So, it's official. January 11.
Who else is ready and hyped?
So, it's official. January 11
>less functions than a WiiU
>no dpad
>not the replacement for 3ds allegedly
>can't use it in planes because it might just fall out of the window with the slightest of turns
>720p in 2017 (lasting to 2021)
Why would I be hyped for no games shitty namefag that just started posting a month ago.
yes, already started saving up for one.
hopefully MonHun and Etrian Odyssey might make an appearance on it
>Why would I be hyped for no games
Well, for one, it's both a console and a handheld and it's literally all of Nintendo's 1st party in one console. There will be games.
>shitty namefag that just started posting a month ago.
But I've been posting with his name since 2012, and been posting anonymously since 2008.
Yeah I think it would. The potential for Switch is sky high, and I'm not exaggerating. People are so hyped for this right now, the 3rd parties are taking notice. It would be like the Wii again in terms of hype.
>there will be games
So why didn't you make a thread about those games? And no Nintendo has said it isn't the successor to the 3ds. So you're not even educated on the matter either.
>but I
am a huge faggot
>So why didn't you make a thread about those games?
user, we barely have any news about it apart from that list of partners.
>Nintendo has said it isn't the successor to the 3ds
Of course it's not the successor of the 3ds because it has no successor. Switch is a hybrid console, making handhelds a thing of the past at the very least. Meaning, there is no need for a handheld. Get it?
>>can't use it in planes because it might just fall out of the window with the slightest of turns
lol what kind of fag third world country do you live in where your aeroplanes don't have windows
>we barely have any news
So tell me again why you should be hyped about what is currently known?
>ofc it's not the successor because it has no successor
Do you ever read your old comments and just cringe at how stupid they are? It implies you've grown as a person. I don't because I'm always right and I live on a plane of higher existence than pity faggots such as yourself. Then again, the sheer irony of this part of the post isn't lost on me even if it's all pure fact. I'm asking you because you, as a namefag, easily can.
i wanted a console, not a tablet.
What's wrong about speculation and talking about it though? Why are you so mad in the first place, it's not like talking about this is gonna kill you or something.
Thinking about it, the controller looks way better than a tablets.
>you're mad
Never fail to amaze me
Gonna be playan all those sweet games that have been delayed.
Nintendo picked a shit date.
I'm pretty sure it will do a good job impersonating a Xbone, like the PSP does a good job impersonating a PS2.
But in terms of games, i wanna see how they will deal with the great low budget shit DS/3DS got.
Not that user, but I hate it when you post on Sup Forums, I hate it when you post on Sup Forums because it's a shitpost so fuckoff.
I think they might delay the release to a month or two. They'll announce it in Jan 11, then only 2 months left till release? Seems a little too close for comfort.
Stop responding to namefags, you fucking moron.
Report, sage and ignore.
Who cares? I've never been so convinced before in my entire life. Difficulty, fun, gameplay, music - Literally only Nintendo and some diamond dozen indie developers give half of a fuck about any of these things.
I skipped the WiiU so money is of no concern. Games are all that matters.
maki nishikino eh?
my penis says nice
Yeah, difficulty in getting any support maybe.
The Switch looks terrible. It's a fucking handheld that plugs into the TV. I don't want that.
>New 3D Mario
>Mario Kart 8 Enhanced
The thing is not even out and it already has more games I want to play than a PS4.
Reminder. Switch is only the beginning.
>but ps4
Fuck off. 3D World was an insult to fucking 3D mario games.
Want me to tell you how I know you've never been on an airplane?
the DS wasn't the replacement for the GameBoy either
720p on a tablet is pretty decent for a portable device that needs to be constantly rendering high-quality 3D.
If it's anything like the Wii U the TV screen resolution will be way higher than the resolution on the tablet.
Also, what are you on? Specs aren't even out yet.
>tegra shit
>high quality 3d
3D World was actually pretty good.
Did you even play it, user?
Also, the new 3D Mario looks more than Sunshine than 3DW because of the hub world and camera angles. So there's hope.
I called it an insult to 3D Mario games.
Does this not imply I have a profound knowledge on the matter of video games? Does this not imply I'm a god damned adult that grew up with video games but didn't grow blind?
Doesn't this imply I simply got an aquired taste and learned how to view games through an objective scope? measuring it with objective terminology?
But NO! I said a BAD thing about GAME! I must have NOT played it! Now I should show PROOF because that's how backwards this fucking board is.
No I won't provide evidence and if you can't deal with it just kill you'reself.
If it has an updated mario maker port I'm in desu.
What the fuck are you going full autism about? I just asked if you played the game.
Most people who hate 3DW are people who judged it without even playing it and/or don't even own a Wii U.
ITT: concentrated shitposting autism
>d-pad meme in 2016
let it go, user
>you're just autistic I only accused you of not having played the game
Fuck off. You and I both know you're in the wrong here.
>most people who hate it just haven't played it
God fucking damnit you are so fucking delusional. I really hope you look back on your posts once you're 18 and realize how pathetic you sound.
