You know, if Capcom did a PS4 and Steam version along with a Switch version of stuff, I think it would help. The US and UK is very different from Japan and local multiplayer isn't as common.
Finally, I'll be able to hunt monsters on my phone.
Capcom confirmed for leaving Nintendo and going to Ps4 pro
Will they move the series forwards if they do so, or will the games still be about moving through small areas composed of very small rooms with loading screens? The series has not technologically progressed at all since the first game.
But that phone doesn't have a screen...
Hardware limitations
>tfw monhun will go with ps4 because of it's popularity
>tfw no more monhun with my niggas
Monster Hunter will never be popular in the west because it's inherently a shit game.
i like it portable which would be cool with switch coz its technically a console, but ill get a ps4 mohun if that happens.
I'm pretty sure it will get a PC/switch version. Plus don't the devs hate sony?
>handhelds are limiting sales
>when all of their top selling MH games were on handhelds
Amazing, truly.
I'm fucking horrified.
The description of MH5 on PS4 was fucking horrific. Like it was basically fucking not even Monster Hunter anymore.
Still sounded fun, I'll keep an open mind, but fuck them for changing things.
in the west nigger, read the fucking link holy shit.
>shit games aren't popular in the west
Epic meme, lad
Fucking upside down designs
The lead developer for monster hunter said It's a design choice, and that it will most likely never change the way people expect it too. They have tried doing one giant area during development, and they said it felt a lot less like monster hunter, and more like some generic action game.
i doubt MH is popular in here
maybe 5 years ago
they havent even said anything about MH5 you fuckin mongoloid, they mighta been talking about the new Frontier game which is shite.
>He doesn't know
Somebody leaked MHXX and the same leak also talked about Sony bankrolling MH5 for PS4 and how it would be open world and drop the mission structure.
I did read the link, you don't realize that fact is true IN the West you piece of shit. We had an MH game on Nintendo's top-selling home console of all time and it still sold like shit in the West.
You know what would really help MH grow in the west?
If they released the fucking game at the same date as japan instead of a year later and if japan didn't get exclusive "fuck you non-chong" content.
Well that and if they improved online play.
This is the leak:
>mfw mh cross-cross was just leaked to me
>mfw mh5 was just leaked to me
>mfw mh5 was paid for by sony because they are desperate for japan
>mfw mh5 contract specifically forbids switch release but doesnt care about xbox or pc
>mfw mh5 is open world, combat is being changed to be more acceptable for west, and the timer and missions are gone
>mfw portable is coming back and is switch exclusive
>mfw portable keeps the old mechanics>>mfw huge internal strife at capcom
I really doubt that, just a rumor, and anyone honestly could see MHXX coming a mile away.
MHO sort of does it, you can see other areas from the area you're in, including players and monsters fighting in adjacent areas, but each area is still separated by a transition.
>I-It'll be on the ps4 only bros!
It'll probably be multi plat capcom regained the ability to see money.
But he predicted the fucking NAME
That's what's so legit. Who the FUCK could predict such a shitty name?
Open world sounds bad, but I'd like a game where each region you get sent to for a quest is a large, seamless area.
Switch and ps4 multiplat is my guess.
Unless either company pays for exclusivity it would be the most logical choice.
I get where they're coming from, but they can only do the same thing for so long
It might change the feel of the game some, but so long as the combat mechanics and style remain I feel like it wouldn't really matter that much
I just want to be able to hunt with a gamepad in high resolution
>>mfw mh5 is open world, combat is being changed to be more acceptable for west, and the timer and missions are gone
idk man, maybe just dumb luck? if the MH5 by sony rumor is true i'd be kinda skeptical, I want a MH on console again but if the changes are true i hope they make the game around those changes.
What? Are they telling me this doesn't look appealing?
Well Dark Souls is and it's basically the same shit
fucking please
make up for Deep Down
>mfw mh5 was paid for by sony because they are desperate for japan
It's gonna be another SF5 isn't it?
Sony and Capcom don't go well together which is funny since Capcom works well with everyone else.
