What games let me play as an average looking manlet?
What games let me play as an average looking manlet?
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old news
Too fucking real
>these are the kind of people who make "how can XX even compete?" threads
>I would do [outrageous statement] for that
Not once have these statements been true.
If they were willing to invest so much effort into it they would have achieved their goal well, for those cases were it is possible to achieve it.
>there are people on the internet who actually fell for the 'women only want money' -meme
and on this volume
what the fuck
He should've just watched anime and gotten a waifu.
It isn't a meme though.
Money works. But autists think it means that they're not required to say or do anything; that bitches will just pile into their shitty 200 series Mercedes just for existing.
>tfw 27 year old virgin
you need money no matter what
but there is eventually a point where a girl would rather cry in a BMW than be happy on a bicycle if you get what I'm saying
I barely make enough just to survive as it is.
This is what happens when you race mix
Okay, I'm gonna share my story here before it gets deleted, so you can point and laugh, or cry with me, it cover all the bases.
>Fell for a girl
>We hang out a lot and we get along fine
>She rejects me, but she still wants me around
>She goes into college and for a very taxing career
>During 14 (fourteen) years, she kept the same position with me, she didn't want me as anyhting more than a friend, and we still get along just fine
>I had lovers here and there, but none of them lasted, for different reasons
>She gets a chance to study overseas for a month or two and tell me to go with her
>Can't get enough money, and she says it's better I don't go because she would be more busy than expected and it was pointless to spend that much money if we can't do anything
>She comes back and we decide to go together for a weekend to a local beach (we never did this before)
>Friends who knew about it told me "Get ready to get some"
>I brush it off saying there was no way that would happpen
>It happens
>The caveat was that it was a one time only, she confessed she was a virgin and thought me of all people would take better care of her during her first than anyone else
>We do it all weekend
>She wents from prude to absolute lewd
>She tells me a few months later if I want to move with her, but to forget about the sex
>3 weeks after we moved we go back to sex
>We're already like a married couple, since we known each other for ages
>She outlewds me, to the point she wants it more than I do
>I get tired of it easily, and I'm too vanilla for her taste
>When trouble arises, I just let her be and lock myself in the guest room where my vidya was
>When I am in trouble, instead of telling her, proceed to lock myself as well
>Relationship starts to crumble
>Instead of trying to salvage it, I went full sperg and decide I didn't want any of it anymore
>Move out and leave her alone
>To this day, I regret I left her.
>you need money no matter what
no you don't
I'm broke as shit and multiple grills drooling over my dick
The mentally handicap children you work with at the local elementary school do not count.
How? I have never had even one girl ever want me. I'm unemployed but I just want to get laid once in my fucking life.
Elliot was right
All whores and people who think they are superior must fucking die
This game will teach you all you need to know about getting laid.
I got it for my grandchildren last christmas and they love it.
I don't even fucking know to be honest
I'm introverted, have basically zero social media presence and I'm bit socially retarded.
I think if you just meet enough people someone is going to like you and they have whatever reasons they have.
A hooker costs money, which is the opposite of what I have.
>When trouble arises, I just let her be and lock myself in the guest room where my vidya was
>When I am in trouble, instead of telling her, proceed to lock myself as well
>Relationship starts to crumble
you don't fucking say
>Be attractive
>Don't be unattractive
There you go
Are you younger than 25? Part of my problem was that I couldn't bring home girls to my parents house, never had enough money for anything, and didn't know anybody (or even couldn't go to the places that I could meet people) without getting punished for it. Also not having a car.
Tell that to my three years ago self, I can't believe I did that, and what makes it worse, is that at the moment, all I thought was "Good riddance"
I don't even want to start over, I don't even want to pass on my genes, in case my offspring comes out half as stupid as I came.
I can't complain or protest, I've been given the golden ticket and willingly, tore it apart.
Meaningless and useless.
That's the point dipshit
Because ya can't
You need backup user, someone to tell you when a girl is into you, someone to scout the fields of house parties and shitty bars.
I'm far from a ladies man but when I go out with friends to parties or bars we're all trying to get eachother laid.
When I lost my virginity (at 21) my friend brought the girl to my table, started the conversation and left after hanging out for 5 minutes. You just can't go out in the field without backup user.
It must really suck to be a Sup Forumstard
Most of the time, it involves going to the gym, kinda like what Elliot Rodger did. However, if you go to the gym only to look good for girls, then that is depressing.
