager has a bad character dynamic and premise.
Enterprise has good character dynamics ruined by bad acting and writing. And another bad premise.
I fear what Star Trek Beyond is going to be.
Someone wanna tell me what the fuck is going on here?
Seeing as they lost their showrunner already, I don't have good feelings.
CJ, with the train he must catch
Big Smoke, his scorn derisive
Kayless, his eyes shut
It can't be any worse than those two. I'll be happy if it's another TOS, and hoping it'll be another DS9.
Jeffery Combs. He also played another Ferengi named Brunt on DS9. Man is an incredibly entertaining actor.
Pleb, his shit taste exposed.
Assistant show runner. The head show runner is actually the director of Wrath of Kahn. Which COULD be promising. But the biggest problem of the show is they're shoving it on an untested streaming service and not showing it on TV.
It would be like if they put Star Wars Clone Wars on Netflix the day Netflix first started.
That fucker is the only reason to even bother with Enterprise
Call me a faggot, but Enterprise's intro triggered me so hard I never bothered to watch the series.
Tassadar at aiur, when the overmind fell