Souls got lucky enough to have a culture created around it.
Mohunt is mohun, I doubt people will like it that much.
>PS4 and Steam version
Keep dreaming...
...I know I will :(
Deep Down redesigned as Monster Hunter for the PS4 confirmed
>Sony desperate for japan
>mh5 is open world, combat is being changed to be more acceptable for west, and the timer and missions are gone
good luck
Monster Hunter stories Fucking when?
>mfw portable keeps the old mechanics
Old mechanics of Cross/Generations
MH is ruined forever, it's over boys
Expect baby shit mechanics and anime effects to be a staple of the franchise now
>Radical changes
>Console exclusive
Lol no. Capcom isn't dumb enough to break both pillars and royally screw over their strong brand. Especially when the Switch was likely made with Monster Hunter in mind.
But who knows, its Capcom.
if the MH5 rumor is true and they get rid of the timer and missions, i dont think it will be drastically different, the timer is fuckin useless and only really matters if u got some shit gear, you can down anything on solo in like 30 minutes if its super hard, but idk how they are going to get rid of missions? thats kinda weird.
>get to play with sonybros and nintenbros
Have a Monster Hunter game ready at launch for the Switch and they'll be golden. Or at the very least satisfy me deeply.
>All these people saying PS4
Get ready for Monster Hunter Switch
they are talking phones and tablet, not consoles.
>implying theyll even bother putting it on any console at all
theyll keep working on handhelds because they want to work within the limitations that it has
its reused assets
it still looks like the same shit theyve been using since it came out on the ps2
>xbros is all alone
Maybe if the "grow in the west" and "handhelds limiting sales" parts are completely separate. If they are meant as one, then that would not make sense.
What's really limiting sales is the fact that Monster Hunter is fucking garbage.
>open world, combat is being changed to be more acceptable for west, and the timer and missions are gone
well it took longer than I thought but MH is finally dead
It really means nothing.
I can't really see Capcom alienating Japanese fans releasing the next game in home consoles only.
Switch seems obvious.
Maybe if they stopped exclusively putting them on handhelds and rereleasing Tri we'd be able to get somewhere.
>mhxx announced
>they might move from the 3ds
>i've literally spent my life savings into a 3ds just for monhun
oh no, i might have to get a job now
I would probably buy monster hunter on ps4.
I've said it once and I'll say it again.
Nintendo would fund and lend workhorses to get Monster Hunter on the switch. They wouldn't even need it to take advantage of the hardware, they just need it to be there.
Have they not paid attention to their own game sales of ports they've been doing like Dragons Dogma. PC is a perfect place for Monster Hunter.
>>mfw mh5 was paid for by sony because they are desperate for japan
>>mfw mh5 is open world, combat is being changed to be more acceptable for west, and the timer and missions are gone
So their plan to reclaim japan would be to move towards home consoles when Japan prefers handhelds, and do open world and combat 'more acceptable for the west'?
That leak sounds like complete bullshit and yet somehow I would not be surprised.
Boy I'll be glad when this "leak" stops making its rounds.
>life savings
>200 bucks
Underageb& pls kys yourself
I mean, I wouldn't put it past Capcom to be shortsighted enough to fuck over their Japanese base in an attempt to appeal to Westerners (SFV, anybody?), but that's something they absolutely cannot afford with Monster Hunter, which is one of their only streams of revenue at the moment.
The series really took off when it was portable with PSP and then the 3DS. Moving it to PS4 would be a horrendous decision.
Dark Souls only became popular because of the influx of people that started playing video games during the previous generation, and it was largely talked about because of how difficult it was. If it wasn't for that, it would be extremely niche just like how kings field was.
If nobody knows what Kings Field is. It's the Spiritual Predecessor to the Souls games.
>it still looks like the same shit theyve been using since it came out on the ps2
The last time they upgraded anything visually was when it went to Wii with tri. Also, you are forgetting about how they apparently have high detail renders of all the monsters for promotional material, that the game models are probably made from.
