>girl joins the clan
Girl joins the clan
Other urls found in this thread:
>gm is a girl
>she actually helps other players
>she helps you to instance farm gold
>even gives you golds if she sees you online
thanks Becky
>that girl is you
>girl (male)
>girl joins the clan
>she's garbage
>instead of waiting on her like slaves, people shittalk her and eventually kick her when she doesn't get better
>Girl joins VC
>Able to act completely natural and make conversation, it's all good with no problems
>Everybody else except me and the grill leaves voice
>It's just us alone
>Don't know how to do one to one conversation for the life of me
>Atmosphere gets increasingly more awkward with every passing second
>"u-uh I have something to go do, later!"
>leave VC despite having nothing to do
How do you talk to grills, Sup Forums?
Stop acting like they're something special about them. They have a pussy and long hair who fucking cares. It's just some chick from like fucking Bulgaria. Stop being a bitch
You just did :3
Ask them questions about themselves, bring up things you might have in common(work, media, school, other hobbies) or if you're desperate gossip. Honestly it's more of a confidence/willpower issue than it is a knowledge issue.
You don't really have to make constant conversation if it's just the two of you remaining.
>player joins clan
>chill as fuck and good too
>talk to him everyday n shit
>short before the game dies discover player is actually a girl
>dont give a fuck
>game dies
>stay in contact with girl after years
>not a single problem
You take them of the pedestal and talk to them like you would a random dude you met on VC.
>Join voicechat and suddenly get 20 thirsty guys messaging me and trying to get in my pants
>Offering me free things and trying to get me to join their raid runs even though I'm garbage at the game
>Not even a girl just sound like one
4 mmo's now and I can never decide if I should roll with it and feed off the betas or admit I've got a cock.
Yeah, I remember that part in "Things that never happened".
Didn't like it because it's too obviously bullshit, though.
>things that never happened; the post
post vocaroo
Don't. They'll steal your essence over the internet. You did the right thing.
>be top healer at raid group
>always get gear first
>raid leader and his gf are close irl friends but she doesn't play
>one day shitty annoying girl joins the group
>she can't heal for shit
>everyone hates her and shit talks her behind her back
>raid leader loves her and start giving her gear first
>I keep doing almost double her healing done while she shittalks the whole raid
>still have to cover for RL when hes cheating on his gf with internet bimbo
God I'm glad I left wow, and to no ones surprise she and the RL ended up breaking the raid group.
how do I talk to random people in general?
>"hey guys we're making a few changes to revamp the guild..."
It's a fucking death sentence every time, is it
Why do women have to ruin everything
>implying that wouldnt make half of them harder
Nigga you want free shit?
If not try to deepvoice shit
>girl joins the clan
>gets on voice chat
>fear the worst
>first words out of her mouth are "I'm a lesbian"
It's just the nature of things.
Men are makers, but also weak-willed providers.
Women are takers, ruthless in pursuit of their and only their happiness.
Though it wouldn't be so bad if modern men learned that women are not worth it. Then maybe women would start improving until they started being worth it.
This gif is shit and you should feel like shit for posting it.
Just be yourself.
>is immediately made a clan admin
>talking to strangers in voice chat
How about no. That's why MMOs and guilds and shit are not for me. I keep to the people I know irl when it comes to gaming and chatting on voice chat
>You have been banned
>Reason: stop hitting on my gf asshole
I'm in my late 20's and my voice never really dropped I guess.
>only have girls on friends list that all play together
>have to carry them in every match
>get called a traitor when l play against them and rape face
>idk how l feel
that wont stop the guys from white knighting, and being thirsty.
Why? Its just voices, if you have issues with that how do you manage talking to ppl irl when they can actually see you?
>my mum joins a guild
>she gets an extravagant amount of attention
>basically acts like some godmother to the other guild members
>all of the guys in it creepily hit on her and constantly make sex jokes around her
>They tried to find her Facebook and we had to disable it
I just wish she would stop playing that fucking game and move onto something else where these creepy fucks can't talk to her.
show us that cock
>Treat everyone roughly in my guild because I'm the designated fool
>One member that likes me a lot, always asks me to do dungeons and shit together joins TS for the first time
>Oh shit it's a girl
>She gets a shitton of attention
>Since then she's solicited by thirsties and showered in gifts
>Still plays with me
>People get annoyed with me, all passive aggressive
>Turns into drama when I dare say "just treat her like anyone else you thirsty moronic baboon"
>Massive butthurt
>Officer kicks me (I was officer as well)
>Girls leaves in a heartbeat
>Find another guild where everything went better
It's really frightening. The guild was pretty cool before that but even when the girl isn't an attention whore like it usually is, everyone shifts their attention towards them.
this is a prank
My GM was a woman, she was like 40, more a mother to us all than some teenage girl that reveled in the attention of thirsty beta.
