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you fucked up, always refresh when comboing.

Remember me?

Peragus was a good level; it's only bad if you're minmaxing and didn't take any skills and therefor can't pass any of the skill checks.
TSLRCM makes it better, though, like it does pretty much everything.

Atris is the best girl.

Peragus is fucking of awful, plus it makes it apparent right from the start that the game is blatantly unfinished with cut content everywhere.


>interesting premise
>wake up alone in a spooky space station, everyone else is murdered
>interesting introduction to other characters subvert your expectations
>get to use your skills (or lack thereof) to piece together what happened and escape
>relatively slow-paced to ease you into the game, think you're just going to be opposed by obvious villain assassin droid but then the Sith show up and throw you, Atton and Kreia together in a flight to escape
Peragus was great, if you're going to complain about anything complain about Telos.
>plus it makes it apparent right from the start that the game is blatantly unfinished with cut content everywhere.
Yes, it's better with TSLRCM, but even the base game is incredible - it only really gets hurt at the endings.

kotor 3rd game when?

Peragus was good, but only on your first run.


It's called SWTOR.

This. I wouldn't have replayed the game even one more time without Skip Peragus.

Never ever, user.

Eh, I never really minded it too much - once you know what you're doing it's relatively quick to run through, no backtracking, and it can be fun to try and get an underpowered build through. It's only really annoying if you're playing multiple games back-to-back or in really close succession.
Telos, on the other hand...

What class story should I start with, user?

Jedi Knight is basically Kotor 3, but Imperial Agent is the best storyline.

Alright, thanks user.
Are there good waifus in every storyline?

No. Best girls are in Jedi Knight and Trooper storylines. Ok girl is in Warrior. The rest are trash.

Okay, I know where I'm starting (Knight)
Much appreciated, user.
>tfw no top waifu in the Agent story
That Sith qt looked nice, too.

Too bad TOR was utter dogshit.

I think the problem is you're railroaded for like 20 hours, the game doesn't open up until you leave the academy, and while Kotor 1 did a similar thing with Taris, it felt more open than it really was with the sidequests and multiple levels of the city, you got to know Taris, it's people and sever characters before it's all wiped away


>That Sith qt looked nice, too.
If you mean the blonde one, Lana, everyone gets to play the story where she comes in.

Remember that bit with the giant alien fish thingy?
I think I stopped playing the game at that part cause I was too scared.



What part is this?

Paragus, you also use a spacesuit once in KOTOR 1 to walk outside the Leviathan when you're captured in it

which reminds me, it was a quest so well done they copied it for dragon age origins


Somebody's slow

Oh I never played kotor 2.

Cya guys

>[Sith noises]

play it user, be sure to use the restored content mod, sans the incomplete machine planet restoration, it's pretty shit

Favorite part of the game.





10 seconds





now what?









fuck you


I got immunity dog, bitch

You're next.



Delet this or you become a skeleton tonight


meant to reply to



Make one of the best Star Wars games ever.
A classic that people still talk about.
Turn it into an MMO.

I really hate the videogame industry sometimes.

It made them more money than KOTOR3 would have, so they're happy.

Guys, if KOTOR 3 were to be made, what setting would you want it to have? Which characters would make their return?


obviously revan as main character


Fuck you Calo

>turn Revan into a raid boss
>kill off the Exile
I'm still pissed about this shit

>kill off the Exile
How long did you want her to live, nigga?

Jedi Jesus should've taken his harem and Bastila, met up with Revan, and then they all should've cruised around the Unknown/Unexplored Regions for a hundred years.

The Exile was canon female until Disney fixed the clusterfuck of the EU.


Best would be
>Revan is girl
Bastille can be lesbian
>Exile is boy
>You get to have Kreia's daughter in the team.
No one ever says good things about the historian.

Revan, Exile, t3 and Hk 47 travel to the unknown regions to take on the True Sith.

Chris Avelone said that they would also have a smaller crew.

That screws with the only decent parts of SWTOR lore, outside of the Sith Warrior.

Satele has to be born, somehow.

A male Exile's story is clearly better, though
>caring about Lucasarts' decision on 'canon'
Completely fucking irrelevant to something like the KotOR games.

This. Bastila's romance works equally as well (if not even better, because /u/) for a girl as it does a male Revan. A male Exile gets far better subtext, subplots, and interactions with pretty much everyone compared to a female Exile.
Though there's really no reason they couldn't both be male. It's not like people were screaming for a female representative or something.

>couldn't take the whole harem +Atris with you
Christ, Avellone, what were you thinking?

Who? I don't know these things. Explain.

>Bastilla's romance works equally well if not even better

No it doesn't you mong. I can't even tell you how retarded that is. You can't just take a character and say 'Oh yeah they're a lesbian too!'. That's literal fucking fan-fiction tier. Thank fucking Christ you weren't one of the writers.