Switch is perfect for Monster Hunter. It allows people who prefer playing it portably and on a console to co-exist and even multiplayer on the same platform.
So why did Sony let Capcom ditch them and skip off into the sunset with Ninty, anyway? They still seem to have been smarting over it, considering the amount of MH-esque games on the Vita. Given how popular it is in Japan, I would've thought they'd really make an effort to hold on to them.
Didn't the wiiu version of 3U sell lile shit?
because the Vita sold like shit compared to the 3DS
It's true though.
>kill monster
>get new armor/weapons
>kill bigger monster
>rinse and repeat forever
There's nothing wrong with that. What else did you want?
4U was pretty huge in the west, X/Gen is just a piece of shit.
Yes, not anywhere close to 1 million at minimum
Let's say the new MH is PS4 only
How big is the drop in sales?
No one would buy their crap if they keep using those shitty graphics on home consoles or PCs
Watch them go back to handhelds because they can't use the same assets over and over, lol.
>mfw portable is coming back and is switch exclusive
>mfw portable keeps the old mechanics
And nothing of value was lost to Nintendo.
If I had to guess -- and if previous speculation was true -- Nintendo probably offered them a much better deal with online servers than Sony would ever offer. Not only that, but they wouldn't have to upgrade their graphical resources that much for 3DS compared to the Vita.
I'm amazed people are this naive.
That faggot in /mhg/ didn't even guess the game correctly (It's Double Cross, not Cross Cross).
Tri on the Wii sold well, better than they expected and Nintendo footed the bill to host servers for it in the west.
Sony also wanted trophies and shit for MonHun and the directors behind MonHun didn't want to deal with making parts of the game mandatory for players.
>Monster Hunter Freedom 3
that'll just guarantee a spot on the switch
at this point im not really invested on the idea that capcom will bother making a console MH game
right now im just expecting MHX or MH4 ports on the switch
I don't think Bloodborne even hit 3m despite the Souls series being much more popular in the west than MH.
It's definitely be in the 2m range at most.
500k peak.
>Freedom 3 (PSP)
what the fuck
Is mh gookgrind-core?
It's spelled double cross you stupid nigger, stop reposting your shitty "leak" just because you almost managed to guess the name of the game correctly.
Hard to say, but if I had to guess, it would probably be very substantial. The portability aspect of it is the biggest draw of it in Japan, and removing that in an attempt to draw in Western sales has the potential to really backfire.
If I had to make a numerical guess, I would say < 2m, maybe even < 1.5m.
>Sony fans see this as a PS4 confirmation that there will be a PS4 game soon
>MH fans see this as confirmation they are stopping 3DS development and moving to the Switch now
Unless you actually think the devs have forgiven sony for their bullshit in the past, don't count on a PS4 release ever. You might get some of the spinoff titles though.
I don't know why they stopped putting games out on console when they were doing great with 3U on Wii U and 3DS. I was assuming they were gonna do it that for every game, stupid me.
They're probably talking about smartphones.
Anyone who thinks they're talking about home consoles is wishful thinking.
>right now im just expecting MHX or MH4 ports on the switch
That would honestly be fine. That would give them their experimental release plus experience developing for the Switch.
Monster Hunter XX HD on the Switch .
Screen cap this
Because the 3U sales on Wii U weren't great enough to justify it.
I enjoyed owning both and playing on my TV and then getting to copy my character over for on the go.
Story, more detailed exploration
Man I loved playing MH3U on Wii U. Switch is perfect for Monhun, I just hope Capcom realizes it. PC would be great too but we know that will never happen.
It's interesting to note that Inafune and a few of the Sony Japan Studio guys were hassling Sony to release SSD on the PS4, but got shot down because Sony apparently claimed that "Hunting games just don't sell on consoles domestically".
I wonder if they still have that line of thinking?
To be fair, the WIIU sold like shit. You can't expect more people to become interested in a series when people aren't even buying the system. It's not like the 3DS where it was already established, and the user base sky rocketed.