Other than that, yeah, your advice is pretty much it if you just want to get laid.
I don't have that. I'm 27, the few friends I have are all married and don't go out like that.
That's my problem desu, worst part is I live on the outskirts of town so while people I know can walk 5 minutes and be in a club, I have to go to a bit of trouble to get there and I'm incredibly lazy.
Would you anons have pity sex with Elliot?
Well then I'm fucked since all my friends no longer want to go to those kinds of scenes because they already have wifes now (i'm the last one who never had gf, never got laid, etc). All of them already tried played the matchmaking game with the wife's friends and other people they know.
>/r9k/ champions this dude
>he's basically just a male version of an attention whore
>24 years old no gf kissless not virgin because of hooker
>start thinking back about my life
>Realize that I had women all over me ever since I have memory
>Realize that even now I still have women who aren't subtle about wanting my dick
>Do nothing about it because I'm a retard
I even have one girl right now who's really good lucking and I'm sure I could go out with if I tried. But I don't do anything. I don't even know what I would do if I did.
Thank you Jesus for this autism.
That is even better user, their wives SURELY can get you into both the situation and the girl that you need, you don't even need a close relationship with her just talk with her and be straight, tell her that you are looking for a girl to hook up and you are out of options.
Seriously get friendly with those wives user.
That's rough, isn't it really awkward being around them if they know all that shit?
I'd set him up to get raped
He could have easily gotten a girl if he wasn't such a fucking egotistical sperg.
Barely. Hes an inch shorter than the average guy. I have a friend who is a bit shorter than him and has no trouble with women,
If you live in a hick town, good fucking luck. I live in one too. No bars, no clubs, no hipster places... fuck Kentucky.
I can't even get laid using Craig's List and replying to ads. Nobody ever replied to any of my ads in the 3 years I've been posting there not including bots and homosexual men who can't read my ad in saying I'm only interested in women.
Elliot Rodger was so based.
I wish I had enough courage to have my day of retribution against this fucked up world which wronged me so much...
I'm afraid this will be me in 5-6 years. In fact this is probably the closest anyone's described to my situation and feelings on it. I even had multiple confirmations on this one qt, my best friend at the time repeatedly told me she was into me, another couple people mentioned it to my face, and she blatantly wanted it as well. Honestly don't know what's wrong with me.
Not a great idea telling the wives that, they probably won't be sympathetic to him. Better to take the 'looking for a date' angle.
They outright poke fun at me for it. I tell them to stop it, and they know it annoys me when they do that. This includes all the couples kissing at once, which does happen if we all meet at once. They don't even want to hang out anymore without their significant others, and I'm starting to actually get left out of activities because I don't have a date. I hate being the only single person when in a group.
This so much
>play dota 2 with friends gf all the time
>visit them every now and them
>she is always trying to hook me up with her friends
>every month or so I get free pussy just for visiting my bros house
Best feeling
Unironically this
>average looking
He's good looking in my opinion. If he doesn't stand a chance then fuck me I'm fucked.
Jesus Christ m8, they don't sound much like friends. That said, I have barely any friends so take my advice with a pinch of salt.
That's not an option at all. All those women are friends with each other and have no single friends. Furthermore, even if I asked something like that, they wouldn't help me even if they could.
Something that worked for me, when you are alone with 1 of the girls tell them the truth. Tell them you are shit with girls and never had a girlfriend. Ask her advice on how she likes to be approached etc..
Woman fucking love these kinds of projects, either she hooks you up or threats you like a little boy from your favorite /ss/ manga.
If you are atleast on a friends basis she wont laugh if you are serious about this.
Well the only 2 friends wives I know are pretty chill and have hooked me up when I needed to, maybe try running it by your friends first, ask them how to ask their wives.
Lucky. I already decribed in my situation about that in this thread. One time though, I made a girl be scared of me after a date. The date itself was okay, but I guess it really wasn't if she literally left rooms while yelling just because I entered them (at a college student activity center).
Unless you don't look good, then she'll be a giant bitch.
Elliot's a good example of how (especially for guys) looks don't matter if you're batshit crazy. If you've ever listened to him talk, you can tell instantly he isn't normal. And I'm not talking about his content, I'm talking about his mannerisms, his voice, all of it looks contrived, none of it looks natural. The guy probably couldn't hold a normal conversation about fucking vidya. He could be tall and better looking and it wouldn't impact it.