>Avellone, what were you thinking?
That involving anyone else against the literal strongest force user in the galaxy would likely be assured death, probably. You know what happened when they reached the Emperor, right? He slapped the Exile to death with his dick and backhanded Revan into a coma while laughing. The rest of fhe group would have been slaughtered.

In SWTOR, Revan and Bastilla's Daughter is the Grand Master of the Jedi. You see her in two of the three opening cinematics.

She also goes on to have a son that becomes an important member of the SIS in later tracking down Revan's cult.

Why wouldn't Bastille be lesbian? She had a connection to Revan. Gender didn't matter. I dont' say it would be better but it works perfectly well.

>revan and bastille nail each other
Not sure if I like it that much.

I take it this is SWTOR lore?

It's the canon ending to KOTOR, you idiot. Revan briefly goes back to the Light Side, the romance with Bastilla ends a bit after she gives birth to Satele and the Jedi do their normal thing of not allowing love, and then Revan goes off to (fail at) killing the Sith Emperor.

>You can't just take a character and say 'Oh yeah they're a lesbian too!'. That's literal fucking fan-fiction tier. Thank fucking Christ you weren't one of the writers.
No, because none of the key themes of Bastila's romance necessitate that Revan be male, you fucking idiot. The Force-bond, the feeling of connection, the fact that Revan was brave enough to defy the council and act for himself which Bastila secretly wanted to do herself, being tempted by what she felt in Revan's personality - exactly what part of that is keyed upon Revan being a guy? It'd work just as well with a female Revan, with some slightly different subtext - in fact, the second game actually addresses this, by implying that Atris still fell for a female Exile (she's just not as loud and overt about it as she is for a male one)

>That involving anyone else against the literal strongest force user in the galaxy would likely be assured death, probably. You know what happened when they reached the Emperor, right? He slapped the Exile to death with his dick and backhanded Revan into a coma while laughing.
Yes, because that was entirely a well-handled plot point instead of a huge copout to set up TOR's chosen one storyline. Maybe it wasn't clear by the fact that we're literally discussing alternatives to canon, and thus I don't particularly care for Bioware's choices in the matter, but somehow I think if Obsidian had been able to make KotOR III the way they wanted they might not have handled things exactly the same way Bioware did. Fuck, are you actually defending Bioware's canon 'plotting'?

Oh I know the financial reasons.

Almost nobody in the West makes games anymore because they have an artistic vision.

Can I play SWTOR without paying for the subscription?

>What class story should I start with, user?

Consular is the best jedis story, and you can stealth past most of the trash shit.

She's the granddaughter or great granddaughter of Revan and Bastila, bro. There's centuries between KOTOR and SWTOR.

It has F2P, wherein you get the class stories and some of the older expansions for free. Double XP event on now so it'll be easier on you. Don't fall for the "WAAAAAH LESS XP BEYOND LEVEL 20!" bullshit that people cry about, F2P still get way more XP than subscribers did at launch so you'll level plenty fast.

Then they turned the mmo into a single player story rpg.

>huge copout to set up TOR's chosen one storyline

But it doesn't. The only two storylines you meet the Emperor in, out of eight, are the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior. The former kills one of his mouths, who then causes a good portion of Malachor to implode, while the latter became his executioner after being chosen by his Hands. In fact, the ONLY real 'Chosen One' storyline in TOR was the Knight, and that's just because it's loosely based on Luke.

The next time we 'meet' the Emperor is when Revan tries to kill him again, this time having become unstable and attempting a big Dark Side ritual to do it. The Emperor gets a laugh out of it before going off to eat a planet and build a new Empire for giggles.

>Centuries between KOTOR and SWTOR.

Waht. I could have sworn Theron called Revan his grandfather. I thought Satele was just old and it had been quite some time after Kotor.

Yes. Start now to take advantage of a 200x EXP boost until the end of November, it's fantastic. If anything, I'd say drop a few bucks on the Cartel Coin shit to get Preferred status, it gives you everything you need.

What's preferred get me?

It eases some of the more ridiculous restrictions that F2P have.

>But it doesn't.
There is - it's possible to analyse the whole post-KotOR II canon as essentially being a rejection of Obsidian's own reevaluation of the characters and narrative of KotOR I, particularly Revan, in that Bioware worked to not only disprove but flat-out decry any ambiguity or interpretation Obsidian had brought to 'their' characters; and thus for it to be a complete a rejection as possible (since Revan and the Exile were no longer player characters) they /had/ to be seen to fail, so as to set up the Emperor as the villain of TOR who could be defeated not by any particular character class, but the player themselves - but it's pretty late, and that was borderline incoherent anyway; so I guess I'll explain if I see you 'round the threads again.

Atris is and will always be the best girl.