I'd fuck your boipussy so goddamn hard.
I'm not posting my dick on Sup Forums
Mostly because I'm a yuro peon and English isn't my native language. I'm very self conscious about my German accent. Everyday situations are a non issue, but being in an English speaking environment is (like games)
>in a bunch of clans with mixed genders almost never a problem
I feel sorry for people suffering in low quality groups.
Stop cryin' there, Luffy!
>girl joins linkshell in 2005
>talks about meth all the time
>has already had threesomes
>she's apparently only 12
>being 12 myself, eventually she gives me her number and i call her
>get to know her over the phone and, yep, she's 12
>nice enough person, just completely consumed by the rough environment she was growing up
>all these years later, her life is rekt
I had a pretty vanilla upbringing, but at least I've got everything lined up to still kind of succeed, even if late.
>>all these years later, her life is rekt
as if the meth thing didnt already seal it
pretty much this, all the chicks in my groups are just another part of the crew, nobody is getting special attention and we actively make fun of people who do that shit
It's just a dick user. We don't ask you to put a sharpie in the pooper
No, you'd probably do the same if you were to speak in German.
Practice makes perfect you autist. Just try to speak and you'll make instant progress.
Chances you'll find other euros that speak with an equally shitty accent so just play on that and you'll do fine
>Owner of the server is a french woman in her 40s
>Creepy woman
>Decidedly not a milf or anything
>Always makes very sexual comments to young guys
>Makes everyone uncomfortable
>She's paying for the server though so none of us do anything
>Pulls a friend of mine in to private voice chat
>"I think I'm falling in love with you. If I pay for your flight will you come visit me?"
>Last straw, we all pick up and leave
>A couple months later see her post pictures of her and a 16 year old mexican she flew out to see her
Fuckin girls in MMOs am I right guys
>clan/guild disbands within the month
>girl leaves your life
>playing in clan
how old are you? 10?
teach me how to sound cute user
No clue, that's just how I've always sounded.
I wish
>Even being part of a clan
>Girl on CSGO
>Immediately ask her what colour her pubes are
Goes well, every time.
>the entire clan gets catfished by a guy
>this is the third time its happened
How can one group of men be this stupid
As long as you're at least understandable then nobody cares my man, nothin to be nervous about people just wanna play the game
>black guy joins the klan
>girl joins the clan
>they sound nice and cute
>fantasize about what she must be like in a lewd way
>a week later 'she's' busted as a pubescent boy
>he's the brother of another clan member who took a dare.
desperate guys who use online communities to fill the hole in their social life, why wouldn't they cling to whatever bit of pussy they could possibly even come close to
>Blaming people for getting catfished when guys sound like this nowadays
>clan merges with other clan for competitive
>find out they have a girl member on their comp team
>gets a shit ton of attention right away from everyone on our side
>sounds like a tranny but is actually really good at the game and is more serious about it than just about everyone
>usually one of the people telling everyone to focus on call-outs instead of having idle chatter.
>everything went better than expected
>clan joins official tournament
>after moderate success she gets caught aim-boting blatantly with video evidence and the fallout turns the clan chat into complete damage control bs instead of banning her from the comp team like in our rules
>clan wages a forum war of damage control and i just slip away from the competitive groups over a months time because nobody can stop talking about how much devs suck and just play the game.
after 3 years i just stopped playing one night and never logged in again, i was warned but there was nothing i could do guys.
for fuck's sake just pronounce it like the first two syllables of anonymous you autistic fucking niggers
>girl joins clan
>leave clan
Heh nothin personnel kids
Both my two Overwatch comp healer friends are girls, so was my previous guild leader in WOW. Stop being so fucking omega,at least be beta ffs. Our Overwatch flanker would hit on one of the healers 24/7 even though I think she would ride our other tank (not me sadly), are you all like that online?
>blowing your cover that your a girl
i´d rather play with people caring HOW you play
>have been in the guild for 2 months, undercover so everyones chill and neutral friendly
>bimbo joins and guild flipps its shit within a week
>actually met my wife this way in lotro
>both history majors
>she focused on east asia, imperial china specifically
>i focused on rome
>we're currently writing a novel that focuses on these two settings to give fantasy something other than medieval europe
Life is good and worth living.
actually jealous
>Life is good and worth living.