How to get lots of cute girls to have sex with you EASY:
> be tall, muscular, handsome, intimidating and prone to risk taking and violence
If you are not all of these things then you better start making a lot of money to pay for it
he's probably a 6/10 keeping in mind he was like 5'8. he also had a fucking bmw and rich parents. if he wasnt completely clueless he would have done fine. everyone knows girls dont make the first move so what was he waiting for. still though i wonder how many girls got a look in to how it is to get zero female attention while being well above average status with decent looks.
i know remedial ogre looking land whales that get plenty of action and this guy couldnt figure it out? come on
>He could be tall and better looking and it wouldn't impact it.
He'd be drowning in cunt sludge if he was "quirky" (weird and good looking) instead of "creepy" (weird and not good looking).
He has nice eyes.
All that glitters is not gold. Looks alone won't do you any good, neither would money in the long run, it's all about the personality and charisma and Elliot came off as a desperate and narcissistic creep.
>he's probably a 6/10 keeping in mind he was like 5'8
That's a 6 for white people? Fuck.
Why did I have to be Asian
Thats pretty rough, my only other sure way to get girls are house parties, just find a drunk chubby girl smillin at you and you're golden. On the other hand I do have low standards so maybe thats not for everyone.
so it sounded like he had a speech impediment? or you know, some kind of mental disorder? i never heard him talk
It is easy
It's just takes time and effort.
You follow a routine and slap on a little bit more weight when you think you can handle it.
Don't eat fucking garbage constantly and go on a run once in a while.
Wam bam, you're /fit/
a 6/10 is good, id put elliot at 6.5 or 7 in the face and he was lean and tried to be fit but he was kind of short, possibly as short as 5'6. not sure what youre implying with the asian comment but i think half white half asians often look quite good.
Elliot never ever tried to ask a girl out, kiss them, or in fact do anything with them. He was never actually rejected, and even most good looking guys have to make some kind of move. So we can say he may have been marginally better off, but not much.
You don't have to worry too much, Asians are still all the rage amongst whites. If you're a black man, well most of the attraction from white girls comes from the thought of doing something considered taboo among their peers.
I've never been to a house party before. I've been trying to go to one since I was in high school, and that was a decade ago. Friends were able to go to them, however, I guess they just didn't invite me. Having a house party of my own would only bring like 3 people.
Elliot was /r/asianmasculinity personified
ive watched all the videos and read the manifesto. he spoke kind of like a textbook "niceguy" in a preechy condescending manner when it came to his true subject matter. he didnt have a speech impediment. his problem was that he was raised to act like a woman and simply thought you got a gf for sitting their looking good
I was implying I was Asian.
>I drive
At that point give yourself 2-3 months to improve yourself (starter gains are real) than go talk to her. Again, if you are on friends basis with her she will see that you are working on yourself so she sees you are serious. She will hook you up with an uggo at first. But experience is still experience
I knew I should of capitalized ALL
Some kind of disorder, I'd bet a lot that he talked in the same rehearsed, fake, villainous way in day to day convos as he did in his videos.
The asian thing is probably a meme, I had friend who was a 5'4 good looking asian and he always got mad pussy, he was good looking tho.
Don't forget rebelling against daddy
Cool thing about women dude is that they have a reset button on them. You can restart this anytime you want, the passage of time does not make a difference to them. Just hit her with the feels.
i see. i thought you were implying asian people were ugly
im not asian but im pretty sure asian girls are ok with their short asian males
All he needed was to be a little taller and some confidence and he would have been drowning in pussy
what the actual fuck
I know what you meant but it doesn't change what I wrote.
Everything else was up to personality and genetics but building muscle can be achieved.
This is my last post in the thread, but I've been rejected about 50 different times over the years. Many times it was because they were interesting in another guy instead, who they started dating like 2 days later.
Then again, I don't want to fuck someone who has kids older than I am.
that dude was hispaniard
OF COURSE he lost his virginity young
they ALL do
not her, she came from an affluent family and is going to an expensive school
read the manifesto if you want some real what the fuck
A reset button which also kick starts the broken record player
reminder that eliot crappers was a jew
Feel free to work your ass off getting ripped then work your ass off doing pickup to get a six who is unenthusiastic about fucking you and will cuck you at the first opportunity she gets
>Relationship starts to crumble
>Instead of trying to salvage it, I went full sperg and decide I didn't want any of it anymore
>Move out and leave her alone
>To this day, I regret I left her.
what changed from you two being best friends with benefits to you leaving her?