Go Pro or Go Home

>Go Pro or Go Home

The Cern has graced us with yet another groundbreaking feat of console engineering.

True 4K gaming

Silky smooth frame rates

The best exclusives in the business.

Greatness has arrived, unparalleled power awaits with Sony at the forefront.

Welcome to real gaming.

Based Cerny


Fuck yes!!


fuck off nintoddler


>True 4K gaming*
>Silky smooth frame rates**
>The best exclusives in the business.***
>unparalleled power awaits with Sony at the forefront.****

*at 10 fps
**"cinematic" 10 fps
***no actual exclusives
****please don't mention Scorpio or PCs or else the FTC will come after us

Now do Vita HD

*literally not a single game on the console gets to 10 fps
**literally not a single game on the console gets to 10 fps, anything above 24 is irrelevant for motion
***see you blithering toddler
****ps4 pro is more capable than the scorpio and much, much more affordable than a PC unless you're a retarded faggot autist who has absolutely nothing going for him in his life so he has to go to sleep every night with nothing in his empty pathetic existence to keep him company other than his framerates (which again, above 24 are irrelevant to motion) being higher than other people he doesn't even know, on a russian vacuum cleaner company customer support survey form

>anything above 24 is irrelevant for motion

>shitposting, falseflagging as a sonygger

For what purpose? Why do people even do this.

aesthetic choice only you fucking moron
go back to r/pcmasterrace you fucking faggot

If you bought a PS4 within the last few years and you buy a Pro this holiday season I suggest never getting into a relationship because you'd hand her over to the first black man she winks at.

name ONE thing i fucking shitposted or falseflagged there you fucking moron
ONE SINGLE thing that I said that was wrong. Go ahead. I'll fucking wait.

>anything above 24 is irrelevant for motion

Really, it's the greatest shitpost to ever come out of movies.

nice to see i'm talking to someone who has no idea what he's talking about.

kill yourself, faggot.

>real gaming.

>posts console


hey you dropped this

Sony... won... fuck!....


alright so can everyone please quote their own posts and say if they were being ironic or not, please? I'm afraid I can't tell false flags from the real deal anymore.

4k gaming is amazing. I run the pc version of dark souls 3 at 4k/60. Looks so sharp and clean on my 65inch Vizio P TV. Still getting a ps4pro if only to play the best versions of nioh and ff15. It's only 400 bucks anyways. I can do one shift of OT and make that

>TFW Just want more games at 1080p/60FPS


Not as bad as you think it is, nor ally I work 3 12hr shifts a week.


you are taking the bait anyway, online braggers are usually NEET losers that vastly exaggerate how much money their parents make.

Dude, I deliver pizzas, and I can afford this stuff.

That would be terrific new if:
1. It wasn't a lie, as there obviously won't be good frame rates
2. There were actually games coming out worth a damn
3. Half the games coming out, decent or not, are now fucking VR exclusive
4. I already bought a ps4 and realised its shut from interface and controller to library.

My gf is a neo nazi

And Sony risks another 599 US DOLLARS fiasco? Not a chance.

The tech in the Pro is fine, the problem is devs like Bioware are retards

i want to us this statement... i like this

seeYou do make one valid point though, there are some great games coming to PSVR!

Cerny is a professional con artist.