Oh no
He's retarded
That's awesome, make sure she works in some ancient Sichuanese hydraulic siege weaponry. Flooded cities!
>i focused on rome
Great taste compatriot
everyone here never says a word and watches the guild fall apart from a distance
or like me are pretty sociable in game and in real life and see more and more of the beta orbiting happen as every conversation in voice chat becomes more and more awkward due to the uncomfortable fixation on the girl by your guild mates
then someone gets jealous and you wake up to the whole guild hiroshima'd due to someone giving the girl mod priveleges
thats because healer is easy as fuck to play and the team mostly carries you. This is coming from a healer
>girls joins clan
>everyone giving her way too much attention
>guy I hate ends up fawning over her like a dork constantly
>but something seems fishy to me...
>I find out later the chick is a dude
>I'm the only one that knows
That's how it goes
guys are thirsty as fuck, especially the kind playing most videogames
imo if I were a girl I'd just keep my trap shut and only mention it to guys that I like, after telling them to keep their own traps shut about it.
genuinely happy for you user, you give me hope that one day i will find my imperial china history major one day. unfortunately all i seem to attract are single mothers and immature teenagers.
>play online pvp anything
>guy joins, bad at game, flamed never to return
>girl joins, bad at game, lel it's all good dont worry i can teach you
cringe every time
And that is why you don't have any friends
>girl joins the clan
>chaos and disbanding in 3... 2...
>imperial china & rome
Have you been keeping up on that? They'd had diplomatic relations for years but recent documents uncovered suggests that Liu Bei actually appealed to Rome for support, and got told to fuck off in a letter from Alexander Severus himself.
are you a castrato?
How the fuck? They were literally continents away.
the only way it should be done to be honest.
it's pretty sad to watch people slave themselves away for some girl on the internet that probably lives half across the globe
it would already be sad if they did it irl, but on the internet they often do it without even having the tiniest chance of ever getting anywhere
>hear two grills in server
>expect them to start talking to each other about grill stuff
Take up smoking and drinking hard liquor.
There were roman coins recently dug up in china buddy
Closer ties than we used to think
I fucking love scotch.
Silk road.
Incidentally, they were actually on really good terms with each other. Surviving Chinese documents has nothing but glowing praise for Rome. Conversely, out of all the foreigners from the East to come pay respect to Rome? The Romans were noted as liking the Seres (their name for the Chinese) the most. The Chinese envoys had specific awe for the Consulate, which they mistook for kingship. They considered it nothing short of amazing that the Mandate of Heaven could be transferred so peacefully.
Oh, yeah, China thought Rome had the Mandate too, something that only the Son of Heaven (Chinese Emperor) should have possessed. Rome was the exception in most everything to China.
They had the Mandate of Heaven, when that should have been Chinese only. They were affectionatelly called "Daqin" (Great Qin), despite not being Confucian (which Imperial China considered the absolute foundation for civilization). Despite this, China openly declared it their equal.
The real amazing thing about that? Rome was their only equal under the sun. The rest of East Asia was their subordinate. When the Mongols conquered, the Han still saw themselves as superior. When the Manchus conquered, the Han still saw themselves as superior. The Romans were the only ones the Han ever looked at and said "yes, you are my equal."
There was never anyone after Rome. In its entire 2000 year history, Rome was the only other civilization that Imperial China ever willingly shared the metaphorical mountain top with.
I really wish rome hadn't fallen prey to infighting and corruption and collapse
No way!
>Late 20s and sounds like this
What the fuck!
>girl joins the guild
>straight up says she's gay and has a gf
>people still orbit her anyway
>guild splits into 2 groups and disintegrates
Could have so easily been avoided. Choose your guildmates wisely (no orbiters/latent orbiters).
>stay in vent after guild run
>almost all other guildis leave
>only left me and one female guildmate
>have some smalltalk
>after that dies down we sit silently in vent just doing MMO stuff
>another female guildmate joins vent eventually
>they start having some smalltalk
>seem to forget that I'm still in vent
>both start to talk about periods, cramps and their boyfriend's dicks within 5 minutes of conversation
>girl joins server
>starts singing
>it's actually pretty good
>everyone vote kicks her
thirsty dudes just want female attention. its not like it matters if shes single ever anyways
The only acceptable form on singing on a server is drunkenly singing with your mates
>girl joins the clan
>she's actually the most knowledgeable about the game and is helpful to everyone
this has happened to me more often than not
Oh, that happened in part 3.
Is this a Jojo reference, do you think?
I assume you're all over the multiple attempts by China and Rome to establish embassies with eachother?
Good luck with your novel, bro.