This seems to be bait and I've clearly bitten the hook.
Sorry user, would shitpost some more with you but it's late and I'm too tired for this shit.
>accusation of not having bought the game
>accusation of being mad
>accusation of being bait
>accusation of being autistic
It checks out. Delusional people truly are their own detriment. I really hope you get over it by the time you reach your 18th year.
>you are wrong because you accused me!
Irrelevant non-argument.
That sort of deflection only works when you are trying to become the president of the USA
You are in denial and you've wrongfully accused me.
But on top of all that you're now strawmanning. Truly a detriment.
lol. It's my first post in this thread. but you are proving me right by just raising that "I'm right because you talked to me" card, that was never real. Listing fallacies names is all you are trying to do, which isn't an argument itself.
The smartest business move of Nintendo since the Wii.
This will be huge
>saving up for one.
If you have to save up for a console, maybe there's better things for you to be spending your money on. Like bread.
1. You are strawmanning
2. You don't have an argument so I can't counter it, for the same reason you didn't actually counter my argument.
Now fuck off. Don't respond to something so half-assed if you aren't the person I was talking to. You don't do that in real life either so why do it here? Starved for attention aren't we?
i quit playin nintendo a few years ago shit is so childish and gay
literally worse than the Wii U in every way, in fact much worse than the original Wii even. not to mention the godlike SNES, N64 and Gamecube
>there are still rabid fandrones out there who would gobble that shit up just because a Nintendo logo is slapped onto it
Nah, I'm done with Nintendo for the time being and sit this one out. Have fun with Virtual Boy 2.0.
>literally worse than the Wii U in every way, in fact much worse than the original Wii even. not to mention the godlike SNES, N64 and Gamecube
but why and how?
If they're releasing it right after the holiday rush, its deader than Miyamoto's creativity
After being burnt for the last few gens of hardware, and watching Nintendo pull a Saturn with the Wii U, I'mma just wait til at least a hardware revision comes out down the line and they build a list of games I decide I want, as well as a price drop or two. Nintendo has made it clear to me over the years that they're not a company to jump on the launch model, same with Xbox; There is always a better version with a better price down the line
Unrelated, but I've considered buying an Nvidia K1 to stream games from my PC, and am curious how that really works out, if anyone has experience with it.
hyped for what? more cockteasing? call me when the system is released or games are shown. until then it's a snoozefest.
>godlike gamecube
WiiU is gamecube 2.0
Tax returns are typically in april because of that hardware sales also peak around that time. Nintendo knows what they are doing
>tfw I'll never be so autistic and butthurt on the internet
Feels good.
>but why and how
Not them but how is >not enough reasons?
I honestly think you're overrating the n64 here, I mean this is just speaking of all the good games all those systems had. I really feel like the Wii has some really great fucking games and the n64 just lacks in sheer quantity of qualitative titles.
But I agree with you though, it's just a matter of semantics I disagree on. I see absolutely no market for the Switch and it's quite literally just a WiiU with less features so while they might have stepped up their marketing, it won't win them any wars. If only Nintendo made some god damn games I'd buy all their shitty forced hardware in a heartbeat, but they don't make any fucking games anymore. It's like Nintendo can't invest anymore and whatever does come out they censor and amiibo-fy. They're releasing more fucking games for smartphone by March 2017 than fucking games on 3ds. It's that fucking sad.
the only thing i'm switching to is PC
sad even Wii U is looking better than this
I think I'm the only one who's sad about the lack of real gimmicks.
Things like the double screen, touch screen, etc while not always used or used well, added a lot of potential for fun gameplay.
I can't imagine Professor Layton without a touchscreen, and almost every game that used the second screen for things like maps and menus will have to go back to cluttering the screen.
It is cutting it close, imagine the shit of trying to organize retailer numbers and delivery within 2 months. Possibly they might give info and launch window times/prices/games etc to distributors late December with a big "hush hush" on it.
Holy shit, now this is autism.
I am. First day buy to play botw. Nintendo creates the best games so it goes without saying they will deliver this time, Splatoon, Bayonetta, W101, Mario. It's true the Wii U wasn't the perfect console but it was still good compared to the Wii.
The only thing that may excuse this is that Switch is already a finished product and they're already organizing the launch. But that's unlikely.
Don't care about the gimmick. Don't even care about the console. Nintendo has always had a lock on really cool games and during the Wii U they fucking blew it.
Show me the games senpai.
There was rumours that they had started NX production well before the Switch was even unveiled.
Hyped for what?Do play the10th 15th o whatever it is mario game?
No thanks
>wii u sells 15 million consoles
>wii sells 115 million
>it goes without saying they will deliver this time
>. It's true the Wii U wasn't the perfect console but it was still good compared to the Wii.
>good compared to the Wii.
nigga stop
What is your point, user? I recommend using words.
You made my point for me. You are an idiot and are posting nonsense for attention or out of boredom or due to deep internet induced delusion.
You must wait at least 3 years for everyone to have moved on from thinking about the Wii U before you attempt to retcon how awful it was. You cannot do it now when it's still the latest Nintendo console that has been released and the stench of its failure is still fresh in our noses.
Again, user. Try using words, not memes. I still have no idea what you're talking about.
By body is ready and I'm hyped. I like the concept.
Hi Mich. How come you're not on /feg/ with us anymore? We miss you, bro.
>If it's anything like the Wii U
It's not though. The Wii U works that way because the thing rendering the gameplay is the console and it streams video to the gamepad. The Switch is the opposite, the tablet is the thing with the hardware, the dock is just AV out. The TV video will be the tablet video and at best it will be upscaled.
>can't use it in planes because it might just fall out of the window with the slightest of turns
requesting the screenshot of the original guy who thought airplanes made sharp turns. I know someone has it. It was gold.
dont bother with delusional children user, they're in the majority so they actually think they're right
the hoops these people go through when every single WiiU exclusive bar one ended up a failure for the franchise it represents. But hey. That's just an adult speaking.
/feg/got here, I'd also like to have him back. You two would have interesting chemistry
w-wasn't the w-wii u, uh, oh uhm pretty bad? w-wha why uh would this be a-a-ny different?
Because its not called Wii, the "gimmick" is a trap to attract japanese developers to make console games and nintendo is desesperate.
With WiiU, nintendo had their ego thru the roof, thinking they were apple.
Why do you guys keep calling Nintendo's actions gimmicks? For what reason? Gimmicks are not inherently bad, it is not wrong to try something new and adopt a blue ocean strategy.
I'm "saving up" for one too, in other words, putting away 10 bucks a week so when it launches it hardly cost me a thing.
I could buy 100 (literal, not figurative) of these things, but I don't like to see my savings account go down. That's why I have a savings account.
not gonna even give you a (You)
When I find out your real name, I will dig up your shitposting and the stupid incriminating shit you post, fucking report you to the court of whatever shithole country you're a lawyer of and get you disbarred you cocksucking namefag. And I'll be waiting for that day, when you screw up. It's just a matter of time. I'm watching you.
Its pretty obvious. If you think the wii u did better than the original wii in anything other than hardware you are a fool.
Consoles are like the DBZ lackeys.
There's always the pretty one (sony), the brute dumb one (microsoft) and the small one with some weird gimmick (nintendo).
The Wii worked really well for them. And if you think about it, what happened in the Wii is happening now. Remember how hyped people were for the Wii? How people raced to try one or catch a glimpse of it during E3 2006?
I really hope the potential of this thing keeps up and gets a lot of games. Back then, it was thinking of different control schemes because of motion controls. The Switch, not so much, I think.
How new are you?
The wii worked really well because the thought of controlling a video game with by moving your own body was mind-boggling at the time. It sounded like the future of gaming was closing in sooner than we thought.
So yea everyone bought one, but not many bought more than a few titles for it. Lots of good games missed out on.
Thing is, what charm does this new product have for everyone? It's literally jist a tablet that can play games. Nintendo won't be pulling wii numbers for a long long time.
What will they do?
Holy shit it's my birthday. Hyped now. gonna buy it cause MH and SMT
The Wii was 480i resolution. There is no way the switch could be worse than that.
Where'd you get the date?
Tell will tell EVERYTHING (but specs).
Games, price, launch date.
You and half of japan.
the other half will do it due pokemon
>Holy shit it's my birthday
Mine too
> gonna buy it cause MH and SMT
wait, what?
I mean, sure you can expect MH on a portable but what about SMT?
This desu.
If it has MonHun, I'm buying it no questions asked
It was confirmed for January 12th. It might be the 11th depending on your time zone.
If they have something meaningful other than Zelda. I honestly couldn't give a shit about Zelda anymore, all the new "innovations" people are losing their minds over seem like boring shit other games have had for years.
I'm unironically excited
>resolution higher than 240p
>decent graphics
>probably games
The thing is my contract ends next month and I'll have to find another job, so that's shitty. I hope it's $300.
If they gave us an actually different pokemon adventure I would buy it in a heartbeat. Or anything other than tired fucking Zelda
>he never played Super Mario 3D (land special levels/world crown level)
Nintendo could sell you one for $250 and still be on a good profit margin.
But kimishima already said he's "looking at what the gaming community wants" (while Slumping forward,rubbing hands and growing nose), and everyone is screaming $300 at him, so he will be happy to oblidge.
Zelda will have a lot of other things to do, but they're marketing the thing casuals will like about the game mostly.
>Zelda will have a lot of other things to do, but they're marketing the thing casuals will like about the game mostly.
I don't know about you but there better be fishing in this game. It's pretty comfy right now with the cooking, generally peaceful environments and shit, fishing would make it perfect
Though it is pretty funny you can fish by throwing bombs into the water and blowing the fish up.
>I turned 18 two months ago and think I am grown up
I would be surprised if there isn't fishing, given the game's nature themes and heavy emphasis on wildlife. Plus, fishing has been in previous Zelda titles, and it's hardly a difficult mechanic to implement.